Regina Mundi privatization


To        Education Ministry PED

Cc.       Bishop

Date     20 May 2023

Subject: The move to privatize Regina Mundi High School Gweru.

We as Regina Mundi parents would like to plead with the education ministry and BIshop on the move proposed to change the schools status to a private school.

With the current economic conditions and hardship our country face. We the parents feel that we have been boycotted and caught off guard with this move.  According to the meeting held on the 7th of May 2023, the parents were shocked to be informed that with effect from any day the school will be officially deemed a private school by Mr Chirikadzi. He stated that as and when the documents are signed everyone will have to top up fees for second term to 1250 usd. As it is parents have been told that fees will only be accepted in USD. Nevermind the fact that we have been paying unapproved fees since 2020 the school moved to instruct parents to now pay fees in usd they will not accept and recognize Rtgs as a form of payment. As it is now the day scholars pay a whooping 600 USD while boarders pay  more than 700 usd.  Besides this hefty fee we have been paying we feel that the school does not take into account or consider how much the parents have tried to work with the school for the betterment of the girl child. The school admistration together with the Sdc have clearly showed us that they are in it for the money.


As parents we do hereby seek to block this privazation as we feel Regina Mundi was a school built by the community for the community, with the community at heart.  We also understand that blocking this maybe out of our hands since the school belongs to the church. We therefore also propose that if the school goes private let the privatization be transitional. By this we mean it must not affect old students but rather news students who come in when its legally a private school since the old students came knowing fully well that this was a mission school within their budget. We feel its not fair to expect parents who are already struggling to pay 700 to be found stranded.  Thirdly we also propose that if the school claims it cant manage private students mixed with mission student we suggest strongly that the government help us by to holding thei privazation status until end of this year. The school  should only be allowed to change and start running as a private school as from January 2024. This will allow parents to comfortably move their children without stressing and drastically disturbing the girl child.




Worried stressed concerned

Mundi parents