Prosecute Brian Tamaki for breaching public health order.

Brian Tamaki publically breached the law in organising the anti lock down protest.

He selfishly acted against the public of New Zealand. He has risked the lives of the vast majority of community minded citizens.

Destiny Church has received $127,867.20 in wage subsidies from the community taxs and the community needs to send him a message that his behaviour is not acceptable.

New Zealanders have sacrificed so much, upto and including the lives of loved ones to protect our country and Brian Tamaki has used the oportunity to increase his wealth and show no regard for our sacrifices.

Support for this petition will clarify the nations efforts to protect against Covid 19, to work together as a community of 5 million and save the lives of our families and our livelyhoods.

The government must inact the laws they put in place to protect against us against terrorists like Brian Tamaki and organistions like Destany Church. Scott  

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