Help fight against prospecting rights at Hartbeesfontein, Kransberg Mountain Range!



I don't want LEGAE mine to destroy our peaceful and beautiful home.

Marilise Visser (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-21)


We want to preserve this beautifull mountains which important part from Thabazimbi. There are vulnarable Cape Vultures habitat in these nountains and makes part of Marakele National Park. Mining will destroy this essential land which we need to preserve.

Gert Visser (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-21)


This is a family farm that has been touching so many lives, kids can still be kids on the farm, the game, the ecosystem and clean fresh air

Christa NEL (KRUGERSDORP, 2023-08-22)


I am an owner of land on the "Affected Area" and the time has to "to cry for help" to every nature lover, every tourist, every person that believe in the beauty of the world.
Please stand up and help to protect this very piece of jewel, which is part and parcel of the bigger environment nestled in the Waterberg.
This piece of land was protected by us for almost 150 years and more, for the whole world to share and bath in its beauty, only now to ripped open to powder and dust by a few greedy entities, acting without thinking what they are doing and the consequences of their actions.
It is the right thing to do to stop the devastation of mining that is ripping through our country, not only here but through-out South-Africa, to give the greedy another thirty sickles.

Johan Grobler (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-22)


Mining in the Kransberg will destroy our other resources in the srea of which water, tourism, the largest colony of Cape Vultures in South Africa is the main problems. Please donot alliw mining to take place in the area!

Helene Steenekamp (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-22)


I concur with the above statement as we are staying here. This is a beautiful and delicate ecosystem that needs to be preserved for future generations .

Trudie Brink (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-22)


We are staying here and have a business that work with tourism.

Gustav Brink (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-22)


I love the mountains and it is a tourism site and of great value to our town.

Debbie Viljoen (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-22)


We are residing in the area and would not appreciate mining activities messing up our nature and the environment. This is a peaceful quite area and should stay like this.

Annalisa Visser (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-22)


I believe in preserving nature and its important

Gert Visser (Hartbeespoortdam, 2023-08-22)


Living in Hartebeestfontein, we also cater for tourism and we grow medicinal plants. Mining in Hartebeestfontein would destroy the natural biosfere. No tourist would want to visit the bushveld just to see the destruction of mining.

Chris Grobler (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-22)


Nature first

Robert Leon Van Veen (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-22)


Please don’t destroy our beautiful Kransberg with the unique Cape Vultures. The mining would have a devastating effect on the vultures and we can not lose them. We would love to preserve this region, so that our children and their children can still appreciate all of it.

Adriana Swanepoel (George, 2023-08-22)


Stop mining in conservation areas

Marinus Grobler (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-22)


My farm is adjacent to the proposed prospecting/mining area.

Dean Robinson (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-22)


Many ecosystems have already been destroyed due to chasing profits. All we leave our children with are animals that are extinct and land that is uninhabitable. At what point do we stop thinking about the "now" and think about what the repurcussions will be in the future?

Zander Mulder (Roodepoort, 2023-08-22)


I'm signing because,since i can remember this was my home. I would not want it to be destroyed by mining activities. Bordering the Marakele National park it will have a negative effect on the tourism endustry.

Daniël Cornelius Janse van Vuuren (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-22)


I'm joining the petition to stop LEGAE Mine because I love the Kransberg area. It's where I've had amazing hikes, seen amazing wildlife and farm animals, and felt peaceful. The idea of mining hurting the land and animals worries me. I want to make sure that future generations can also enjoy the beauty and nature that I've loved so much.

Riaan Venter (Johannseburg, 2023-08-22)


I care about conserving our beautiful environment and animal life on this land.

Lise-Ann Venter (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-22)


I inherited the farm from my father that passed away. I grew up on the farm and have a lot of good memories. That is where I learned to respect nature, to appreciate what God created and to learned morals about not killing animals just for the fun, but to take care of them. The water on our farm is pure and we try to keep it that way. The environment is clean and also the air. PLEASE RESPECT THIS, BECAUSE GOD CREATED IT FOR US TO HONOUR HIM FOR HIS CREATION. 🙏

Cecile Venter (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-22)


It’s an absolute atrocity that they could even consider MINING in a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve!!!

Ashleigh Robinson (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-22)


A threatened vulture species inhabits this region, and there is reason for international concern over prospecting in their pristine habitat.

