Petition Against the Installation of a Biodigester at Wilson Rd, Fairfield Township, Madison County, Ohio



I do not want this company building in my neighborhood due to the toxic environment it will create. Build it elsewhere.

Nicole Jacob (London, 2024-09-15)


I live on Gregg road and would hate to see this eye sore happen in our beautiful area. I DO NOT want this to happen

Joe Jackson (West Jefferson, 2024-09-15)


I live on Gregg Rd., just a short distance down wind from this proposed project. I do not agree with the biodigester being placed in our backyard when it will benefit a farmer who does not live or farm in our community. I also do not want my health or the health of my family and neighbors being put at risk again for a proposed project that does not and will not benefit our community.

Paulina Jackson (West Jefferson, 2024-09-15)


I don't want West Jeff to smell like a toilet. The warehouses and rhe solar fields are enough and they are desteying West Jeff.

Debbi Mullins (W JEFFERSON, 2024-09-15)


I love where I live and this will make it unsafe.

Chelsie Ginn (West Jefferson, 2024-09-15)


I don’t feel I should give up some of my property to accommodate the owner leasing to the biodigester company. I am opposed to this facility coming to Madison County.

Scott Duffey (West Jefferson, 2024-09-15)


I live on Wilson Road and am very concerned about the hazardous risks, the potential smell and pollutants in our air and water supply. I am also worried about the huge trucks traveling right by my house and am mad about altering my property by widening the road.

Debbie Duffey (West Jefferson, 2024-09-15)


I'm signing because I value a clean, natural environment.

Tami Modlich (West Jefferson, 2024-09-16)


I drive these roads every day and dont want them to be filled with potholes from smelly semis. I also live close enough down wind where our house will constantly smell of manure and whatever else this plant produces. There is absolutely no benefit for us and surrounding areas to have this nearby. It will lower our air quality and put a toll on our roads.

Lance gee (Grove City, 2024-09-16)


I live in the area and prefer to not smell shit.

Nicholas Gee (West jeff, 2024-09-16)


Key points in signing this petition - health hazard, environmental hazard (contamination of well water and air quality), less than 1/2 mile from my residence, risk of Biodigester explosion due to methane gas and poor monitoring,Biodigesters poor history of monitoring their systems and not disclosing hazardous contaminants, odors created by Biodigester reducing my outdoor activities, proximity to Big/Little Darby watershed.

Nichole Henthorn (West Jefferson, 2024-09-16)


My business is located on Wilson rd,

Steve Cole (West Jefferson, 2024-09-16)


I live nearby. This is a great area and the pollution and traffic will ruin it. Will this poison our air? Poison our wells? Ruin the value of our homes?

Theresa Stamper (W Jefferson, 2024-09-16)


Madison County farm land is dwindling due to projects such as this! We want to keep our rural area as rural. Don’t want light, noise, or smell pollution!

Bonnie Krebs (West Jefferson, 2024-09-16)


I don't want this mess in my neighborhood! The traffic, the pollution. It will devalue our properties. This is not wanted here

John Stamper (W JEFFERSON, 2024-09-16)


I purposely moved to Madison county because I wanted to live around the Darby Creeks as I know there are lots of species who live in the Darby that cannot be found anywhere else. I love the cleanliness of the area, the water, and all the wildlife that live in the preserve. We have many out-of-town guests that frequent our parks and preserves for the fresh air and surroundings. I think something like this should be built in an area that does not have as much wildlife and waters species on or near our precious preserve and parks.

Tiffany Page (Galloway, 2024-09-16)


I am signing this petition because of all of the above mentioned concerns.

Kathleen Bell (LONDON, 2024-09-16)


Madison county is already ruined by all the solar power plants!!! Notice I didn’t call them farms because they are not farms!!! We certainly don’t need this to make things even worse

Cindy Saunders (Mount Sterling, 2024-09-16)


I live nearby. Our infrastructure cannot handle the increased traffic; we already are seeing negative impacts of the unused warehouses along SR 29. This is not welcome.

Amanda Gray (West Jefferson, 2024-09-17)


The carbon footprint that will be created is monsterous. 7,000 large trucks a year driving up and down our roads. The noise pollution, the air pollution, the damage, the ugly visual. Our way of life stripped without our consent.

Sandra Thomas (West Jefferon, 2024-09-17)


I don't want this near my home!

Karen Salyer (London, 2024-09-17)


I am against the biodigester facility being operated at this location.

Sherry Gangluff (West jefferson, 2024-09-17)


I live nearby and am concerned about the air quality and impact on the environment. Including an increase in traffic.

Carolyn Loomis (WEST JEFFERSON, 2024-09-17)


Don’t want this crap.

