Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



The forcing of an experimental medical treatment is causing a genocide on the people of the world and must be stopped and those responsible, punished.

Laura Tapley (Mannville, 2021-10-03)


Justice must prevail. In memory of a grandmother lost to covid and a grandfather who resisted tyranny as a POW.

Joseph Iwanczuk Jr (Branford, 2021-10-03)


I am signing this Petition because what is currently happening around the world is worse than what we have witnessed during WWII and as if we have resurrected but now "an International Socialist Government" re attempt world domination . We have witnessed people in the Military and Border workers in New Zealand being coursed to take the unproven and untested vaccine to keep a job. This is unacceptable in our day and age and want to see justice served by everyone involved in the New Zealand Government .

Jaco Roets (Cantebury, 2021-10-03)


Justice needs to be served.

Yahel Ben-David (Berkeley, CA, 2021-10-03)


I’m so concerned for what is happening in Australia and indeed the World History cannot repeat itself this has to stop

Judy Everett (Kendall NSW, 2021-10-03)


Because these jabs are not conventional vaccines, but mRNA gene therapy which alters DNA. Its official trials only end in 2023; vaccines take 7 to 10 years to develop in order to verify its medium and long range effects.
Animals tests were skipped because they knew last time they tested animals with this technology, when the rats entered in contact with the virus, they all died.

Luís Rodrigues-Coelho (Colwyn, 2021-10-03)


We need transparency not censorship.

Shelly Zhou (Sleepy Hollow, 2021-10-03)


I am caring about humankind

Helma Hesse (Los llanos, 2021-10-03)


i have been discrimanated against my disabilitys and just trying to be an american becuase of the covid situation and politics mixed with medicine equals a bunch of clueless idiots telling me to do idiotic things

rodney johnson (saint johnsbury, 2021-10-03)


I stand for freedom.

Jacob Spinney (Aylesford, 2021-10-03)


Using people in a medical experiment under false pretenses is a crime.

Paul MacIntyre (Malden, 2021-10-03)


I am signing because I am a grand and great grand mother and I wish for all humans to be able to live in peace and not be harmed by medical experiments and to suffer harm due to failure of fiduciary duties and lawlessness.

Ngone Aw (Lutz, 2021-10-03)


"... He is a minister unto thee for good," and shall be held accountable for violating the oaths and duties of his office - else there remains only confusion and chaos.

Laurie Perrin (Kentville, NS, 2021-10-03)


I am signing this petition to encourage the International Criminal Court (ICC) to take action against those who have committed Crimes Against Humanity.

David Walton (Folsom, 2021-10-03)


I have several family members who have followed poor advice and have gotten the vaccine. Two of them I know have gotten the booster shot too. If what is being said about these shots are true then many of my family members will not live too much longer. I also am sick and tired of being surrounded by people who can not understand that this situation has nothing to do with stopping a virus.

Elaine Overturff (Magnolia, 2021-10-03)


this vaccine could kill me, given my history of a heart attack at age 16, past and current chronic health conditions. I do not want to lose any more friends, family members, or myself suffer more, or be killed by this!

Sydney Adams (Kansas City, 2021-10-03)


Stop Medical Tyranny.

Bev Jennings (Cincinnati, 2021-10-03)


I am signing this petition because I care about what happens to my fellow human beings. People who are responsible for hurting others should be held accountable.

Estra Ozturk (Montreal, 2021-10-03)


I know that you are speaking the truth. I am a medical professional - I want to be a part of stopping this atrocity - I want my children to have a future- I have experience as a clinical coordinator for HIV research treatment trials - and I know that this vaccine is wrong.

M Theresa Phelan (Tulsa, 2021-10-03)


I’m for free choice and vehemently against government abuse of power. We must fight against crimes of humanity no matter where they occur.

Steve S (Melbourne, 2021-10-03)


I'm signing because our basic human rights and privacy is being insidiously taken away. Many elderly would have survived but have been denied available medical treatment.. How can any government mandate a trial vaccination with no long term safety data? Medical apartheid is being committed. I could go on...

