Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I believe that this is not a vaccine but in fact a bioweapon, that is being used to achieve depopulation objective. Also this is now being done by the coercion of people losing their job. This is a completer violation of many treaties that were established to prevent this. Our unalienable rights are being violated.

Patrick Epps (Chicago, 2021-10-03)


I am against forced coerced extorted “mandated” gene therapies whereby informed consent was omitted. Known medical therapeutics were denied to people. The NIH FDA CDC Fauci Birx Biden Newsome Cuomo Murphy Inslee Walsh committed crimes against humanity. I have no trust in the US government the health care system, big Pharma, the judicial system dude to their intentionality to harm We the People. We have been lied to harmed and murder as it relates to COVID19 and the genetic delivery systems. Our Constitutional Rights have been violated and continue to be violated as they have manipulated the numbers as it relates to COVID, the Gene Therapy adverse effects and morbidity, the PCR tests, its all like watching a horror movie only sadly the entire world is living through this genocidal agenda by the globalists. Our elected politicians as well as the medical community must be held accounted criminally. I am an outraged American and want justice served and my freedoms restored. That is why I will sign any petition alight with any movement that resists and moves toward restoring our human, civil and sovereign rights.

Dorothy OToole (Palm Desert, 2021-10-03)


I fear for my freedom and the freedom of my kids ands grandkids. I feel like we are losing our civil liberties by our president trying to force us to take a vaccine for something that has a 99.97% chance of survival. I fear my government wants all conservatives to die. Some of them has said they did. Our media lies to the American people every day. I fear for the existence of my country because of the open border. I feel like I’m being taxed without representation. I’m depressed and scared but I’m prayerful and hopeful.

Lisa Phillips (St Joseph, 2021-10-03)


The NWO will not prevail. These war criminals committing crimes against humanity will suffer severe consequences. They sought to thin the herd but in doing so they have awoken the wolves.

Jesse Ames (Milledgeville, 2021-10-03)


I believe that crimes against us have been committed.

Rob RIETOW (HONOLULU, 2021-10-03)


I am an American, I am Jewish and I can no longer simply stand by and allow evil to go unpunished.

William Beyer (Ormond Beach, 2021-10-03)


Mandating a questionable Experimental Drug and suppressing viable life saving medication, through silencing medical professionals with Coercion and intimidation is Fascist in the least.

Anton Pretorius (Perth, 2021-10-03)


There should never be any mandatory medications/vaccinations/drugs/portions/ chemicals and/or forms of treatments to be used or applied on anybody. The defaulting person or organisation must be penalised as an act of murder.

James Wong (Subang Jaya, 2021-10-03)


Worst crimes against humanity EVER

Aileen Chissell (WA, 2021-10-03)


I have been waiting for this too long

Miroslav Drábik (Košice, 2021-10-03)


We, the citizens of the World, deserve free, fair, and democratic governance. As well as safe and efficacious health care.

Naomi Klahn (Port Macquarie, 2021-10-03)


This has to stop you cannot keep doing this to the human race it’s not your decision it’s our choice

Tracey Cross (Castlemaine, 2021-10-03)


Too little testing with no recourse, isolating people, loss of employment with no financial support by a corrupt government who insisting on calling it a vaccine when it is a jab, refusing to allow freedom of choice for treatment that has been tried and tested since 1980s,unhealthy mask protocol especially for children. Government so concerned about the vaccine YET the new born babies in SOUTH AFRICA no longer are being innoculated against measles mumps and rubella as country has NO STOCK. An absolute disgrace being controlled by the layman who has sheep mentality.What is more this Government counts all the signatures on a petition as 1 yes one objection.

Lynette Elliott (Weybridge Park, 2021-10-03)


I hope you will be punished for what you have done to humanity.

Linda Semmelmayer (Pleasanton, 2021-10-03)



Robert Shaw (Peoria, 2021-10-03)


I'm an American who beleives in The Constitution and Freedom of choice for medical procedures. Everyone in the whole world should have freedom of choice when it comes to their heath! These criminals need to be held accountable for their crimes against humanity!

Brian Russo (Boise, 2021-10-03)


I am signing this petition to encourage the International Criminal Court (ICC) to take action against those who have committed Crimes Against Humanity.

Bradley Lehman (Navarre, 2021-10-03)


This is a bioweapon campaign through the Covid virus and the injections. Our family is greatly suffering with our self-employment and medical challenges related to Covid mandate-related delays in health screenings. We need to stop these criminals. Thank you, all behind this legal action to ICC.

