Save Kim the little Jack Russell from Roscommon

This petition is to revoke a district court and judge order to euthanize Kim a friendly jack russell who made one single minor "mistake".
A couple of months ago Kim a little 5 yr old jack russell terrier nipped one woman passing by outside Donal’s house. She had been lying in the sun at the front of house on the grass when strangers arrived on the road and she ran out and nipped the woman on the leg.
Kim means a lot to her owner, he has nursed her back to health after she broke her legs, she sleeps on his bed and has no history of biting or other unruly behaviour, she goes to dog shows and is a perfectly behaved little dog, who just got a fright that day and made one single mistake which should not cost her her life.
Her owner's pleas to compensate the woman have fallen on deaf ears and that an order for Kim to be put down was granted.
A sentence of euthanasia for one minor little incident is like a life sentence for a child who stole one lollipop from a shop.
It is drastic, absolutely unacceptable and unnecessary as well as extremely cruel and completely lacking of empathy and compassion towards an older person who loves his one and only companion.
Link to the full interview including video :


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