Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I believe in Freedom and the right to make your own choices. Tired of ppl getting hurt for their choices.



Verím v PRAVDU, že sa ukáže...

Jana Čermáková (Jakubov, 2021-10-02)


The overstepping of our current administration is it of hand. We need to uphold constitutional rights and hold those guilty of violating them accountable

Tiffany Mustapich (Mocksville, 2021-10-02)


Covid je len biznis a tzv "vakciny" len ludske testovanie, ktore nepomaha a treba ho zastavit

Dušan Máčaj (Malé Uherce, 2021-10-02)


I’m signing because this is morally and ethically wrong. The great divide, the heartbreaking loss of human life, the experimental gene therapy which is not only destroying peoples lives it is also killing them. The abhorrent way the big pharmacy companies are ‘trailing”, using the most vulnerable to conduct their sick experiments has to stop!!!!!!! This is murder with intent. Please stop this.
Very Concerned
Lucy Kontominas

Lucy Kontominas (Sydney, 2021-10-02)



Maria Benková (KAMENEC POD VTÁČNIKOM, 2021-10-02)


I believe the attack was intentional as pretext for vaccines - which are a deliberate mechanism for population control & monitoring

Mark Cancelliere (Los Angeles, 2021-10-02)


I am signing because I want these demons to be held to account for their crimes against humanity

Edna Wallace (Whitstable, 2021-10-02)


Podpisujem,už stačilo tej neprávosti na ľuďoch.

Mária Jakubíková (Žilina, 2021-10-02)


A life without freedom is not a life worth living. A society without freedom of speech is not a society anyone would want to live in. For the sake of our children and yours, do the right thing and allow informed debate into an open forum.

Jocelyn Gardner (Guildford, 2021-10-02)


Chcem konečne normálne žiť.

Mária Jarošová (Žilina, 2021-10-02)


Ja sa podpisujem, pretože tu nastupuje vláda fašizmu.

Jaroslav Hladik (Humenné, 2021-10-02)


These crimes are unacceptable in human society, and those responsible should pay dearly for their crimes, including the death penalty.
Hopefully ALL those responsible will be called to testify and be tried for their crimes!!!

Alisdair Boult (Qawra, 2021-10-02)


We are all part of this wonderful world no one person or self interest group has the right to commit an act of Genocide on this global scale, send them all to the Sun .

Anthony Sparre (Maclean, 2021-10-02)


I'm signing this petition because it is the right thing to do. This is genocide and crimes against humanity perpetrated on a global scale. If the people responsible for perpetrating these acts are not held accountable , then the Nuremburg Code, the Declaration of Helsinki , the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as well as the Biological Weapons Conventions Treaty have lost all their relevance and have become meaningless. Thus paving the road for dictators and tyrants to do as they see fit.

Karen Du Plessis (Cape Town, 2021-10-02)


My body my choice.

Athanasia Le Roux (Midrand, 2021-10-02)


These parasitic cowards have and still are committing crimes against humanity.

Mike Spottiswood (100 Mile House, 2021-10-02)


I'm signing this petition because I want to make sure this crime of Mr Global will be stopped and will never be allowed again.

Uta Gabbay (Neu-Bamberg, 2021-10-02)


because greatest hoax in modern human history must be exposed

Matej Beleš (Šamorín, 2021-10-02)


Kein Impfpflicht & Covidpass !!!

Julius Kozmann (Schorndorf, 2021-10-02)


I believe the people in change of handling this pandemic did so with complete incompetence looking at they could gain more power over the people and financial gain.

Delinda Cendrowski (Wichita, 2021-10-02)


Unconstitutional Covid measures, discrimination against unvaccinated in this regard and coercion into vaccination with test vaccines.

Mira Goričanec (Ljubljana, 2021-10-02)


Atrocities are being committed and those responsible must be brought to book.

Val DAVIDSON (Glasgow, 2021-10-02)


This is or was a Democracy not a Communist regime and i would like to help get it back to being a democracy.

