It is skateboarding heritage(Granada, 2019-09-24)
I skate and it is an iconic spot.(Dubai, 2019-09-24)
La cause est juste.(Pontarlier, 2019-09-24)
This is one of the best spots ever! Thanks to the Prague locals for let me skate it and make me feel like home!(Barcelona, 2019-09-24)
It’s one of the best spots on the planet(Gaggenau, 2019-09-24)
I want to skate there! Save Stalin Plaza!!!(Łódź, 2019-09-24)
I’m signing because Stalin plaza is an iconic skate plaza and it brings joy to everyone who comes to Prague.(NSW, 2019-09-24)
Stalin Plaza was one of the best experiences of my time visiting Prague. Without Stalin, I may not have passed through to visit the city. Through that I met the local skateboarders who then took me around town to show me the beautiful city. It would be a shame to lose something that the skateboarding commutiy cherish and welcome visitors from around the world to share. And it is a main reason I would like to go back in the future.Cheers
(Melbourne, 2019-09-24)
Skateboarding is not a crime(Brno, 2019-09-24)
Because this place belongs to casual people.(Klatovy, 2019-09-24)
Because Stalin must be safe as we know him!(Bratislava, 2019-09-24)
******* greatest place to skate and chill in prague(Weibern, 2019-09-24)
It legendary skatebording spot with unique climate formed by skateboarders and many other sport enthusiast. I have been traveling for many years to Prague mostly for that spot, beacause i can feel there the essence of freedom. Please don't kill it!(Wrocław, 2019-09-24)
I love this skateboarding spot.(Vilnius, 2019-09-24)
favourite place in prague(Vienna, 2019-09-24)
This is a site with huge subcultural heritage and has been the sole reason for a huge amount of tourism for the city.(Brighton, 2019-09-24)
I ❤️ Stalin plaza.(Warsaw, 2019-09-24)
Skateboarding is a necessity(York, 2019-09-24)
This plaza is a monument to the progression on skateboarding based in Prague.It just survive so future generations of skaters and non-skaters can bask in its glory!
(Melbourne, 2019-09-24)
Help skateboarding(Dublin, 2019-09-24)
This Place is a real monument(Berlin, 2019-09-24)
Stalin Plaza is cool place to hang and an epic Skate Spot(Vienna, 2019-09-24)
save stalin plaza please!(Juiz de fora, 2019-09-24)
Stalin Plaza is skateboarding heritage! Known worldwide as one of the best spots of its kind. Please save Stalin Plaza.(Berlin, 2019-09-24)
Too many historic skate spots are being ruined.(Norwich, 2019-09-24)
This is a really special memorial place that is loved and praised by many genarations. We should keep it that way.(Zaandam, 2019-09-24)
I skate(Bordeaux, 2019-09-24)
Nelíbí se mi jak rozhoduje město za místní lid.(Brno, 2019-09-24)
Should be possible to skate this iconic spot!!(Grenoble, 2019-09-24)
I am signing because I have been wanting to visit Prague for a while and I was going to next year. However, if Stalin Plaza is closed down I do not think I would ever go to Prague. It would loose a very iconic skate monument which would lead to a massive loss of skate tourists.(Barcelona, 2019-09-24)
Stalin must remain.(Osek, 2019-09-24)
Skateboarding have to be alive! 🤘🤞✍️(Eger, 2019-09-24)
I’m signing because this spot is my favorite one in Prague! When I used to live in Prague I would always go there with my friends to share some drinks and enjoy a beautiful view during the summer months as well as in winter! This place CAN NOT be closed!(The Hague, 2019-09-24)
This is a legendary place that should be left alone and fixed by the city, not torn down.(GDAŃSK, 2019-09-24)
Im a skater and i enjoy skate(Santpedor, 2019-09-24)
I’m signing because this spot is famous, I dreamt of getting to go one day as a kid. And I actually visited Prague for this reason. It is a very special place and needs to be preserved for its rich skateboard history.(Los Angeles, 2019-09-24)
I love skateboard(Lyon, 2019-09-24)
We need to save the Stalin Plaza 🙏🏻🤘🏼(Mödling, 2019-09-24)
Save it(Riga, 2019-09-24)
This skateboarding place is legendary. People from all over the world are coming to Prague only to skate this place.(Olomouc, 2019-09-24)
for skateboarding(Den Haag, 2019-09-24)
"legendary skate spot"!!!!!!!!!!(Brasov, 2019-09-24)
This is legendary skate spot, it's must stay,(Białystok, 2019-09-24)
I'm skater my self and I've seen too many good places to skate being destroyed by government and other organizations. I wish that this beautiful place could stay as it is, because it's world famous among skaters and would be a big loss for Czech Republic skate scene.(Vaasa, 2019-09-24)