Merry McNutt (Anderson Island, 2021-10-03)


i'm signing because i care about personal liberty and freedoms in all areas of life...
and because i want an end to the global political & medical tyranny that has harmed & crushed every man woman
and child on this planet... and for
ALL perpetrators of these crimes against humanity to be held accountable in an international court of law!..
...forget the globalists "build back better" agenda... time to take back our god given rights as word citizens and our constitutional rights and hold⚖️tribunals
for ALL these criminals!!!
god bless you dr. fleming!😇

pat stuppi

pat stuppi (los angeles, ca 900:24, 2021-10-03)


I agree with the evidence that Dr Fleming has presented so far. These mRNA experimental agents have killed at least tens of thousands of people, and they have injured at least hundreds of thousands. However, because of the severe under reporting of adverse advents, lack of non-biased cause-finding autopsies, lack of accurate testing/isolation, and etc., I imagine that the actual true number of deaths and injuries is even more horrifying. Force vaccination of a very harmful substance without informed consent is murder. Mandating vaccination of a very harmful substance without informed consent by using extreme bullying techniques and misinformation is murder. In addition, they cannot prove the actual number of covid deaths since the PCR test is not a diagnostic test and they were rigged to generate false positives, and because covid symptoms are similar to other infections. Using their fake numbers, the death rate is still extremely low and does not justify force / mandatory vaccinations of a deadly substance. Please ask the world to set a maximum limit on the number of deaths and serious injuries to stop a vaccination program, medical treatment, drug, etc. (e.g., I think that it was 25 deaths with swine flu, but I am okay with a lower number like 1). Please ensure that this will never happen again.
Also, please fix the injury reporting system. Make it available in real time so that everyone can see what has been added immediately without delay. Add an additional column to indicate whether it has been verified or not. (i.e. a new search parameter – verified). And if the adverse reporting system managers disputes a submission and marks at as unverifiable, the reason should be publicly viewable. Furthermore, as there is a penalty for falsifying an entry, there should be penalty for not submitting an adverse event when it is detected / suspected. By fixing these adverse reporting systems, we can improve informed consent. Thank you.

James Kelly (San Tan Valley, 2021-10-03)


I am signing this petition because all persons responsible for the atrocities taking place today need to be held accountable for their actions. I am also signing this for the future of our children.

Gary Henryson (Rising Sun, 2021-10-03)


I'm signing because I am being terminated from my position. I am a board certified emergency physician that is working at Alaska Native Medical Center. The CEO is mandating that I take "the vaccination" for Covid19 or I lose my job. Job will be terminated October 15, 2021. I signed a 2 year contract in May, 2021 with this organization.

Norman Petty, MD (Anchorage, 2021-10-03)


I am against the power used by governments and against experimental vaccine, I want people all over the world to live freely

Virginija Maciuleviciene (Edinburgh, 2021-10-03)


I believe in truth, freedom and good medicine

Sonette Barnes (Ashmore, 2021-10-03)


It's time to end this madness

George Montiel (Glendale, 2021-10-03)


Our body is a temple
No other person can decide over my body

Lucia Schoeman (George, 2021-10-03)


It horrifies and upsets me to see the way Australians are being treated by our Government, police and media. Coercion and bullying and the removal of our freedoms must stop.

Jane Willis (Noosa, 2021-10-03)


I want to see all those involved prosecuted.

Peter Freitag (Luxembourg, 2021-10-03)


I want justice for the crimes perpetrated against the citizens of the world.

Scott Seekins (Halifax, 2021-10-03)


I want the truth told to me. I hate liars

Pamela Friend (Cardiff, 2021-10-03)


The truth will win.

Maroš Kováč (Selešťany, 2021-10-03)


Covid is a scam
The vaccine is what's killing people and the puppet masters and their minions must be held accountable

Simon Gregurke (Bucasia, 2021-10-03)


nezákonnosť. Čapkovič

Peter Čapkovič (Bratislava, 2021-10-03)


This is genocide, everyone involved should be prosecuted!

Daina Briody (Bristol, 2021-10-03)


Stačilo... Pomaly dva roky nám vo svete zúri najzákernejšia, najodpornejšia, najničivejšia "pandémia" kvôli, ktorej sa menia radikálne pravidlá v spoločnosti a o zdraví človeka nie je nikde ani zmienka... Niečo nám tu nielenže smrdí, ale to čo smrdelo už prerazilo navonok a napadá všetko...

Ján Budzák (Lendak, 2021-10-03)


Many have committed crimes against humanity and must be held accountable for what they have done to people across the globe.

Karen Bracken (Bristol, 2021-10-03)


it is criminal and abuse of powers to commit genocide and experiment on humanity.

Leo Abello (Arnhem, 2021-10-03)



Tomas Feranec (Hlohovec, 2021-10-03)


because our corrupt Government are out of control and forcing the population to get an experimental so called vaccine against their will with threats of no jab no job.

