Reclassification of resort areas in Egypt as safe

People who love Egypt, our compatriots who want to travel!


We ask you to support our petition with your signature that the Government of Hungary and the competent authorities consider reclassifying Egypt's resort areas from the current prohibited (red) classification to the permitted (green) zone.

We are aware of this and fully agree that the primary task of the country's leaders and commissioned staff is to ensure the security of the Hungarian people. It is difficult to determine where to draw the line, but the current rules are clearly too strict, does not take into account of the actual situation in the areas concerned. This is also evidenced by the fact that the original regulation has already been supplemented with the possibility to designate differently classified zones within countries.

We want to make a positive change as soon as possible on the transformation of Egypt’s three major resort areas, Hurghada, Sharm el Sheikh and Marsa Alam, into green zones. This is also in line with reciprocity, as Hungarian citizens can travel here without restrictions.

People are tired of the ordeals of the recent months, they need to rest, relax, recharge to prepare for the expected difficult period ahead. The safe Egyptian resorts provide an excellent opportunity for this, but under current regulations, travel is unfortunately not possible.
For travel in this destination very much interest this is proven by the flights are become full in a matter of secound.

346/2020 VII.15 statute, issued on 15 July 2020 '(5) If a country is marked with a yellow or red mark but the current level of infection in an administrative area is low, the national chief medical officer may, in a decision under paragraph (2) classify that administrative area with a green mark.

Decision makers are asked to ensure the possibility of departure and quarantine exemption opportunity upon return home. A very quick decision is needed, only a few weeks are left for the holiday.

WTTC has classified Egypt as safe

Measures taken by Egypt on hotels

Measures taken by Egypt on flights

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