Claudia Raubenheimer (Pretoria, 2023-08-22)


I live in the Kransberg mountains and cannot bear the thought of what mining activity would do to an already delicate ecosystem. The Waterberg biosphere must be preserved and protected!

Courtney Robinson (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-22)


We have to protect nature against human greed.

Henning Janse van Vuuren (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-22)


I care about nature

Annelize Slabbert (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-22)


I lived there and worked on the mines there and I don’t want to see this beautiful and sensitive natural area destroyed.

Angelique Stoker (Kiruna, 2023-08-22)


This beautifful natural environment is a habitat for endangered species. Ecotourism is a sustainable source of income. Mining will pollute the air and
scar the mountains.

Elize decMeyer (Hoedspruit, 2023-08-22)



Kobie Van Niekerk (Centurion, 2023-08-22)


Stop destroying the nature heritage for SA children because of the greed for money displayed by the current generation.

Riana Mostert (Pretoria, 2023-08-22)


The Kransberge is a treasured landmark in our community and it should be looked after for as long as possible.

Ané Viljoen (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-22)


Vir bewaring van die ekosisteem en besoedeling van veral grondwater van onderliggende gebiede wat lanbou bedrywe negatief sal beinvloed en lei tot negatiewe uitwerking op die ekonomie.

Johann Grobler (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-22)


I'm signing because we frequent this beautiful natural area and it will be very sad if this magnificent environment is destroyed by mining activities.

Liesel van Olst (Midrand, 2023-08-22)


Protect what is left of our country! Tourism is long term gain for everyone! Mining will destroy our valuable ecosystem, while only a few individuals will gain from it. And mining is short lived, biodiversity is necessary and forever! Tourism is forever! Focus on that rather and let communities gain from it.

Madelein Walker (Midstream estate, 2023-08-22)



Jaco En Johannie Grobler (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-22)


This may not happen

Marinda Visser (Polokwane, 2023-08-22)


This has been my home for more than 53 years. It became the home of my children and will be an escape from the city life and an inheritance to their children. What infuriates me the most is that there was no consultation with any of our family members in regard to this decision. Only an notice at the gate that informs us that mining activities are foreseen in the near future. This seems to me to be out of balance and disrespectful to all parties concerned. According to my knowledge no meeting between the owners of the farms and the mining company for prospecting rights had been held to obtain their permission to do so.
I strongly object to this decision of an unknown company to place such a notice on our gate without the approval of the owner.
Operating mining activities in an area that borders the Marakele National Park and is home to the largest colonies of Cape Vultures which nests in the cliffs meters off the proposed prospecting site.
Mining in these mountains are a ridiculous venture and should be stopped.

Maria Janse van Vuuren (Hartebeespoort, 2023-08-22)


Against mining in Waterberg! Reject any mining

Carina Grobler (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-22)


I'm signing because nature comes first, before greedy prospectors who have no regard for the damage they cause to eco systems for the sake of making money.

Ursula Scherlich (Johannesburg, 2023-08-22)


This is our childrens heritage and no prospecting should destroy this beautifull landscape

Shaun Pike (Krugersdorp, 2023-08-22)


The Waterburg biosphere is no place for a mine. This will do enormous damage to the ecology.

Petrus Van Breda (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-22)


This is my hometown! The bushveld is going to suffer

Celeste Pretorius (Randfontein, 2023-08-22)


Im agains any minig in our mountains

Theo Rossouw (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-22)


The Kransberg mountain is a beautiful area; with one of the biggest colonies of vultures…also the area is very delicate

Annerie Jordaan (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-22)


South Africa is a beautiful country. Why would we want to destroy her beauty.

Anita du Preez (Polokwane, 2023-08-22)


Our beutifull natute should be protected and not destroyed!

Ivan Vorster (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-22)


I am signing as I own a stand in the Pumzika Eco Estate. I have previously stayed in Thabazimbi for nearly 30 years. I do not want to see any mining being done in the Kransberg area.

Jurie de Kock (Roodepoort, 2023-08-22)


I am against destroying the ecosystem and wildlife in the area.

