Petition for handing over the Slovakian Mig-29 to the Ukrainian government

    The whole world held its breath when in February 2022 Putin - Capo di
tutti Capi ordered an attack and sent airborne troops to
occupy Kyiv. He
planned a flash action like in 1968 in Czechoslovakia. Since the majority of the
civilized world could not empathize with the mind of the mafia, they did not expect
he attack, and due to the huge material superiority, glorified ruSSian army, legends
about top weapons and outdated Ukrainian equipment, it seemed lost at the
beginning. Lost - until it turned out that the Ukrainians have balls and see no
reason why they should let their homeland be destroyed and be slaughtered
by the ruSSians.
    A year has passed since then, and we all learned that ruSSian heroism 
and ruSSian armaments are not the yellow from egg.
Wherever the muziks
step, they try to commit genocide - they leave raped women and massacred
Ukrainian civilians behind. Simply the cream of the ruSSian prisons and ruSSian
society in action. But on the other hand, when the right fighters and the right
weapons stand in their way, it can be seen that the aggressors can be eliminated. In Slovakia, they had and have technology that can help Ukrainians. Let's
remember the anti-aircraft system S-300, which for months brilliantly protects
the Ukrainian sky, let's remember the Zuzana howitzer. In addition, they also
have, for example, MIG-29 aircraft in Slovakia -
which can be repaired
and deployed.
It is therefore a logical requirement to provide these to Ukrainians.
In Slovakia they are worth scrap, in Ukraine they are worth thousands of lives.
   We, the signatories of this petition, therefore call on the Government 
of the Slovak Republic to ensure the handover of all MIG-29
and accessories to the Ukrainian Army without unnecessary delay.

   The indecisive ones should also be encouraged! Putin's scaremongering 
with atomic weapons, the entry into the war with NATO and the attacks on
European countries can only be laughed at. Putin has already drawn so many
red lines that he cannot be taken seriously. Putin and ruSSia have already lost -
but the time until they give up completely needs to be shortened as much as
possible! This will end the war, this will end the need to supply arms to Ukraine,
we will ensure peace! (Furthermore, Slovak sky is protected by the Czech Republic
and THE Poland.
   Mr. Heger, Mr. Naď, all the Migs must be (urgently) handed over !

   Until the Government ensures it, there is still a collection for the delivery
of a squadron of Survey drones. See what your domestic budget allows
and if you find a free 10,- 20,- 50,- or 100,- EUR, contribute!!!

   Today Ukrainians, tomorrow the world will be grateful to you !


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