Stalin plaza is OG. Dont ******* close it!(Granada, 2019-09-24)
One of the best places to skate!(Moscow, 2019-09-24)
Just respect the spots!(ondarroa, 2019-09-24)
I was riding on this spot.(Náchod, 2019-09-24)
I m signing because this is one of the true iconic places, representing the skateboarding culture worldwide.(Paris, 2019-09-24)
Because its one of the best place in the world(St. Gallen, 2019-09-24)
This is a legendary place and should stay how it is for the enjoyment of everyone.(Amsterdam, 2019-09-24)
Stalin plaza is a legendary skatespot <3(Copenhagen, 2019-09-24)
It's a legendary place for skaters to come together from all around to world(Regensburg, 2019-09-24)
I've been to Stalin Plaza many times and it is part of European skate history and thousands of skaters from all over the World travel to Praque every year because of Stalin park. Cultural heritage for sure.(Tampere, 2019-09-24)
Losing this monumental skate spot would be a massive loss to the worldwide skateboarding community(Brighton, 2019-09-24)
Skateboarding is not a crime(Darmstadt, 2019-09-24)
I have visited stalin plaza three times and it is a valuable place for culture and sports. Friends of mine who have never seen this beautiful place were shocked to hear that they will never be able too. It would also be a great loss for younger people, as I am already the second generation travelling there.(Vienna, 2019-09-24)
The flat is too good to be taken away(Zürich, 2019-09-24)
This place is one of the best skateplazas in the world, it‘s the only reason why i have been three times in prag yet. Great for tourists/skaters all over the planet.(Straubing, 2019-09-24)
SAVE STALIN!!!(Vasvár, 2019-09-24)
I‘m signing this because it‘s my favorite spot to spend time at in prague. So many good memories!(Vienna, 2019-09-24)
Cuz a love skateboard(Indaiatuba, 2019-09-24)
Stalin in so legendary!!(Vantaa, 2019-09-24)
Im signing because this place is historic and iconic in the european skatescene; we had a number of trips to this skate-mecca from our hometown which takes 9 hours by car. Every one of these trips was worth it because of the place and people of Stalin Plaza.(Debrecen, 2019-09-24)
Stalin plaza is and has been a place of meetings of cultures, societies, where social status and money are truly nonexistent. I’ve been going there all my life be it for skateboarding when I was around 10-15, parties, hanging out, have a time for myself and I take my dates there! It is one of the true melting pots, that cannot just be replaced or build up someplace else. Getting rid of this place would be a huge loss to Prague street culture which as anybody today knows is as much much part of states culture as are the classic cultural values.(Praha, 2019-09-24)
Stalin Plaza is a beautiful place for all kinds of urban sport activities and culture. It should stay that way!(Malmö, 2019-09-24)
Save Stalin Plaza, save skateboarding and our culture!(Zilina, 2019-09-24)
I understand the importance of organically developed places like this in the hearts of skateboarders and non skateboarders alike(Brooklyn, 2019-09-24)
I fully support and understand the power of skateboarding. It has saved and transformed many lives for the better. If this plaza gets destroyed, so will many present and future lives.(La Porte, 2019-09-24)
This is an iconic spot of skateboarding worldwide, breeding ground for the best skaters in Europe and it should be preserved(Brighton, 2019-09-24)
I would like to travel and skate this spot(BELFAST, 2019-09-24)
Im signing because the stalin plaza is the best place for skateboarding in prague...(Brno, 2019-09-24)
Save(Santiago, 2019-09-24)
I have never skated this legendarny spot and i still want to try !!!(Warsaw, 2019-09-24)
This is a heratige skate spot which will attract skateboarders world wide to Prague, absolutely vital to the cities culture.(Truro, 2019-09-24)
Im skating(Münster, 2019-09-24)
For save the best place in central europe not only for skateboarding!(Havířov, 2019-09-24)
I am signing because I stand strong in my opinion that skaters have turned this Plaza in more adequate place where young people can network and spend quality time then it was previously used buy junkies.Skateboarding have long history! Don’t destroy it but develop it! ❤️
(Copenhagen, 2019-09-24)
Safe stalin plaza(Bs, 2019-09-24)
Skating is important(Chicago, 2019-09-24)