Petition Against 14% Fee Hike at The Heritage School, Rohini

Dear Members of The Heritage School Management,


We, the parents of students at The Heritage School, Rohini, are writing to express our deep concern and disappointment regarding the recent 14% increase in school fees. This significant hike places an undue financial burden on many families, especially during these challenging times.


As dedicated parents who value education, we understand the need for the school to maintain and improve its facilities and services. However, a 14% increase in fees is excessive and does not take into account the financial constraints faced by many families.


We respectfully request the following:


1. Reconsider the 14% Fee Hike: We urge the school management to reconsider this decision and explore alternative ways to manage the school's expenses without imposing such a heavy burden on parents.


2. Transparency in Fee Structure: We request greater transparency in the allocation and utilization of funds, so parents can understand the necessity of any fee adjustments.


3. Consultation with Parents: Establish a formal dialogue with parents before making any significant changes to the fee structure, ensuring our voices and concerns are heard and considered.


We believe that a collaborative approach will benefit both the school and its community, ensuring that our children continue to receive quality education without causing financial strain on their families.


We, the undersigned, kindly request the school management to take immediate action on this matter and work with us to find a fair and reasonable solution.

By signing this petition, we demonstrate our collective stance against the fee hike and our hope for a prompt and favorable resolution.




Concerned Parents of The Heritage School, Rohini


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