Glenis Goddard (LEIGH, 2021-10-03)


Individual human rights must win out over coercion. Individuals who perpetrate crimes against humanity must be held accountable.

Craig Hopkins (Clemmons, 2021-10-03)


People are being injured, killed, and forced to lose jobs.

Andrew Bucaro (Bartlett, 2021-10-03)


I’m signing this because my children deserve to grow up free! Free to choose who to love, what medical procedures to have or not have and how to live.

Madison Andrews (Hillcrest, 2021-10-03)


I support and agree with the issues in this petition.

Ursula Froehlich (Courtenay, 2021-10-03)


Crimes against humanity must not go unpunished.

Dean Henning (Durban, 2021-10-03)


I'm signing because peoples' health, trust and safety has been breached. United we stand. Governments around the world must never have power over a person's body, it's their sovereignty. The vaccine mandates are crimes against humanity. Civil liberties to move about freely have been taken away unlawfully, until one succumbs to the vaccine coercion. This is beyond wrong. This is criminal.

Marina Kutalyova (Sydney, 2021-10-03)


The roll out of a test drug has been illegal the use of propaganda and cohersion is inexcusable against the Human rights of the individual, and most importantly the future of children is at stake regarding the potential harm from a test drug..

Benjamin Fox (Bath, 2021-10-03)


These criminals must be held accountable.

Derrick Arrowsmith (San Jose, 2021-10-03)


Evil must be faced and stopped.

Daniel Marini (YORKTOWN HEIGHTS, 2021-10-03)


The corruption that is going on in Canada is completely criminal. The government is over stepping our constitution to suit their own agenda with these threats and inhuman practices to divide us and cause panic among us. IT MUST STOP IMMEDIATELY!!! Before more lives are lost!!! THIS IS ABSOLUTELY CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!!!

Linda Sim (Hamilton, 2021-10-03)


I am signing because agree with the lawsuit.

Miloš Darovec (Bratislava, 2021-10-03)


I want to support an effort to bring treasonous individuals responsible for the Covid Hoaz to punishment.

Fred Felter (Springfield, Or, 2021-10-03)


This is a crime against humanity

Michal Golsky (Bratislava, 2021-10-03)



Abdi Mohamed (Green bay, 2021-10-03)


Treasonous acts against mankind.

Andrew Blohm (Manchester, 2021-10-03)


My unflagging daily, 21-month-long investigation of these issues of criminality of global proportions has convinced me of the righteousness of this action.

Herrick Carver (San Francisco, 2021-10-03)


These are crimes against humanity, and we need to hold accountable those who are committing them.

Jillian Perkins (Portland, 2021-10-03)


I'm fighting for my daughter and children everywhere

Stephen Kelly (Victoria, 2021-10-03)


I believe this vaccine rollout has been done criminally worldwide

Gordon Larsen (Tauranga, 2021-10-03)


I'm signing this because it's the right thing to do.

Owen Coors (Ashland, Ohio, 2021-10-03)


to show our of our Children we did something

John White (CABOOLTURE SOUTH, 2021-10-03)


The govt launched misinformation campaigns to lie abt the vaccine being safe.
At the same time they also deliberately launch smear campaign against safer, cheaper, and more effective medicine against the disease specifically hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.

With the govt's mechanisms in place there is no way they are not wise to the data already surfacing all over the place. This is corruption to the extreme.

These govt have committed crimes against humanity and in my opinion even aided in genocide.

David Lim (Bukit Batok, 2021-10-03)


Because, everybody born free and nobody can to take it him and use people to experiment without their agreement and against their will.

Pavol Páleník (Šamorín, 2021-10-03)


I agree with this petition

June Coventry (Nottingham Road, 2021-10-03)


Innocent people globally are being deceived into taking what appears to be a biological weapon. I want to see those responsible investigated and held accountable for the physical and psychological harm that has been caused on humanity. What has been done doesn't just effect those whom have been subjugated or coursed into taking this "vaccine" but also those whom would witness or become exposed to the effects of such a bio weapon.

