
To the Eminent Cardinals of Pre-2013 Appointment - Secretariat of State - Vatican City"

With his alleged “resignation” on 11 February 2013, Pope Benedict XVI never abdicated, as demonstrated by the three-year-long “Ratzinger Code” investigation (see multilingual website @ ) supported by Renowned Latinists, Church Historians, Magistrates, Canonists, Jurists and Philosophers. Pope Benedict, forced out of the way by international pressures and an internal Church faction (the so-called “St. Gallen Mafia”), following in the footsteps of the One of whom he was Vicar, “freely offered himself” for his dethronement, allowing himself to be placed in a 'totally impeded See' (canons 412 and 335) by the convocation of an illegitimate conclave.  This canonical situation protected him, making him the only true pope until his death, while at the same time making Jorge Mario Bergoglio anti-pope from the start. In fact, no pope can be legally elected while the previous one is not regularly abdicated, but impeded. The apostolic constitution Universi Dominici Gregis states (art. 76 and 77) that if the vacancy of the See due to the Pope's abdication has not taken place in accordance with canon 332.2 (which requires the renunciation of the Petrine Munus), "the election is for this very reason null and void, without any declaration being made in this regard, and therefore confers no right on the person elected". Pope Benedict, in his Declaratio, never renounced the Petrine Munus, but only "prophesied" his imminent renunciation of the ministerium (never ratified, after all): this situation can occur, precisely, only through an Impeded See. The Petrine line of succession is therefore interrupted, the Church finds itself (for the first time in history) in a state of undeclared Vacant See. The world has been without a Pope since December 31st and, for the first time in 2000 years, it has not been understood that the last Pontiff is dead. Antipope Francis, lacking the Petrine munus and therefore - from a faith perspective - the assistance of the Holy Spirit, is visibly taking steps to overthrow the Catholic faith from its roots.  This situation, in addition to being a tragedy for believers and laying the foundations for an anti-papal succession (should non-cardinals of Bergoglian appointment take part in the next conclave), entails serious risks for the entire world, and especially for Italy. We therefore ask the Eminences Cardinals - exclusively of pre-2013 appointment - who already, de facto, with the invalid conclave, protected the Holy Father Benedict by preserving him as legitimate pope, to intervene to dutifully protect the rights of the Apostolic See, (as per Art. 3 U.D.G.), ACKNOWLEDGING THE IMPEDITED SEAT of Pope Benedict XVI, declaring the DEATH OF THE POPE on 31 December 2022 and proceeding to the immediate CONVOCATION OF THE CONCLAVE for the election of a new legitimate Pontiff.

Details: "Dies Irae": this (17 minutes) illustrates the perfection of the canonical dynamic by which Pope Benedict had himself placed in the "totally impeded See" in order to remain the true pope and thus schism Cardinal Bergoglio from the outset.    

"Intelligenti pauca": in the second documentary, (16 minutes), it is shown how Pope Benedict, over the course of nine years of impediment, made us understand the canonical situation with a series of unequivocal messages. 

“Redde rationem”: in the third documentary (9 minutes) it is shown how the Universi Dominici Gregis was set up exactly to get out of the present situation.       

Dr. Andrea Cionci, journalist; Arbitrium Association - legal first aid for the protection of inviolable rights; World Organization for Life (Judge Angelo Giorgianni secretary general)    Contact the author of the petition

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