This local office provides vital services to my constituents and the DWP are putting communities at risk.(Glasgow, 2017-01-26)
As a local Councillor for the Lomond Ward of West Dunbartonshire Council, I know that a great many of my constituents rely on the Job Centre for a wide range of services. For some, travel to Dumbarton would make their lives extremely difficult, particularly given the DWP's aggressive sanctioning regime.(Alexandria, 2017-01-26)
This is an unacceptable proposal from the DWP and must be stopped!(Alexandria, 2017-01-26)
DWP should be enhancing service provision, not reducing it and impacting negatively on our communities.(Clydebank, 2017-01-26)
This is a vital part of the community(CLYDEBANK, 2017-01-26)
JOBS ARE WORTH SAVING.(Dumbarton, 2017-01-26)
There remains a continuing local requirement for ready access to this jobcentre that minimises travel and costs for the local people requiring its services.(Alexandria, 2017-01-26)
Working in the area and often help people with claiming benefit this is going to affect the poorest in our society particularly having to travel further afield to fulfil their job hunting requirements and using the little income they get to do so(Clydebank, 2017-01-26)
Shocking decision. Stepping all over the most vulnerable in our society yet again.(Alexandria, 2017-01-26)
JCP Alexandria has the nicest of people the DWP could employ. They could teach those who make DWP policies a lesson in approachability and humanity.(Alexandria, 2017-01-26)
we desperately need a job centre(west dunbartonshire, 2017-01-26)
As I think it's rediculous closing the Alexandria job centre this will make it hard for people to make on time for appointments or signing on times(Alexandria, 2017-01-26)
I'm signing because this is a vital service to the local Alexa Dora community particularly when we are trying to encourage people into employment. Also with the introduction of universal credit the DWP can't expect people in Alexandria to attend job centres further afield when they have to wait 6 weeks for a payment.(Dumbarton, 2017-01-26)
This decision is another blatant hardship forced upon struggling communities by the UK government. There are people working there that have literally been the difference in people's lives and they deserve better than this...if this UK govt can treat their own civil servants this way, it doesn't bode well for the rest of us!(Alexandria, 2017-01-26)
The consequencies will be detrimental to those from Alexandria who through no fault of their own rely on such services.We should be deciding how to budget and finance things ourselves and not be dictated to from another capital.(Glasgow, 2017-01-26)
A local job centre is a vital facility in a community with high unemployment. logistically it serves people in our rural communities, how will their needs be met?(Balloch, 2017-01-26)
I dont think this appropriate as lots of people rely on this Jobcentre.(Alexandria, 2017-01-26)
There is no way people can travel to Dumbarton without expense and time. Not acceptable!(Glasgow, 2017-01-26)
This centre is needed for this area(Alexandria, 2017-01-26)
Vital services need for the vale dunbarton is not easy to get to(Alexandria, 2017-01-26)
Closing this job centre would be immoral and irresponsible. In an area of high unemployment and deprivation, people will have to travel to Dumbarton. This will cause additional financial costs and if / when there are issues with public transport, there could be sanctions.(Alexandria, 2017-01-26)
I know that local transport is not great, and local poverty is high. More people will be late to appointments, increasing sanctions. These cuts are just a way to increase sanctions on the people who can least afford it. If you want folks to work, give them easy access to the means - and that especially includes the Jobcentre!(Dumbarton, 2017-01-26)
I am absolutely disgusted at the Tory's attitude to some of the most vulnerable people in the UK. These people already have problems to face in daily life. They do not need any more difficulties, or stress. It is high time that they got the help and support they needed to enable them to have a better life and more positive future. The Government have caused many of the problems with their austerity measures and constant cuts. Time to get off their high horse and show some respect and a lot more consideration(Dumbarton, 2017-01-26)
I think we need our job center ,I don't always have the money or fare to get there but I can always walk from my house ,but if they close the alexandria office, and I had no money to get to Dumbarton i would be sanctioned with very little money and things are hard to get as it is without putting anymore stress on to us(balloch, 2017-01-26)
