Recognize Armando Galarraga’s Perfect Game: Justice for a Historic Achievement


On June 2, 2010, Detroit Tigers pitcher Armando Galarraga delivered one of the most extraordinary performances in Major League Baseball history, retiring 28 consecutive batters in what should have been a perfect game. A missed call by umpire Jim Joyce on the final out of the game cost Galarraga his place in the record books. Both Joyce and video evidence confirmed the error, and while MLB has since implemented expanded replay systems to prevent such mistakes, Galarraga’s achievement remains unrecognized.

This is not a plea to overturn the result of the game, but a call for Major League Baseball to honor Galarraga’s remarkable performance by officially recognizing his effort as a perfect game. His composure and sportsmanship in the face of this heartbreak are exemplary, embodying the very best of baseball's values: integrity, fairness, and respect for the game.

Recognizing this achievement would send a powerful message to players, fans, and the broader sports community. It would show that MLB stands for equity, celebrates its players’ accomplishments, and has the courage to correct historical oversights when the evidence is clear and compelling.

Armando Galarraga’s humility and grace in this situation have left a lasting impact on baseball, inspiring countless players and fans alike. Now, it is time for MLB to do what is right and officially add his name to the list of perfect games.

Join us in urging Commissioner Robert D. Manfred, Jr., and Major League Baseball to recognize Armando Galarraga’s perfect game. Let’s honor this historic achievement and reinforce the values that make baseball great.

Call to Action:

Sign this petition to show your support for fairness, integrity, and honoring the legacy of Armando Galarraga. Together, we can ensure that his extraordinary performance receives the recognition it deserves.

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