Requesting Tauranga City Council GOVERNANCE RESHUFFLE, revisit remuneration

This present Council triennial (Oct 2019), NOW approaching 8 months, under the guidance and instruction of Mayor Tenby Powell, Tauranga City Council 'governance' has been fraught with division and significant unhealthy relationship issues, Code of Conduct breaches, between Mayor Tenby Powell and selected Councillors, between councillors and between selected community members.
Never has Tauranga City Council Governance been held with such universally low respect, with community confidence plummeting (Feb/March 2020 Council community survey CLICK: Survey ) 96678221_4481007428591904_547808449946189824_o.jpgA significant contributor to this negative outcome is the initial process and outcomes championed by Mayor Tenby Powell in regards Councillor Committee appointments and extensive remuneration variables, again a significant departure from 'good practice' as previously applied by Tauranga City Council governance over many years and local authorities throughout NZ by majority.

      1) Petitioners seek alternative nominations for the role of Deputy Mayor.
The Deputy Mayor appointment of Larry Baldock, with his excessive remuneration package, was destined to inflame many, within Council and within the community following high profile Bella Vista, No.11 gift to the Otamataha Trust, Museum and other contentious TCC matters. Deputy Mayor Larry Baldock has brought the role in to disrepute on a number of occasions, not the least, most recently, his successful efforts to undermine fellow councillors speaking rights and secure a 'seemingly predetermined' outcome regarding an $11 million Elizabeth Street upgrade. 
Note: Petitioners consider 'gender balance' would better reflect our community and note the now proven integrity, independent community commitment and skill-sets demonstrated by Cr Dawn Kiddie.bopts_001a.jpg
      2) Petitioners request the Mayor and Councillors revisit and reallocate as considered appropriate (evidence based) committee chair, deputy chair appointees, external community representation, to include a mind-set of inclusiveness and succession planning. 

      3) Petitioners request the Mayor and Councillors revisit the excessive and divisive income variables for Councillors. The present allocations to NOT fairly reflect workloads, responsibilities, or experience, serving to divide and undermine the governance of Tauranga City.

      4) Petitioners request the Mayor and Councillors revisit Elected Member 'Code of Conduct' and elected members 'expenses and Mayor's credit card' monthly public disclosure. There is, seemingly, elected member resistance to timely and transparent public disclosure.

As 8 months tenure approaches it is 'good practice', and the previous practice of Tauranga City Council, to revisit Elected Member Committee appointments, representation and remuneration following initial appointment decisions at the beginning of a new triennial.  


Mayor Tenby Powell campaigned as a 'key plank'...

Effective Leadership, saying ...
I bring three proven Leadership strengths to Tauranga as your Mayor:

● Strategic planning ability and a good understanding of large project management;

● A collaborative leadership style with past experience as a cultural change agent;

● An ability to develop high-performing teams. Tauranga City Council has lacked leadership. Together, with the new Chief Executive, I believe we have the ability to transform the culture of the Tauranga City Council into a customer service orientated organisation which delivers on its promises. This won’t happen overnight, but it will happen.

Mayor Tenby Powell 
CLICK: Mayor Tenby Powell Website - Vision

I would pursue improvements to our democracy by initiating regular surveys sent out with rates and water bills to better understand your opinion to guide Council’s decision making on our city’s future. I also believe that in a good democracy everyone needs to know how Councilors vote.

Murray Guy - Tauranga City Residents and Ratepayers    Contact the author of the petition

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