People are already suffering severe poverty and inequality in Alexandria.Havi g to travel to Dumbarton Job Centre would have a severe impact on people already struggling. People with children, disabilities and many other vulnerable groups, will be further caught up in the Conservative Governments austerity plans, which take no account of the feelings and social impact this has on the unemployed and the sick and parents. Sanctions will be used further due to people being late or unable to attend appointments due to travel problems. Disgusting.(Alexandria, 2017-01-26)
This area of deprivation does not need additional obstacles put in place when we have a job centre in dumbarton who sanction clients if not in waiting room ten mins before appointments. Transport not cheap or reliable. Heartless decision(Dumbarton, 2017-01-26)
Ppl need these facilities(Alexandria, 2017-01-26)
It's a disgrace and an affront the way the sick disabled, unemployed and disadvantaged people are treated throughout the UK shame on this Westminster Government.(Bonhill, 2017-01-26)
How do people on benefits afford fares to another town, how are the sick and disabled supposed to travel??? Beggars belief(West Dunbartonshire, 2017-01-26)
Sick of services being cut in The Vale area.(Alexandria, 2017-01-26)
If the Alexandria job centre this is yet another example of a Westminster government sticking the knife into Scotland back, Scotland need the resources where the people can use them, this is yet putting another obstacle in the way of finding work and other services.(Alexandria, 2017-01-26)
People who use job centres cannot afford to travel further afield to access one(Dumbarton, 2017-01-26)
We are already poor, gies a break... seriously talk about kicking a community when its down.(Alexandria, 2017-01-26)
People signing on will have to travel to Dumbarton & will cost them money they don't have.(Alexandria, 2017-01-26)
Thus is absolutely appalling.(Dumbarton, 2017-01-26)
its ridiculous to expect people on very low benefits/income to pay travel expenses to sign on(alexandria, 2017-01-26)
This is just so wrong. Totally unjustifiable.(Alexandria, 2017-01-26)
The staff have been really good to my daughter(Renton, 2017-01-26)
The community of Alexandria is a vulnerable already. With local people having to travel and spend the money they don't have on transport, closing the job centre is only going to further the growing problem of poverty. Please keep the job centre open.(Glasgow, 2017-01-26)
Once again, the most vulnerable in our society are unfairly treated by WM Tories(Alexandria, 2017-01-26)
I don't think the decision is the right one for a community like Alexandria where unemployment is high and many families are dependent on food banks.(Dumbarton, 2017-01-26)
After great physical and emotional difficulties, just managing to attend appointments in the Vale is hard enough without having to add to my anxiety thinking about finding the next jobcentre. My doc and meds arnt enough to fix these changes(West dumbartonshire, 2017-01-26)
I am tired of forced austerity.(Dumbarton, 2017-01-26)
local service for vale folk essential(g83, 2017-01-26)
Jobseekers should have optimum opportunities to find work, closing a jobcentre is contrary to the goal of them finding employment.(CLYDEBANK, 2017-01-26)
I am sighing this petition as i am disabled and still have to use the job centre. I am absolutely disgusted as that will be another service taken away from this area from Westminster(West Dunbartonshire, 2017-01-27)
What a joke then it will be dumbarton and forcing folk to travel to clydebank which costs 4.50 on a bus whos pay that(Alexandtia, 2017-01-27)
People need local service and Dumbarton is not local. THere will be frictions between Alexndria and Dumbarton younger people in the Dumbarton jobcentre, this has been ongoing for years(Alexandria, 2017-01-27)
It is essential to have an open Job Centre as near as possible to those who require its services. Unemployment rates in West Dunbartonshire, including Alexandria, require local Job Centres and their services, to be available, especially to those people who are unable to afford transport costs to the next nearest Job Centre.(DUMBARTON, 2017-01-27)
As a former support worker at a local young person's homeless unit in Alexandria and a postgraduate student researching youth homelessness, I find the proposed closure of this Job Centre location very troubling. Young people in homeless care must sign on for JSA to continue their stay at the project. After rent deductions they are left with around £30 a week to pay for food, clothing, toiletries, and travel. Spending £3 or more a week travelling to Dumbarton to make appointments may not seem like a big ask, but for someone on a substantially lower income, this figure could be considered detrimental.Anyone with any knowledge or experience of poverty, rife in West Dunbartonshire it should be noted, understands what a colossal mistake the closing of Job Centres across the country is. Nothing more than deliberate, heartless, ideological attacks against the poor.
