Petition against dolphinarium in Varna



Delfini i zivotinje koje tamo borave nemaju dovoljne uslove za zivot

Lazar Štavljanin (Kraljevo, 2019-08-25)


These shows need to be stopped

Jane Gorman (Manchester, 2019-08-25)


Категорично против съм всеки тип затвор и инквизиция на живо същество!!

Иванка Колева (Добрич, 2019-08-25)


ненавиждам насилието над беззащитни същества

Меглена Мешелева (София, 2019-08-26)


Когато не можеш да се грижиш подобаващо за животно (морски бозайник), не можеш да му предложиш подходящата среда, храна и отношение не трябва да има подобни затвори, в които животните умират.

Катерина Чалева (София, 2019-08-26)


Животните не трябва да бъдат атракция.

Божидара Михова (София, 2019-08-26)


Подписвам защото смятам, че е неморално да се държат в плен същества многократно по-интелигентни от човека.

Галина Кънчева (Варна, 2019-08-26)


Dolphins shouldn't tricks for peoples amusment in the first place, but baby guys are nuts.

Daphne van den Heuvel (Tiel, 2019-08-26)


Подписвам, защото ние човеците не сме по-велики същества от всички останали и нямаме право да монетизираме ничий живот. Всички зоопаркове, делфинариуми и атракциони, които третират/дресират животни в лоши условия с комерсиална цел, трябва да бъдат забранени.

Мирела Буюклиева (Бургас, 2019-08-27)


Уважавам делфините и вярвам,че трябва да са свободни

Теодора Бахарова (София, 2019-08-28)


Dolphins are intelligent mammals and should not be used as human entertainment. Close this park

Tracey Shaughnessy (Diss, 2019-08-29)


I can't stand by and see god's loverly creatures be killed in this way it's bad enough they keep being killed in nets all over the planet. end this atrrocity in all country's leave them be free and happy to populate our oceans naturally.i hope there all closed down in my life time it's horribly wrong impounding them for companies to gain money on the back of inocent creatures of any species. We need to all support this with a strong voice.

Wayne Pearson (Brierley hill, 2019-08-29)


Horrific treatment of all dolphins must be stopped immediately.
Disgusted and outraged.

Shirley Cooksley (Nr Bristol, 2019-08-29)


I am disgusted by the treatment of this baby dolphin. CLOSE THIS DOLPHINARIUM NOW. Poor little people should be ashamed of yourselves treating this creature so horribly to cause his death....

Shirley Reuscher (Friday Harbor, 2019-08-29)


This is absolutely horrific and should not be legal in the 21st century! Dolphins should be free and in the sea. Who even goes to this torture fest now? Should be ashamed.

Lesley Chambers (Leeuwarden, 2019-08-29)


Save the dolphins

Konn Maloku (Gjilan Kosova, 2019-08-29)


Cruelty to all animals must be stopped now!

Michelle Walker (Jersey, 2019-08-29)


I'm signing this because the I'll treatment of dolphins

Lt.Gen Buck Rogers (Mijas costa, 2019-08-29)


These animals shouldn't be performing this many shows and babies shouldn't be out there either.SHUT THIS PLACE DOWN AND NEVER ALLOW THESE PEOPLE TO HAVE OR OWN ANY ANIMAL EVER AGAIN.THEY SHOULD GET THERE WAS OUT THERE AND PERFORM 4 OR MORE TIMES A DAY.

Connie Moen (Eau claire, 2019-08-29)


Cruel and inhuman treatment should stop
Rescue them!

Paula Purviance (Granite bay, 2019-08-30)


These attractions are cruel and immoral. They must all be closed down.

Jenny Mogensen (Melton Mowbray, 2019-08-30)


Ми писна от насилие над животните.

Gergana Miteva-Ilieva (Пловдив, 2019-08-30)


These type of shows should be banned.

Milagro Peraza (Santa Tecla, 2019-08-30)


I’m signing because I’m human with morals

Kevin Crossley (Dubai, 2019-08-30)


I love dolphins and can’t stand the thought of somebody keeping them in poor conditions

Lynn Boldy (Wirral, 2019-08-30)


Treatment of animals in this way is disgusting. The persons responsible should be in jail! Forcing a 9 day old baby dolphin to work? ..... Sickening!!!