Heloise de Bruin (Hartbeespoort, 2023-08-22)


I am concerned loosing our heritage

Faffa Venter (Strand, 2023-08-22)


Concerned with pur heritage

Annelise Venter (Strand, 2023-08-22)


They want to mine on this ground where they will destroy the nature and the wildlifes habitat. When they destroy this ground many animal species will not have a enviroment to stay in because the chemicals the mine is using is not good for the enviroment.

Toine Labuschagne (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-22)


Conserve SA’s biodiversity!

Sonia Jacobs (Pretoria, 2023-08-22)


We need to save our mountain

Eugene Booyse (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-22)


Natural Beauty needs to be protected in South Africa.

Tharina Viljoen (Pretoria, 2023-08-22)


The biosphere is of international significance in relation to nature conservation and no civilized society can allow this to happen.

Erich Raubenheimer (Pretoria, 2023-08-23)


I am a land owner in the area ,and are concern about the Bawaria area and water

Jaco Jordaan (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-23)


Conservation area, no place for mining

Thomas De klerk (Levin, 2023-08-23)


This is a very important petition to me and close to my heart as we have a family farm in that region.

Annika Raubenheimer (Pretoria, 2023-08-23)


It's a sanctuary for animals (wildlife)

Madelene Muller (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-23)


Mining destroys nature

Jc Coetzee (Vanderbijlpark, 2023-08-23)


It will destroy the cape vultures nests
We need to preserve the ground water
It will have a deep impact on the environment

Danelle Van den berg (Pretoria, 2023-08-23)


I am signing as this is on the border of the greater Marakela area which is a National park and we need to preserve our nature for future generations.

Sean Du Toit (Alma, 2023-08-23)


The Kransberg is an important ecological site for the preservation of our natural biodiversity .
It’s home to a breeding colony of Cape Vultures.
It’s next to a Marakele Nature reserve - an eco tourism destination.
The pollution, contamination and disruptions that mining will cause will destroy all this.
Do not rape the environment!

Catherine Mentis (Plettenberg Bay, 2023-08-23)


The area falls within the Waterberg Biosphere and borders on the Marakele National Park

Nicole Burri (Johannesburg, 2023-08-23)


I am against mining in this area

Alta Booysen (Pretoria, 2023-08-23)


I am opposed to the negative impact mining will have on the environment. This area depends on maintaining their natural resources for their livelihoods. In addition the area is a natural treasure and contains a diverse array of wildlife that would be impacted by mining activities.

Tiffany Marais (Johannesburg, 2023-08-23)


I want to prevent mining activities in this area, rich in fauna and flora, also: our family has a farm in this area (Groothoek).

Dagmar Janse Van Vuuren (Centurion, 2023-08-23)


This is part of my inherritance

Anso van eyk (roodepoort, 2023-08-23)


To prevent mining activities in the area where our family's farm is situated

Benita Janse Van Vuuren (Pentling, 2023-08-23)


I want to protect our family heritage from mining activities

Dawid Janse Van Vuuren (Wonderboom, 2023-08-23)


Support against prospecting as it is very damaging for environment

Elizabeth Otto (Pretoria, 2023-08-23)


Keep our countrys nature as beautiful and uninterrupted

riekie enkerwitz (jhb, 2023-08-23)


It’s time we planned for our children’s future and worried less about short term monetary gain/greed.

Patrick Raymond (Plettenberg Bay, 2023-08-23)


Love nature , wildlife , and my country .

Manie Dreyer (Pretoria, 2023-08-23)


Such a mining expedition will have a detrimental effect on the surrounding biome and will destroy the landscape in the region as we know it

willem van der westhuizen (Pretoria, 2023-08-23)



Jana-Marelu Coetzee (Pretoria, 2023-08-23)


Thabazimbi is were I grew up and I dont want this beautiful sanctuary destroyed

Tegan Theron (Johannesburg, 2023-08-23)


The protection of property and owner rights as well as the location and nature that will be destroyed

Mattie Le Clus (Pretoria, 2023-08-23)


I am signing this because I think we must preserve our nature for our children's children

Leria Delport (Pretoria, 2023-08-23)


I reside in the Kransberg

Amy-Leigh Pretorius (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-23)



Lotty van Hulst (Vaalwater, 2023-08-23)


Save our natural environment. Save us from this government and there mining tenders that goes to foreigners and nothing to locals,look at the Northern Cape corruption. Look how the nature has been damaged around Buffelspoort in the North West province

Linda du Plessis (Benoni, 2023-08-23)


Nature needs to be protected!

