

WHEREAS, Mayor Felipe Antonio B. Remollo and a majority of the City Council of Dumaguete City have publicly declared and acted on their intention to approve the Unsolicited Proposal of E.M. Cuerpo, Inc. to reclaim 174 hectares from the coastal waters of Dumaguete City;

WHEREAS, in order to facilitate the acceptance of the Unsolicited Proposal, certain applicable laws, ordinances, rules and guidelines were bypassed;

WHEREAS, the building of the proposed “5G Smart City” on the reclaimed islands will obliterate Dumaguete City’s precious life-sustaining marine and terrestrial resources in the affected areas, as well as forever alter the historic character of the city as a “University Town”;

WHEREAS, the Silliman alumni community has a stake in the future and
development of Dumaguete City as they fulfill a vital role in the cultural and socio-
economic life of Dumaguete City through the active involvement and contributions
of Silliman alumni here and abroad; and

WHEREAS, Silliman University, through its Board of Trustees, has REITERATED its “commitment to the prevention of environmental pollution, the conservation and enhancement of our natural resources, and sustainability,” and REAFFIRMED the “position of the University opposing reclamation projects along the coastline of Dumaguete, not only what is being currently proposed by the City Government, but also those that may be proposed in the future”.

WE, THE ALUMNI OF SILLIMAN UNIVERSITY WORLDWIDE, standing in solidarity with our Alma Mater, declare our resounding OPPOSITION to the proposed reclamation of 174 hectares from the coastal waters of Dumaguete City, and do hereby SIGN THIS PETITION

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