Open letter to UFG and all NZ flower growers

Open letter to UFG and all NZ Flower Growers,  

We are a very concerned group of florist business owners and or operators. There is a major crises looming that doesn’t seem to be on your radar. A lot of us are fighting to survive as the extreme flower prices we are currently paying are not sustainable.

Since April last year we have seen substantial increases, some of them understandable.  But now with Mother’s Day over we expected a normalisation of prices- as every year before. Some of us will not survive winter if the prices stay at this level resulting in less business for everybody in this industry- that’s why you should all be concerned.  

We would like to outline problem areas that should URGENTLY be looked at:

1.       UFG has not enough product to sell. Why?

2.       UFG is importing very small amounts. Why?

3.       Future bids on auction sales are likely to hike prices artificially

4.       Word is out there that UFG is letting florists and or wholesalers from the Wellington and possibly Christchurch areas buy from the AKL auction

5.       Wholesalers who are buying large amounts directly from growers- some going as far as paying for their freight!

6.       Growers are not exporting currently- why did we have a shortage as experienced all through Spring/ Summer?  


Could UFG please get back to us florists via newsletter with a reply- we also would love to hear from some growers who are not members of UFG

Martina Tschirky, owner/ operator Flowerpower Northland    Contact the author of the petition

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