Helen Smith (Springs, 2023-08-23)


I am concerned that mining activity will have a neg effect on the vultures

Douglas Olivier (Pretoria, 2023-08-24)


Mining will have a devastating effect on the the pristine Kransberg area and its biodiversity. There are very few such areas left in South Africa and we need to do all we can to safeguard these areas from the greed of the corporate world who doesn't care for the future of these beautiful landscapes.

Delport Botma (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-24)


We have to leave a legacy for our desendants! It is the law our Creater gave us!

Francois Booyse (Pretoria, 2023-08-24)


"The Kransberg region shares a border with the Marakele National Park. The tourism potential to the region, will be stunted by the defacing activities of mining."

"The region is an immense storehouse of biological diversity. The area between Bakers pass in
the east and Rankins pass in the west is classified as a biosphere with irreplaceable status. This area was
atapulted with the remainder of the Waterberg Biosphere to the status of an International Biosphere Reserve which translates into massive international support if the ecological balance
of the area is threatened."

"Eight hundred and eighty-seven bird species have been spotted and Kransberg hosts one of the largest colonies of Cape vultures which nests in
the cliffs meters of the proposed prospecting site."

THE KRANSBERG FEEDS LOWER LAYING FARMLAND WATER. Further note that geololical studies at UJ finlalised in 2021 state that the mountains consist of sanstone and that there is no minerals to be found in this beuatiful mountains.

Marinus Grobler (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-24)


I'm signing it because Kransberg region shares a border with the Marakele National Park. The tourism potential to the region, will be stunted by the defacing activities of mining."

"The region is an immense storehouse of biological diversity. The area between Bakers pass in
the east and Rankins pass in the west is classified as a biosphere with irreplaceable status. This area was
atapulted with the remainder of the Waterberg Biosphere to the status of an International Biosphere Reserve which translates into massive international support if the ecological balance
of the area is threatened."

"Eight hundred and eighty-seven bird species have been spotted and Kransberg hosts one of the largest colonies of Cape vultures which nests in
the cliffs meters of the proposed prospecting site."

"Kransberg is
the highest point in the Waterberg range and forms an important natural basin for ground water
for the lower lying farmland."

Mines are highly damaging to the
ecosystems surrounding them and can cause loss of biodiversity, or the contamination of soil, groundwater, and surface water by chemicals emitted from the mining processes. These processes also affect the atmosphere through carbon emissions which contributes to climate change. Mining waste is harmful to the
health of people and wildlife if they are
released into nearby streams.

Alta Broodryk (Pretoria, 2023-08-24)


Against mining in a wildlife area

Lisha Moore (Hoedspruit, 2023-08-24)


Mining in this sensitive conservation area is a travesty. I call on the honourable Minster Creecy to intervene and put a stop to this!

Warren Moore (Hoedspruit, 2023-08-24)


This is just simply wrong.

Duncan Rodgers (Hazyview, 2023-08-24)


Conservation is important to us and our future generations.

Merida Botha (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-24)


I am totally against prospecting there

Petrus De Meyer (Cape town, 2023-08-24)


I stay very close to Marakele National Park.

Anina Ungerer (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-24)


Saving the enviroment

Abrie Nel (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-24)


Mining will damage our
ecosystems surroundings and will cause loss of biodiversity, or the contamination of soil, groundwater, and surface water by chemicals emitted from the mining processes. These processes also affect the atmosphere through carbon emissions which contributes to climate change. Mining waste is harmful to the
health of people and wildlife if they are
released into nearby streams.

Riette Venter (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-25)


I have been living here for many years and would haye to see a mining operation demolishing a major piece of the KransbergWaterberg biosphere. This will fill someones pocket but will leave a scar for generations to come.

Janiel Opperman (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-25)


Protect our ecosystem and unique wildlife. WE HAVE A WIDE RANGE OF BIODIVERSITY .
A LARGE COLONY OF THE CAPE VULTURES NESTS IN THE KRANSBERG. VANADIUM mining can cause potential harmful effects on ecological systems and lead to animal poisoning and human disease.
CHROME mining can contaminate the air, soils and surface water.

