Say yes to 130 ECTS credits in archaeology in the BA program at UiT!

The past in the North is little explored. Give the future the opportunity to learn more through a continued strong archaeology education at UiT! Support the inclusion of 130 ECTS credits in archaeology in the BA program at UiT!

On December 19, the university board at UiT - The Arctic University of Norway will consider the study portfolio case. This entails a reduction of 30% at the bachelor's level and 20% at the master's level.

This will severely impact the archaeology education at UiT. We are placed in a group where our BA students can take a maximum of 100 credits in archaeology, approximately 1.5 years.

The academic community in archaeology has strongly argued that we should be included in the exception group along with STEM and language subjects at 130 credits, approximately 2 years.

Our voice has not been heard.

Sign the petition and help us convey that archaeology students need to learn theory, methodology, and cultural history. You could argue that our discipline is similar to, for example, history. However, our students must also learn a craft: excavating, analyzing artifacts, and developing skills in digital documentation techniques. All of this cannot be adequately learned in just 1.5 years!

Gørill Nilsen, professor i arkeologi ved UiT    Contact the author of the petition

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