Objection to the proposed name change from Hartley Primary Academy to Leigh Academies Hartley

The proposed name change from Hartley Primary Academy to Leigh Academies Hartley is a matter of concern for many parents, carers, children and soon to be members of the HPA community. This school has been an integral part of our community in Hartley for many years. Its name carries historical significance and local pride. Changing it can potentially disrupt the identity and heritage that we have come to associate.

Moreover, there has been no clear rationale provided for this change nor any significant consultation with those who will be directly affected by it - the students, parents, teachers and local residents. A decision like this should not be made without considering their views.

We believe that preserving the name - 'Hartley Primary Academy' - is crucial in maintaining our local village history and community spirit. We urge all concerned parties to reconsider this decision.

Please sign this petition if you stand against the renaming of our beloved school.

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