Save Cowes Primary School from closure

We need your help! Isle of Wight council are considering the closure of Cowes primary school.

Based in West Cowes this fantastic school is at the heart of the community and plays an incredibly important role in our children’s lives and future.

It has been rated Good across the board by Ofsted since the year 2000!

It would be devastating for the children , parents , and the amazing passionate staff if the school was to close.

Please help us to keep the school open by signing our petition , it would be greatly appreciated.


If the closure happens, the Isle of Wight council have proposed to send all the children to Gurnard Primary School. Gurnard Primary School is already at full capacity, the closure will not only impact the Cowes Primary School Children, staff, parents and support network but also the Gurnard Primary School Children, staff, parents and support network due to the increased class sizes. Gurnard Primary would have over 500 children once completed. 

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