Proper compensation for the houses affected by the MUSI RIVER BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT

concerned by the government's decision to demolish all houses by and around the river MUSI,

expressing distress about the large number of people who are about to be displaced,

deeply disturbed by the lack of proper compensation,

We, the people signing this petition, would like to request the government to TRASH the MUSI RIVER BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT. 


Many people are being displaced by this project. The compensation provided is severely unfair and unfairly changes a lot of people's lives for the worst. It affects their livelihood, their jobs, their housing, their education and multiple other facets of their life. Also, there's a lot of places of religious worship which are important to the culture of the city, and the traditions of this people. Going forward with this project will only make things worse for a lot of people.

We, the people signing this petition, are aware and concerned by the government choosing to beautify a river rather than prioritize the well-being of the citizens, and this, AGREE with the trashing of the MUSI RIVER BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT. 

JANAKI BALAJI MEKA    Contact the author of the petition

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