Marianna BANNINK (Modimolle, 2023-08-25)


We need to protect the ecosystem.

Robyn Sewell (Hoedspruit, 2023-08-25)


I'm singing this petition for the protection of ouer heritage.

Theunis Eloff (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-25)


We need to.protect unique natural environments before it is too late. This environment contains bird life and plant life not found anywhere else. The water it supplies is precious.

Andrea Reijman (Port Alfred, 2023-08-25)


I fully agree with all the reasons given in the prior introduction why these actions must be stopped. We often get the chance to visit and enjoy the mentioned area with it's unbelievable surrounding nature, and that will be an offence to deprive people of this. We were once forced to let go of a property which is now part of the Marekele reserve, this is not going to happen again with this property!!!!

Roelof Broodryk (Pretoria, 2023-08-25)


I fully agree with all the reasons given in the prior introduction why these actions must be stopped. We often get the chance to visit and enjoy the mentioned area with it's unbelievable surrounding nature, and that will be an offence to deprive people of this. We were once forced to let go of a property which is now part of the Marekele reserve, this is not going to happen again with this property!!!!

Marlet Broodryk (Pretoria, 2023-08-26)


We have a collective responsibility to ensure that our natural heritage is preserved for future generations.

Lizaan Moller (Hoedspruit, 2023-08-27)


I believe the natural value that the area holds far outweighs any possible value that could be derived by mining.

Christopher O'Donovan (Johannesburg, 2023-08-27)


The farmer have the rights for their farms and also for all the animal,indangerd species that is in the mountains.

Jannie Rossouw (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-28)


This area is beautiful and irreplaceable.
Mining activity would totally distroy this area

Wilma Röhrbeck (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-28)


Families of all cultured backgrounds and that who are contributing towards the economy and the growth of the surroundings towards the people will be affected.

Stephan Van Der Westhuizen (Pretoria, 2023-08-28)


Moenie die natuur verander en die mensdom verryk nie!!

Marietjie Fouche (Randfontein, 2023-08-29)


The Kransberg is my home and a unique ecosystem that’s value lies in it’s natural beauty and tourism. Mining activities will negatively impact the surrounding community, flora and fauna.

Dylan Robinson (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-29)


We need to protect our environment and animals

Maurits Visagie (Leeupoort, 2023-08-29)


We need to save the eco system.
Vultures nesting area. And our beautiful , fruitful land!!!!

Bianca Fourie (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-29)


I live there

Stefan Allan (Thabazimbi, 2023-08-31)


I do not want mining on this farm

Andre Visser (Polokwane, 2023-08-31)


I believe the biodiversity in this region is incredibly valuable. We live in a time that habitats and ecosystems are constantly being destroyed. The Kransberg region must be protected, I sign this petition because I believe that profit is not the only way to measure value.

Jemma Falkov (Johannesburg, 2023-08-31)


I love and appreciate nature. And we need to save our ecosystem.

Anetta Van der Linde (Pretoria, 2023-08-31)


It's a beautiful place and it's given to us by our Lord and we have to respect that.

Rina Visser (Hatbeespoort, 2023-08-31)


I own a stand in Pumzika adjacent to Marakele National Park. I bought here because of the peaceful unspoilt environment. I do not want to see it destroyed by mining. There is no Planet B we must preserve this one.

Nicholas Parrott (Johannesburg, 2023-09-01)


I believe nature should be protected it's the only thing humans can't control.

Johan Scholtz (Bloemfontein, 2023-09-02)


I would like to protect this beautiful area from the devastating results mining will bring.

Megan du Preez (Vaalwater, 2023-09-02)


I am sick of the corruption involving government bodies that have one agenda, fill their pockets instead of protecting and acting on behalf of legitimate, hard working citizens.

Brian Watson (Echuca, 2023-09-02)


This is nature places that have been protected for so long and still have to be protected against ruining it .

Emmie Von Czapiewski (Thabazimbi, 2023-09-04)


I fully agree with all the arguments regarding the harmful effects of the proposed mining in that region.

Willie Nel (Pretoria, 2023-09-04)


keep our mountains safe, it is part of our heritage here in Thabazimbi.

Mara Morrison (Thabazimbi, 2023-09-05)


You are stuffing up our land

Johan Annandalr (Polokwane, 2023-09-06)

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