Vittorio Denson (Aberdeen, 2021-10-03)


Our being taken away from us and we have no choice under the state of emergency in our country

Alina Scherger (Mildura, 2021-10-03)


Iagree that there is no covid it is a bad fue worse ths influenza A. The jab will soon kill more than the virus.

Anthony Kennedy (Mermaid Beach, 2021-10-03)


Having seem a friend going from being a fit and healthy athlete to disabled for lifetime and the death of my friends mother both where forced into taking these so called vaccines - people behind this need to be prosecuted and first of all stopped. I would have never believed that a world like this is even possible. Please help us by making them accountable for every injury and death caused.

Birgit Machnitzke (Trinity Beach, 2021-10-03)


This crimes against humanity must be stopped.

Mari # (Uniondale, 2021-10-03)


Because our freedoms and choices are being taken away from us!

Traci Kay (Dallas, 2021-10-03)


The Vaccine Mandates

Christine Corcoran (Stoughton, 2021-10-03)


I believe our politicians and officials have been malevolently influenced in there decisions around Covid.

Michael Sherlock (Riverstone, 2021-10-03)


The freedoms enshrined in the founding documents of The United States have been radically infringed upon on the basis of falsehoods as enforced by weaponized institutions of government, medicine, media, and corporate businesses.
Without judicial oversight and criminal investigations, individual sovereignty will and must be fought for by any means available to free people.
In the interest of pursuing the most peaceable resolution to this coordinated, global assault on humanity, justice must be found in the international court.
All those responsible for the development and release of biological weapons, the forced acceptance of medical intervention, the unlawful experimentation on uninformed or unwilling human subjects, and those otherwise aiding in the commission of crimes against humanity must be held accountable in a criminal court.
Let my words represent the voices of countless others who, through fear of persecution, ignorance, or having been victimized by the coercive, systematic assault on truth, will not be capable of defending or representing themselves.

Bryan Eldred (wheelersburg, 2021-10-03)


Human rights are ours to be enforced

Maria Staikos (London, 2021-10-03)


Vaccinations - all of them - are crimes against humanity.

Ellen Mogensen (Marlton, 2021-10-03)


Freedom of expression and of medical choices are fundamental to the rights of being human on this Earth

Debs Prior (Christchurch, 2021-10-03)


Vaccine mandates are an attack on health and sovereignty. Anyone enforcing them is committing a crime against humanity and must be held accountable.

Jessica Leahan (Canberra, 2021-10-03)


All of these vile demons need to be held accountable.

Corey Sim (Hamilton, 2021-10-03)



Gail Crisci (Melbourne, 2021-10-03)


Our government has committed crimes against it's citizens and is trying to make it's citizens start a civil war

Zoran Tody (Darlington, 2021-10-03)


I have taken the Oath to protect and stand in defense of my Constitution, my Country, my fellow humanity as God is my witness. I hold the Oath dear to my heart for the FREEDOM of ALL HUMANITY

Denny Clark (Hendersonville, 2021-10-03)


The right to self-determination shall not be infringed.

Mark Keller (Bellingham, 2021-10-03)


Ziadam o urychlene jednanie v horeuvedenej veci. Pre mnohych nas je to zivotne dolezite.

Alena Kvac (MARCHEGG, 2021-10-03)


I do not believe in discrimination, coercion, totalitarian and censorship...I believe in human rights and Fredom of speech , freedom of the press and freedom to say no to any type of Covid vaccination.

Peter Kanaris (Sydney, 2021-10-03)


Porušili Ústavu Slovenskej republiky, viacero zákonov, smerníc a dohovorov v oblasti ľudských práv a popri tom rozkradli neuveriteľné množstvo verejné financie. Za toto musia byť potrestaní!

Antonin Baffi (Spišská Nová Ves, 2021-10-03)

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