Preserve St. Kessogs: A Community’s Plea


Title: Preserve St. Kessogs: A Community’s Plea 

To Whom It May Concern

We, the undersigned residents of Callander, come together to express our collective commitment to preserving St. Kessogs, a historic and culturally significant building located at the heart of Ancaster Square. This majestic structure is not only an architectural gem but also a central hub for business and community activities in Callander, the "Gateway to the Highlands."

Heritage and History: : St. Kessogs has been a cornerstone of our community for generations, hosting numerous weddings, baptisms, and gatherings. Its beautiful façade and stained-glass windows are a testament to our rich history and cultural heritage. The building's location at the center of our town underscores its importance as a community landmark.

Location and Community Importance: Situated in the geographical center of Callander, St. Kessogs stands prominently at the head of Ancaster Square. Its iconic presence in the heart of our town makes it a vital part of our community landscape. This location has historically served as a gathering point for residents and visitors alike, fostering a sense of unity and communal spirit.

 Our Commitment: By signing this petition, we pledge our support to any initiatives or ancillary petitions aimed at preserving St. Kessogs, as historic and culturally significant community asset located at the heart of Ancaster Square, this would include any plan to take sustainable control or ownership of St. Kessogs, and / or any application seeking necessary information regarding its preservation. We believe that St. Kessogs deserves to be treated with the respect and care befitting a building of its economic, historical and cultural significance.

Goals: To advocate for the preservation and revitalization of St. Kessogs as a central hub for community, culture, and commerce in Callander. To develop a sustainable plan for managing St. Kessogs, ensuring it remains a self-sustaining asset that benefits the community. To engage with local authorities, businesses, and organizations in a collaborative effort to restore and maintain St. Kessogs.

Should we be unable to develop a self-sustaining business plan for the community development of St. Kessogs, we, the community, insist on having input into the final disposition of the building.

Call to Action: We urge all community members and supporters to join us in this effort by signing this petition. Your signature signifies your commitment to preserving St. Kessogs and supporting future actions to ensure its continued presence and vitality in Callander. Together, we can ensure that St. Kessogs remains a cherished and integral part of our community’s heritage and future.


[Sign the Petition]


Loucas George, Chair, Save St. Kessogs Sub-Commitee, Callander Community Council    Contact the author of the petition

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