Save ANNE at The Hudson

Hello Hudson Residents,


I recieved a bit more information pertianing to Anne and Icon Managment.


  • The Board has decided with a vote of 3 to 2 (3 voted in favor, 2 against) that they would fire Icon, which meant that Anne would have to leave us as well.
  • Icon's and Anne's last day will be Feb 8 (if we don't do anything!!)
  • The Board Members who voted YES to firing Icon/Anne can still change their vote! And we have the ability to sway their opinion if enough of us come together and request a meeting so that we can voice our opinions on why Anne should stay
  • George, who is our current Property Manager, has confirmed that if Icon stays, he is willing to let Anne take over his role and will personally make sure she is trained by himself and his co-workers
  • They hired a new property managment company that is apparently the same cost as Icon, therefore, this is not a cost-saving initiative and new, unknown people will be coming in to manage our property
  • Ultimatey our experience with a property managment company is dictated solely on our relationship with the Property Manager - the actual company makes little difference and they are all the same. The person who decides if our expereince is good or bad is the Property Manager, which is why this role is so integral and why it's so important that we have someone we TRUST, RESPECT and is PASSIONATE about The Hudson (I don't know anyone who fits this role better than Anne!


  • All we need to do is get 15% (42 owners) of the The Hudson to sign a petition saying that they want to hold an Owners Meeting on this subject. 
  • If we get enough signatures we can have a virtual meeting with The Board and we can make our case as to why we want to keep Anne on
  • 1 of the 3 members who voted YES to firing Icon will have to change their mind and vote NO if we want to reverse this decision --> this is not guarenteed but I think we should try everything we can to fight for Anne


So I am asking all owners to please sign this Petition so that this virtual meeting can take place and we can have a say in who runs our Building. By going with a new managment company, we run this risk of getting a Property Manager who doesn't care about The Hudson -- I honestly beleive we will never find someone who cares so deeply about this building and its residents the way Anne does. 

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