Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Jozef Strnisko

Jozef Strnisko (Hlohovec, 2021-09-30)


Billions of People across the world have been subjected to a barrage of blackmail, coercion, abuse, gas lighting, ridicule and discrimination for an experimental vaccine containing potentially dangerous substances, even their most basic human rights stripped away - including the right to medical treatment and the right to earn a living - when they do not 'comply'. Tens of thousands have died and millions injured after taking the injection, now they have started on boosters and the children. Governments and media cover up these truths or gaslight those fighting for freedom of choice, while eminent scientists, lawyers and medical professionals are discredited and censored and blocked by Governments and on social media, as are other concerned truthers incorrectly and unfairly labelled "anti-vaxxers" or "extremists". In the UK last year there was the Midazolam scandal in care homes, when thousands of residents were euthanized under blanket DNR orders, which again authorities tried to cover up. Whistle-blowers have also come forward and started to speak out on alternative media platforms about unethical and criminal practices in health and social care settings, as again they are cancelled by governments and MSM. Known effective treatments for Covid-19 that could have been used throughout the pandemic were rejected and denied by governments - even on a temporary approval - in favour of none and then the experimental "vaccines" (ironically approved for emergency use) administered through a carrot and stick approach of vaccine = freedom . . . Freedoms which didn't come and only eventually under threat of being reimposed if people don't fall in line with the narrative. Healthy people subjected to fear and scaremongering by MSM and governments and injected without fully informed consent while the vaccines make big bucks for ministers and big pharma. The elderly unable to hug their loved ones and lonely for many months, loved ones unable to spend time with their relative in health and social care settings before they passed away. Deaths certified as Covid regardless of what people actually died of to keep the narrative and crisis cooking on the stove, manipulating figures to make things seem worse than they actually were. Around the world, Police officers using brutal force against protesters in largely peaceful marches and rallies, including the use of tear gas, water cannons, rubber bullets, kicking and beating with truncheons and bare fists even where women, children and disabled are present. I could go on . . .

Catherine Evans (Ramsgate, 2021-09-30)


I agree.

Štefan Čipák (Košice, 2021-09-30)


We are being used has an experiment

Roy Taylor (Manchester, 2021-09-30)


boli porušene moje ludske prava pretože v meste bydliska vyhlasovali mestskym rozhlasom o ruškach , testovani po školach a vakcinovani ludi a ludia nemaju ponatie že sa tu pacha genocida ! moj syn nemohol ist do prace 5. mesiacov lebo sda nechcel dat testovat a bol dobrovolne nasilu na neplatenom volne ktore mu retazec TESCO davalo 5. mesiacov sme nemali prijem bolo tažke prekonat hlad a kurenie v zime a o zdravotnictve ani nehovorim po nemocniciach beriem lieky na dychanie aj dva spry a raz 24. aprila tohoto roku som jeden inhaler zabudla pretrepat a nejaka zložka mi tak ubližila že som mala opuch oči aj tvare a bolo mi zle až na srdce a na rychlu volal syn že mi je zle a ta na ustredni sa hrala na lekara lebo potom somprebrala mobil ja a najprv ju zaujimalo či som nosila rušku či som mala test a podobne a zvyšovala na mna hlas ako mi je zle na to srdce ? no bolo mi velmi zle lebo mi to asi rozdulo pluca alebo neviem to inač vysvetlit ! minuleho roku som išla zaplatit vodu osobne a tam ma vratnička nepustila do budovy lebo som si nedala mierit s teplomerom na hlavu a pomaly upratovačky chcu pozerat do ludskeho dokumentu dokladu od lekara ked nemam rušku pri nakupe lebo ked si ju nasadim idu na mna mdloby a je to utrpenie pre mna kupovat tovar ! minule je tomu tyžden Rakusky retazac kde som nakupila tovar bez rušky mi predavčka povedala že či chcem byt chora a kde mam papier od lekara o mojeom zdravi a kazala mi z pasu tovar ktoru som vyložila vratit spat do pultov a ja som jej povedala že nech si to odprace ! podavam na každeho trestneho oznamenie aj na mobilneho operatara kde ma nutili sa nasadit rušku a skoro rok ma systematicky okradali kde mi priradili cudziu osobu ako mandat z Dolneho Kubina a banka sa vyhovara na O2 a O2 sa vyhovara na banku ! po piatich mesiacoch dotal syn prvu vyplatu a hned sa vrhla poštova banka na peniaze a my sme ostali zadlženi aj na eliktrike za tie mesiace a nejdeme sa zdlžoby vyseka pre parazitov ! za tuto ujmu žiadam od banky ! vlady Matoviča ! retazcov od každeho mojho poškodenia 100 000 euri ! testovanie vykonavali ludia ktori nemaju atestaciu a akym pravom po školach kde je sam bacil od ruk detičiek si dovolili robit lobotomiu nosa ? ja som videla ten PCR doklad testovanych ludi kde nebol podpis lekara ani pečiatka ktory zodpovedny by mi za ukon lobotomie nanenesenie infekcie bol zodpovedny ! nieni za tuto pachanu genocidu zodpovednej osoby potom už ak ludia budu mat nasledky do buducna ?