Rachael Foley (Dublin, 2019-08-30)


Wild animals should not be forced to perform, especially babys, cruel

Dawn Parry (Neath, 2019-08-30)


This place needs to be shut down

Rachel Palmer (Brighton, 2019-08-30)


I am doing this course this needs to stop it not fair on the poor animal

Michelle Humphrey (Dorset, 2019-08-30)


Издевателство над животните,които са толкова добронамерени към хората,...а ние с алчността си убиваме не само тях!

Василка Милотинова (Елин Пелин, 2019-08-30)


It's so very cruel dolphins should be left in the sea . The baby dolphin in Bulgaria should never have performing its was only a baby disgusting breaks my heart

Lynn Rigby (Blackburn, 2019-08-30)


Animals are not entetainment, leave them be

M van Veen (Den haag, 2019-08-30)


This is a disgrace that poor animal was just 9 days old, what the hell is wrong with these people, all these places should be closed, animals should not be entertainment

Debra Bushby (Leicester, 2019-08-30)


Животните трябва да са на свобода, а не за човешко забавление. Учението на трикове на делфините, ги учи просто ако изпълнят това действие ще има храна, не мисля че е полезно за тях без значение има ли награди за тях или не. В нормална среда няма да ги видим тези животни да играят с топка или да прескачат обрачи. Трябва да се спре това нещо. Зоопарковете са в също това число за затваряне и освобождаване на живтоните в дивата природа или в резервати.

Mario Ivanov (София, 2019-08-30)


No animal should be kept in’s not there place.

Miya Matsushita (London, 2019-08-30)


This is animal cruelty.

Aislinn Seex (Galway, 2019-08-30)


Nyama delfini za korumpiran plen, nyama delfini za predstavleniya - Keine Delfine für korrupte Geldmacherei in Gefangenschaft, keine Delfine für Shows

Marion Ruppert (Oldenburg, 2019-08-30)


This animal cruelty needs to stop immediately.

Demy Beimans (Maarheeze, 2019-08-30)


empty the tanks, this is no longer an acceptable tourist attraction. these animals should be wild and free.

M Le febvre (amsterdam, 2019-08-31)


this is animal cruelty! stop caprivity! free the dolphins!

Claudia Walter (Dresden, 2019-08-31)


Животные должны жить в природе, а не в неволе

Natallia Arkhipava (Minsk, 2019-08-31)


Делфините не са обикновенни животни и не трябва да се отнасяме с тях така!

Mihail Stefanov (София, 2019-08-31)


Because this is unacceptable torturing& using mammals for profit& entertainment

Kamran Shah (Luton, 2019-08-31)


I don't like human beings taking abuse of animals just to have more profit! We don't own the world to destroy animals and nature!

Isabelle Cool (Santorini, 2019-08-31)


It's horrible. Please stop these shows immediately! It is animal abuse / animal torture. Nobody needs this. Shame on thoose people, who are resposible for that waterpark / dolphinarium - Stop it NOW!

Joachim Trunk (Frankfurt am Main, 2019-08-31)


Do have respect for animals. It's know that Dolphins are picking up stress very easily. This is not the having respect for any kind off animals. They do not have to life in captivity for the fun of humans.

Ann Laureyssens (Kasterlee, 2019-08-31)


Animals dont belong in cages

Katrien Huysmans (Retie, 2019-08-31)


I'm signing because I LOVE ANIMALS!!! Hunt down human scum and leave animals alone!!!

Sylvia Mills (Berlin, 2019-08-31)


Against animal abuse.

Chantal Claus (Afsnee, 2019-08-31)


Dolphins do not belong in captivity!!!

Tim Braeckman (Gent, 2019-08-31)


I m signing because dolphins should be free... just like all other animale. They don’t belong in “concentration Camps”

peggy allaerts (leuven, 2019-08-31)



amar fertin (ghent, 2019-08-31)

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