Deborah Brown (Perth, 2021-10-03)


Podpisujem, pretože sa tu protizákonne vykonávajú pokusy na ľuďoch.

Jozef Dúbravský (Železná Breznica 185, 2021-10-03)


Freedom of choice, freedom from control.

Sharon Van Rensburg (Cape Town, 2021-10-03)


I am concerned about the harmful effects of these covid vaccines and the deaths and injuries they are causing, would like to see accountability to end the ongoing deception and co-ercion that governments together with pharmaceutical companies are perpetrating.

William Harper (Fingal, 2021-10-03)


Australia needs the transparency as part of informed consent.

Kristy Mclachlan (MEDOWIE, 2021-10-03)


I'm signing because those responsible need to be brought to justice! They SHOULD be tied & then quartered in the city square on LIVE VIDEO for ALL the world to see! An example needs to be made of these criminals so that NObody tries this again for a very, VERY LONG TIME!

Dedrick McGraw (Tuscaloosa, 2021-10-03)


Crime against the humanity should be punished......

Michal Svatoš (Lohne, 2021-10-03)


Acts of crimes against humanity
Acts of treason
Re: sars cov 2, mask mandates, lockdowns, destruction of businesses and livelihoods,
Vaccine mandates of an emergency use unproven drug when therapies exists: ivermectin, hydroxycloriquin et al
Vaccine mandates if a deadly, life altering vaccine that does not prevent transmission of said virus.

Michele Coletti (Phienix, 2021-10-03)


The Andrews government has breached so many laws of our country on Commonwealth, and had cause great harm, including death by their dictatorship of excessive do called state of emergency mandates, that are being used via lies and corruption. The people have now had enough, and demand that they be held accountable. This is NOT lawful or constitutional. We beg you to please put a stop to this genocide immediately.

Kerry-anne Laird (Melbourne, 2021-10-03)


We have been lied to, Cohesive ways have been used and still used on the unaware of this Experimental mRNA GENE therapy which they now call vaccine, the definition of vaccine was changed on Wikipedia last year to include this experimental mRNA as a vaccine
Too many have died, too many adverse reactions
When swine flu killed 20 it was halted, how many Covid 19 experimental mRNA GENE therapy treatments have to kill before they are halted

Us the in England and many from other countries want this stopped immediately and crimes taken out on all including Bill Gates of the Gates Foundation served and imprisoned for their actions for genocide

We need you more than anytime since WW2

Sophie-Jane Sherwood (Hyde, 2021-10-03)


I can’t consent to covid 19 vaccine until I have all information provided as to its safety and effectiveness

Nell Donahoo (Cowes, 2021-10-03)


Never have I heard of so many people known to me dying or seriously ill since the beginning of 2021. Not last year, this year and all have been vaccinated.
Throughout there has been no debate. The only 'debate' I have witnessed my government having involved six MPs who all shared the same skewed opinion. No, there is something going on and it needs stopping.

Amanda Petch (Norwich, 2021-10-03)


No person should be mandated to take something into their body that has the potential to cause injury or possible death.

Loretta McCarthy (Parkwood, 2021-10-03)


My workplace is mandating me to get the experimental COVID-19 so called vaccine

Ricardo Quintana (Rydalmere, 2021-10-03)


Because Australia is own as a free country. But so many people have lost their freedoms.

Sarah Baker (Gold Cost, 2021-10-03)


To save humanity!

David Evans (Rome, 2021-10-03)


I am signing this document because of the egregious crimes committed against people all over the Earth. I have been studying this topic over the last 30 years and knew the crimes and lies being committed. So many criminals getting away with crimes and profiting from them as well while people are maimed, suffering and dying as their result of their evil! NO MORE..WE WANT JUSTICE!

Ernest Cann (St Louis, 2021-10-03)


The findings of the jab are horrific. Look at the Mod er rna discoveries. South Wales premier resignation after following the money. Injured survivor stories. Internment camps built. India curing covid with Ivermectin and charging their WHO rep with murder. Internment camps built. Military used against civilians. The list goes on. This is Genocide.

Nicholas Walsch (Berlin, 2021-10-03)


I am signing this petition because I stand for Truth, Honesty, True Science, Freedom, Justice, Humanity and because I totally support Dr. Richard Fleming.
We must stand up and protect the rights and freedoms of humanity and future generations to come and ensure those that have committed crimes against humanity are held accountable and punished.
God Bless Dr Richard Fleming!

Paul Crisci (Melbourne, 2021-10-03)



Katarina Grmanova (TOPOĽČANY, 2021-10-03)


My kids and Grandchildren deserve a better world than the one we have right now

Ken Drinkwalter (Lindsay, 2021-10-03)

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