(Glasgow, 2017-01-27)
I think its ludicrious that given the current state of society that you decide to close a vital service within the local community, when poverty is rife and people are struggling, they will be forced into deeper poverty to attend appointments when money is scarce, paying for transport is going to cause greater poverty with expensive fares to attend appointments this is will increase sanctions and increased damage to individuals rather than save the local purse, i urge you to rethink your decision(West Dunbartonshire, 2017-01-27)
I find it abhorent that this new assault on vulnerable people is being planned and Iwill do all I can to prevent it from happening.(Alexandria, 2017-01-27)
Apart from the real inconvenience to Alexandria residents, closing Government offices at the rate our Westminster elite are doing, will surely help to increase the number of unemployed.(Dumbarton, 2017-01-27)
By closing this office you will increase the distance people have to travel in order to use this service which will increase the cahances that those who need this the service will lose it because the risk of sanctions against them will increase because of the greater distance they will have to travel(Clydebank, 2017-01-27)
It is yet another attack on the poorest in our society(Alexandria., 2017-01-27)
The situation for those in this position is bad enough with out making matters worse.(North Berwick, 2017-01-27)
It is completely unacceptable that Alexandria jobcentre is closing this will likely result in me facing sanctions as I may not be able to afford the £100 per year it will cost me to travel to Dumbarton!(Alexandria, 2017-01-27)
Job centres are there to help the most vulnerable in our society...these closures are just another removal of support network for them.(Clydebank, 2017-01-27)
This is being done with no regard to the needs of the local populace, but then, we know that this government just doesn't care.(Clydebank, 2017-01-27)
Closing jobcentres is an absolute disgrace and will make things even more difficult for the unemployed and will result in more unjustified sanctions!!(Glasgow, 2017-01-27)
This is avital service for this area. Closure will mean that those on benefits will have to pay more money that they can ill afford whilst on benefits(Alexandria, 2017-01-27)
How the hell are people going to be able to sign on if they cannot afford the fare to Dumbarton? If they are late or can't afford the travel costs then they get sanctions. ..or is that the idea? Shame on this disgusting plan.(dumbarton, 2017-01-27)
This centre is needed as it serves a large area of Vale of Leven and beyond. To close it would be madness.(Alexandria, 2017-01-27)
Things are hard enough for the disadvantaged, with the sanctions etc, without making it worse!(Glasgow, 2017-01-28)
The statement issued by the DWP says that 'claimants will be reimbursed first travel over and above their fortnightly signings' which means that out of £57 per week for an under 25 and £73 for over 25 £3.50 would have to be used for signing on as normal. In addition to this public transport in Vale and Dumbarton is not reliable. Claimants could easily be late for an appointment with their Job Coach and that means they will be sanctioned. These people rely on food banks to supplement an income that is impossible to live on. This cannot be allowed to happen!(DUMBARTON, 2017-01-28)
There is no Future with a Westminster government, Only Poverty and evictions.(Montrose Angus, 2017-01-28)
DWP are showing absolutely no regard for the client they are their to serve(Glasgow, 2017-01-28)
Another scandal. Ordinary people treated with contempt. Government just don't care(Alexandria, 2017-01-28)
This is another Tory dirty political trick to further disadvantage people who are in need of help through no fault of their own. there is no compassion by westminster and their neo fascist governance.(ALEXANDRIA, 2017-01-28)
people having to attend jobcentres will be in financial difficulties in the first place without having to find extra for travel(Alexandria, 2017-01-28)
I'm from Alexandria and although I do not have to use the local job centre it necessary in the Alexandria area(Alexandria, 2017-01-29)