Jana Tomčikova (Ruzomberok, 2021-09-30)



Miroslav Šrenkel (Banská Bystrica, 2021-09-30)


Robiť pokusy na ľuďoch je neprijateľný zločin

Beáta Kseňáková (Malá Ida, 2021-09-30)


STOP CORONATERRORE, STOP CORONAFASCISMO!Nemienim sa už ďalej v obchode dusiť v rúšku a nedám sa ďalej zotročovať a terorizovať odpornými koronafašistami. Nakoľko sa určite nikdy nedám očkovať, tak sa stále musím testovať a teraz sa mi stalo, že po ukončení štud. pobytu u môjho pedagóga operného spevu v Ríme mi talianski koronateroristi nedovolili odletieť z letiska CIAMPINO, lebo ja som vôbec netušila, že aj pri odlete z Ríma musím mať test. Ja v Ríme vždy podstupujem sierolog. Covidtesty z krvi z prsta aj pre môjho profesora spevu,pretože spevákom sa nesmie invazívne preraziť nos. dutiny kvôli rezonancii.V Ríme som teda kvôli talianskym koronafašistom mala neplánovanú dovolenku, ale aspoň som to využila na kúpanie v mori v neďalekej Ostii. Až s novým sierol.testom som mohla v pondelok 27.9. odletieť, namiesto 24.9 Nebudete veriť, kým som sa dostala na palubu Ryanairu Covidtest odo mňa žiadali 3 krát .Keď som priletela do Ríma 17.9. mala som zo Slovenska PCR-test zo slín, ale vtedy nikto v Taliansku testy nepýtal, jedine môj profesor spevu

Stella Duffekova (Piestany, 2021-09-30)


Stop the violence!

Lubomir Papay (Bratislava, 2021-09-30)


I am against human rights violations and senseless measures. I strongly condemn pressure and segregation.

Viktor Bagin (Piešťany, 2021-09-30)


I´m signing this petition with full knowledge, because I do not agree with the fascist regime that rules in EU and bullys its citizens.

Andrea Orthová (Bratislava, 2021-09-30)


I believe our government are corrupt

Lisa Barrett (Slough, 2021-09-30)


I agree with this petition

Zorka Velčická (Bíňovce, 2021-09-30)


Ešte verím v spravodlivosť

Vladimír Čierny (Partizánske, 2021-09-30)



Jozafova Alexandra (Sixmilecross, 2021-09-30)


i am father

Marek Gúčik (Čachtice, 2021-09-30)


I am signing this petition to encourage the International Criminal Court (ICC) to take action against those who have committed Crimes Against Humanity.

Lubomir Zvrskovec (Povazska Bystrica, 2021-09-30)


I want to stop this covid show

Michaela Šoltýsová (Stupava, 2021-09-30)


chcem v našej krajine žiť slobodne

Radoslava Nova (Zilina, 2021-09-30)


sme slobodné bytosti na základe slobodnej voľby od stvoriteľa

Daša Kapustová (Ľubietová, 2021-09-30)


I want to support this petition.

Tibor Ozimý (Puchov, 2021-09-30)


I am signing because these are crimes against humanity

Aaron Pressman (Langley, 2021-09-30)


I agree with

Palo Mordáčik (Bratislava, 2021-09-30)


Podpisujem petíciu.

Jaroslav KASCAK (Laitila, 2021-09-30)


I don´t trust judgiest in Slovakia and we need help ...

Slavomíra Filipiaková (Košice, 2021-09-30)



Ľubomir MURÁRIK (Bratislava, 2021-09-30)


This madness must finish!!!

Peter Dorusek (Trenčín, 2021-09-30)



Zdenek Kindl (Trnava, 2021-09-30)


Podpisujem túto petíciu, lebo zločiny proti ľudskosti musia byť potrestané! Včera už bolo neskoro!

Viera Chomová (Bardejov, 2021-09-30)


This is the right thing to do.

róbert huňady (04012, 2021-09-30)


Those people pursuing this agenda which is both killing more people than it is saving and not providing informed consent for individuals need to be brought to justice. This includes anybody following the agenda that should know be better or does know better notably police or MSM and head teachers

James Leathley (Darlington, 2021-09-30)


What has gone on is totally inhumane and unethical.

Floyd Kelly-Lord (Greatham, 2021-09-30)


I join because laws and human rights are being violated in Slovakia

Jozef Plevjak (Zeleneč, 2021-09-30)


zásadne nesúhlasím so súčasným hysterickým stavom v spoločnosti. Je potrebné urýchlene riešiť a odsúdiť všetkých zapredancov a zradcov.

Jozef Kormoš (Sása, 2021-09-30)

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