Nationwide recount for the 2020 election

Update: Thank you to all for your support, it is much appreciated. This petition needs to keep moving, so I encourage all to sign this petition and any other that may come your way. Forward them to all your friends and family as well. I do believe that Trump knew this was going to happen and has a plan, but petitions like this one are the only way that, we as Americans can register our discussed. Stand with me to ensure this election is not stolen from the American people. We deserve so much more. Thank you. 


Mail in vote manipulation is evident in multiple states. Please take the time to sign this petition and then share with friends and family on social media. There are many people that are appalled with the misreprentation of the American people by ballot manipulation. 

We, the undersigned, request that our elected representatives act in accordance with the Constitution of the United States of America in a legal, impartial and expedient manner for an open hearing before the people of the United States and if such wrongdoing, illegal practices, manipulation of voting records or processes is of such a nature to indicate egregious or extensive tampering, alteration or misappropriation of the voting process that the violators be brought to justice and remedies, potentially including a nationwide audit, recall, recount or new election be imposed by your bodies. We the undersigned hereby petition all members of the Congress of the United States of America; all Senators and Members of the House of Representatives. The signers of this Petition calls on congress to immediately and without delay open a joint investigation into potential voter fraud in the Presidential Election of 2020, specifically to investigate the potential of mail in voter fraud, and also to identify and investigate all allegations of improper conduct by election officials, workers, observers, challengers and operatives and employees of both major parties concerning the voting process including intimidation, dissemination of improper information, manipulation of registration records, improper handling of actual voting ballots and, in general, any and all potential improprieties which could have led to improper or inaccurate election results. We the people demand that Congress not limit such inquiries and expect such inquiries not be limited to any particular state, precinct or district but strive to examine the voting process in any and all areas in which there is even the slightest indication of impropriety, We feel it is our patriotic duty to request such action from you, our elected officials, and your duty to respond in a responsible manner.

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