Annette Marble (West Jefferson, 2024-09-17)


I do not want this in my community

Eric Vacheresse (West Jefferson, 2024-09-18)


I don’t want my backyard to be someone else’s dump, let alone the smell and the flies.

Joe Cafagno (London, 2024-09-18)


I do not want the Biodigester in my back yard!!

Merrilee Lohmann (London, 2024-09-18)


The risk of pollution to the Big and Little Darby Creeks, designated as National Scenic Rivers Systems, is too great. The potential destruction of the delicate flora and fauna of the water system far outweigh the benefit of a renewable energy facility. There are many other sites throughout Madison County that would be more suitable with less risk factors.

Bryan Stickler (Hilliard, 2024-09-18)


Property values, pollution, air quality, truck traffic, my granddaughters travel these roads, school bussing across these roads...

John Corriveau (W Jefferson, 2024-09-18)


We've lost enough with the Big Plain Solar Field. Wildlife has been greatly affected. Madison County needs to stop being a dumping ground for SHIT! Enough nonsense in my backyard!

Troy WEIS (LONDON, 2024-09-18)


its the right thing to do

Jeff Hockenbery (W Jefferson, 2024-09-18)


I live on wilson rd an don't want the extra traffic going down wilson rd. That is one of the reasons we moved to the country because there is less traffic.
I also don't want the smell that it would put off. I have been around some of this type of place an they all smell really bad. Something like that would effect the property values to an I really don't want that.
If Smart wants this he should put it on his large farm by his house! See if he thinks it a good idea than. I bet he would change he's mind pretty quick if that happens.
In conclusion the only person that this is helping is the Smarts that own the field. For every one else it is a very bad idea.

Walter Haenszel (West jefferson, 2024-09-18)


This is my home, my parents live here and do not deserve to have everything they have worked their entire lives for br destroyed by this.

TELLIE Bowen (GALLOWAY, 2024-09-18)


Against it.

Helen Laney (West Jefferson, 2024-09-18)


I’m signing this petition due to the pollution that it’ll cause not just air but ground water, in flux of traffic, etc. Also this is not to benefit anyone but the owner of this property, whom does not live with in 20 miles of this location. These plant are dangerous to every living near them. My property backs against the Erie-Ohio bike trail that the state of Ohio already forced in our area. That hasn’t brought anything but theft to our neighborhood and took peoples property from them to build. Now you want to place this waste hole along the trail and ruin our property value on top of our water supplies and fresh country air.

Elizabeth Murphy (Lilly Chapel, 2024-09-18)


I do not live far from the proposed site.

Retta Russell (W JEFFERSON, 2024-09-18)


I’m against the biodigetster being built in Madison County.

Mike Orahood (West Jefferson, 2024-09-18)


We do not need anymore of this trash in our community. We are sick of the lies coming from our trustees and commissioners. You pawned solar off on us tax payers and now this? Also why was this such a big secret?

Caleb Krebs (London, 2024-09-18)


I live in rural Madison county. We don’t want or need the extra truck traffic or the noxious odor that this will cause.

Victor Wills (Mount Sterling, 2024-09-18)


I am signing because I do not want this in my community, and definitely not that close to my home.

Louann VanWagner (West Jefferson, 2024-09-18)


I am signing because I do not want this built around me.

Destiny Walters (London, 2024-09-18)


I'm signing because live in close proximity and don't want traffic in the area

Angel Gee (Georgesville, 2024-09-18)


We are a small quite community unencumbered by corporate greed. This project smells of deception, and upon further investigation reeks of false statements. It will also smell and reek foul odors. We don’t need this system. It will only benefit the investors and we will be subjected to more road traffic, congestion, and noise.

Brian Dillon (London, 2024-09-18)


I am opposed to this project due to the above mentioned reasons.

Stephen Robinette (W Jefferson, 2024-09-18)


I don't want this it's bad for out community and citizens .

Brenda Bates (W JEFFERSON, 2024-09-18)


It will be built at the end of my Driveway. We as the neighboring Residents were kept in the dark about this project and now being told our Local Govt. can't do anything about it. It will effect our Property values in a negative way. If the property owner wants to build one of these then he should build it right beside his house where ever that is seeing he doesn't live in our community so it won't effect him. He doesn't care about how it will effect us, he is only wanting the $$ it will generate for himself at our expense.

Jim Stevens (W Jefferson, 2024-09-18)


These county roads cannot handle the weight of larger loaded trucks! And I don’t want the smell!

Deborah Warner (West Jefferson, 2024-09-18)


Health concerns and air quality.

Jannette Snyder (London, 2024-09-18)


Nobody asked in the first place.

Dave Lohrer (London, 2024-09-18)

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