SAY NO TO WIND POWER IN SVARTÅDALEN! (Black River Valley - Sweden)

Sign this form to stop the company Galileo Green Energy / GGE Empower Sweden AB from establishing a wind power industry in The Black River Valley ('Svartådalen' - Sweden).

Image below illustrates the intended area in question:


'Svartådalen' is a real natural gem in Västmanland County (middle Sweden). The area extends from the source flows of the Svartån in Norberg municipality to the river's outlet in Lake Mälaren in Västerås. The river with its meandering free flow connects a lake system that floods the flat landscape every year. The valley passes villages i.a. Västerfärnebo, Fläckebo and Skultuna.

Here in 'Svartådalen' are some of Europe's richest natural environments!

The floods form vast wetlands that fertilize the soil with nutrient-rich water and create an environment teeming with important biodiversity. The area's species-rich flora and fauna have meant that 'Svartådalen' is protected according to RAMSAR (Convention on Wetlands of International Importance) and is in parts nature reserves, Natura 2000 areas and part of the Lower Dalälven Biosphere Reserve. In the forests around Svartådalen, we find playing grouse in the spring. There are also several nesting eagles and other red-listed species here.

'Svartådalen' is not only a source of wealth for clean air, water, silence, nature and wildlife. Svartådalen has also been an important foundation for the region's prosperity throughout the ages. The region has long been known for its valuable agricultural landscape, local food producers and has a very active nature tourism industry that attracts people from all over the world. Svartådalen is singled out by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency as of national interest for outdoor life because of its good conditions for people's stay and experiences in its unique natural and cultural landscape.

Wind energy must not come at the expense of nature and biological diversity. Green transition is only green if it takes place ecologically responsibly. With reference to the area's high natural and cultural values, an industrial wind farm, classified as environmentally hazardous is not suitable in Svartådalen's natural and cultural landscape!

Svartådalen's slogan is:
"... The open view - The light - The calm ..."

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