Dave Mills (Pukekohe, 2021-10-02)



Nataša Vajayová (Piešťany, 2021-10-02)


Common sense, and law, need to be applied to the corruption and tyranny present today.

Jonathan Smith (Tamworth, 2021-10-02)


Crimes of this type are against all humanity. We must make a stand .

Deborah Dockery (Murphy, 2021-10-02)


I’m signing because our freedom has been taken away without a proove of cause. Because of enforcement more or less of beeing vaccinated with a vaccin in test that prooves to turn as many people to illness or even death as Covid itself. Because our children are not exepted from this test-vaccin

Frank Louis (Redange, 2021-10-02)


Criminals are running the world and it needs to STOP!

Felicity Bain (Sydney, 2021-10-02)


I am signing this petition to encourage the International Criminal Court (ICC) to take action against those who have committed Crimes Against Humanity.

Françoise Weber (Mertzig, 2021-10-02)


You crippled my business and family

Steve Le Roux (Johannesburg, 2021-10-02)


This injection has now maimed 65000 Australians proven not to be a vaccine as it neither stops you catching it or transmitting it, sheds the spike protein pathogen into others
And is against all Nuremberg code violations. Interesting enough today is the 75th anniversary of Nuremberg trials
All the people promoting these death shots will be held to account and face crimes against humanity.
This is genocide pure and simple perpetrated by the elite
This Nwo needs to end now.
Fauci conspired with the Ccp used USA tax payers dollars to do illegal gain of function research to unleash this onto to the planet. He’s corrupt and will be held to account by Reiner Fullmich and team.

Belinda Repton (Gosford, 2021-10-02)


We must not let this continue and people must be informed of what is going on. The Nuremburg code must be abided by always, now and into the future.

Gail Morgan (Belmont, 2021-10-02)


It is of no relevance for me to take a vaccine against something I’ve already had .

Karen Edwards (Conwy, 2021-10-02)


Plně souhlasím s petici, a prosím o co nejrychlejší projednání, protože to co se děje je to nejhorší, co se může dít!

Ivana Čechová (Ostrava, 2021-10-02)


Enough Is Enough

Nicole Waliczek (Berlin, 2021-10-02)



Lucia Albert (Zilina, 2021-10-02)


Chcem žiť ako slobodný človek v právnom štáte, kde sa neporušujú zákony a ústava štátu.

Zdenka Veterániová (Kvačany, 2021-10-02)


I´m signing this petition

Ivan Mrázko (Bratislava, 2021-10-02)


Because polarization of society and hatred between people is not what I want.

Jakub Mede (04014, 2021-10-02)


I want my freedom and I will not be forced to have any Medical Procedure or injection.
I have a Business that is being destroyed by the Lockdowns.

Colin Weller (Forbes, 2021-10-02)


Coercion is not consent. If we fail to stand up for these fundamental rights bit is our children who will pay the price mostly. Government does not hold the power over body autonomy.

Adam Bickford (Brisbane, 2021-10-02)


I’m signing because in Melbourne, Victoria the politicians are breaking international law by removing our rights of freedom of choice. We are not allowed to work if we haven’t received the COVID vaccination, our doctors are not allowed to speak against the directive of the chief health officer or they will lose their license to practice, we are being financially bullied and are unable to give informed consent and our professionals cannot advise us. This is a breach of international law and we need help.

Lucianna Waters (Melbourne, 2021-10-02)


Whole situation went too far, misleading public by Politicians and media - lying with statistics, causing huge number of excess deaths by refusing treatments, physical and psychological abuse, silencing medics, scientific evidence, scientist, governments and politicians don't feel any responsibility for abuse to people that they created. Breach of Nuremberg Code, forced coercion to take unlicensed medication!!

Bart Jurkowski (Glasgow, 2021-10-02)


the vaccines are killing alot of people

Edmund Roache (niskayuna, 2021-10-02)


I love truth

Viera FrancanovAá (Košice, 2021-10-02)


The genocide must stop and those responsible brought to justice.

C Morrat (Sydney, 2021-10-02)


I see through the lies.

Matt Stevens (Winnipeg, 2021-10-02)

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