No to manual lectures and assessments, we want online lectures and assessments
Dear HOD of Mechanical Engineering
This communique serves the purpose to reject the resolutions taken in the CMC that sat resolving in that engineering must write venue based examinations and also to highlight as a memorandum of demands on our issues as mechanical engineering department.
We reject those resolutions on these reasons.
1. Student leadership of engineering which is the societies were not consulted by the above mentioned Student representatives(SRC) prior going into that CMC, they engaged on our behalf without consulting their constituency. In future student leadership must be consulted on changes in its respective department.
2. As we know that ever since we had issues with the pandemic we have adopted to online learning, and to our analysis it has come to light that the campus has been operating on its own mandate when it suits them. The latest communique issued by VC R. Songca states that we will continue online learning and assessments in a form of blended learning meaning only those that that need to be in labs will got to class for only lab assessments and experiments ,no theoretical lectures must be kept in a venue.
3. 2nd semester is where by we are being set up as for a failure, in no way A six month qualification program can be taught within 3 weeks and then expect students to go and write venue based. I'm not sure if ECSA is aware of that.
4. ECSA is not a problem of students but the problem of the university, the university in the beginning if it was competent would've introduced applicable ways of learning and assessing lecture according to the requirements of ECSA, but you did not. Now that ECSA was here you want to give a narrative of being productive when you are not at the cost of students.
5. We are in a crisis we are working agaisnt time our qualifications are under phase out period and yet the department wants to set us up for a failure,students will end up not finishing their qualifications and that will be on the departments conscious, contributing to the unemployment youth in the country.
6. We find it very difficult to understand why are we being treated differently from othe departments and faculties. Why are others allowed to write online and we as mechanical engineering in particular must write venue based assessments. Why is I.T a department within the engineering faculty writing online when in your supposed bogus CMC resolutions it said that the whole engineering must write venue based assessments.
7.why is it that lectures also within our respective department have been conducting online classes and assessments yet others are conducting their classes and lesson manually. Where is the consistency of one modus operandi within our lectures.
8. Most of our lectures in the department are not giving proper lectures as if they do not care. Some lectures are finishing chapters in 2 hour periods and moving without properly explaining. Lectures are doing and explaining worked examples in text books that are not related to how questions are asked in an exam question. Lectures just attend classes for the sake of having a register to submit so that they can get paid month end.
With that said we are in the 4th industrial revolution regarding technology and innovation we are behind as a university, we are not competing in the same light as other institutions in our beloved country. Our reputation as being backward you are proving it to be true the way you are doing things.
According to constitution of our country we have the right to access well resourced education with the highest dignity, fairness and eqaullity regardless of gender,race and qualification.
With that said we are suspending all venue based lectures, all lectures must continue online according to the timetable.
We are uncompromising of our demands because we see the unfairness of this process.
If it means we must call ECSA to campus and engage with them then so be it so that we can tell them how we as students of Butterworth are being treated and why we are demanding these issues to be solved in this manner .
We are thus giving the department 72 hours(3 days) to respond to our demands until we take further action.
Mechanical engineering Society
Mechanical Engineering Contact the author of the petition