School Zone Signage and Speed Reduction for Ngunguru Primary School


To the Whangārei District Council Members,

We, the community members and whānau of Ngunguru Primary School, urge the Whangārei District Council to improve signage and reduce speed limit near Ngunguru School in the interests of our tamariki and their safety.

The only way to walk to Ngunguru School is along Ngunguru Road. The turnoff from Ngunguru Road to Te Maika Road is currently an unavoidable safety hazard for any child or staff member walking to or from Ngunguru School. This road is narrow and lacks reinforced barriers between the sidewalk and main road. Drivers regularly exceed the posted speed limit and put our tamariki — who navigate the narrow footpath on bikes, scooters, and on foot  — at risk each morning and afternoon.

To reduce this risk, the Council should immediately install: 1) visible signage warning motorists that they are in a school zone and 2) a speed reduction zone during school drop off and pickup times. Having these immediate upgrades would be consistent with what other local schools currently have.

It is the Council’s responsibility to ensure that infrastructure is in place to keep our tamariki safe.

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