Requesting to Close the Shia Center (Resalat Islamic Community) in Helsinki

Requesting assistance and companionship from Finnish politicians and citizens who value human rights, democracy, secularism, freedom of choice, equal rights, and gender equality.  It is our mission to close the Shia center (Resalat) in Helsinki because, we know that the Shia centers and mosques in European countries are linked to the Islamic Republic of Iran's embassies and diplomats. This means Shia mosques are collaborating with a governmental regime that for decades, and especially in the recent weeks, have been committing crimes against humanity by killing Iranian schoolchildren, torturing citizens, imprisoning university students, and suppressing anti-clerical protestors. The Islamic Republic has been responsible for the deaths of many innocent children. It is time we speak in word against this form of tyranny.

Islamic Republic's policies have continuously been grounded upon oppression and terror of its citizens. Currently, freedom-loving people all over the world are involved in unique demonstrations and gatherings, with the aim to support the Iranian people and to reject the hateful teachings and culture of the Islamic Republic that has occupied Iran for some 44 years against the will of the majority. On the other hand, aligned with the Islamic Republic's policies inside Iran, the regime is using its mercenaries and spies to identify and silence their opponents abroad.

Shia mosques in various European countries are operational centers and intelligence gathering centers for those employed mercenaries and spies to pass on information to the Islamic Republic's embassies and consulates. A Shia Center, called Resalat Islamic Community in Helsinki is one of these centers. 

We, the signatories to this letter, in support of justice, human rights, democracy and backing for the people residing in Iran, request the government of Finland to close this Islamic Republic espionage center known as, Resalat Islamic Community.

Finland has continuously been a great supporter and advocate of human rights; Finnish people are freedom loving who rate freedom of speech and human rights as their core values. Therefore, the existence of the Helsinki Shia center, which is linked to the evil-wrongful anti-women and anti-youth regime inside Iran, is in contradiction and conflict with the values shared amongst the loving Finnish people. 

Thank you to all who have signed this petition, and a special thanks to the benevolent Finnish political authorities.Woman, Life, Freedom

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