Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity
Because of the crimes against humanity.reuben walters (Brixham, 2021-10-03)
The people committing crimes against humanity must be held accountable.Michael Nordheim (Baldwinsville, 2021-10-03)
I totally support the ft that this is a genocide on such a level the world didn't see ever. Everybody who is involve in this must held accountable for the crimes against human race.Hripsime Lake (Lancaster, 2021-10-03)
Iam signing, because I fully agree with the content of this petition.Ing. Jozef Králik (Klobusice-Ilava, 2021-10-03)
Stop killing people!Monika Šimová (Prievidza, 2021-10-03)
This is the right thing to do. Stand up on the right side of history! Nuremberg 2.0!Diane Steele (Farmington, 2021-10-03)
I am signing because I for soon investigation and prosecution of those individuals responsible for crimes against humanityPeter Farkaš (Michalovce, 2021-10-03)
Humans have been hurtSarah Dawson (Sydney, 2021-10-03)
Agenda 21 Plandemic est 1992 should never of been allowed to happen everyone involved including Governments, Royalty,Illuminati, Emergency personnel, MSM, NHS are responsible for destroying lives & deserve to be Executed!
Shaun Davis (Blackpool, 2021-10-03)
I lost my parents in January2021 my father in August 2021 my mother was not so old or so sick that they should die at the age of 72 the family was left mourning we don't believe in measures or vaccinesViktória Chovancova (Košice, 2021-10-03)
SúhlasímMarek Moric (Šamorín, 2021-10-03)
om presvedčený že covid je len ekononiický a politicky nástroj.peter krska (michalovce, 2021-10-03)
Treba aby sa vyšetril Covid podvod čo najskôr. Nech je potrestaný každý kto to podporoval. Život máme len jeden a preto nemôžeme žiť v strachu. Musíme bojovať každý ako môže.Štefan Škaritka (Martin, 2021-10-03)
I'm signing because I'm the human!Marta Horváthová (Bratislava, 2021-10-03)
I'm not indifferent to the "bending" of the law. I am bothered by discrimination, segregation, I am bothered by the lack of discussion and promotion of only the "only" truth.František Klacek (Hostinné, 2021-10-03)
I'm signing because women, men and children of every country deserve accountability from those who SERVE the people of their country.Hazel Costelloe (Ennis, 2021-10-03)
Please stop the biggest anti-human evil activity in all times.Shuo Tang (Green Point, 2021-10-03)
This needs to stop before many more die. People are suffering and it's gone too far.Sharon Davies (Cardiff, 2021-10-03)
I aggre with them.Ivan Sobona (Nemcinany, 2021-10-03)
In Austria massive pressure for getting vaxxed is rolled out as elsewhere. In more and more professions (especially health and public sector including police, military, education, universities) you have to get "the shot" not only once. The government and the 9 provincial governments must be held accountable.But I will point at three individuals by name standing for many others:
Health minister Wolfgang Mückstein (Green Party) who is a doctor and vaccinates himself with media attention.
Former health minister Pamela Rendi-Wagner, now head of the Social Democrats, leader of their parliamentary faction, who vaccinates herself with media attention.
The president of the Doctors' Chamber Thomas Szekeres who aggressively attacks the unvaccinated in media while at the Chambers' headquarter in Vienna only vaccinated have access. Even before and during Covid he and the Chamber covered up doctors' complicity with organized crime networks who use conservatorship to steal the premises of thousands of victims in a Nazi style manner. Many of the victims who feel like Jews whose bank accounts, houses, apartments, precious books etc. were seized by the Nazis die prematurely. In these crime networks there are many judges and lawyers.
Alexandra Bader (Vienna, 2021-10-03)
It’s disgusting .. all doctors censored .. misinformation and forcing people on experimental treatments is illegal !Suzan Trojan (Niagara Falls, 2021-10-03)
Uninformed consent worldwide for experimentation on the general public, gain of function and violations of Nuremberg codes and AMA ethics.Robert Applebeck (White lake, 2021-10-03)
I believe in what right & whats wrong.Gain of function is wrong & those incharge should be prosecuted.Brittany Layman (white lake, 2021-10-03)
People are dying of the vaccination and the truth is hidden from people, not sure why you need to hide it if you actually want to kill humankindDesire Oosthuizen (Pretoria, 2021-10-03)
The international drive to mandate medical treatment is unlawful and immoral. More so the drive to limit the lives of individuals based on this medical treatment.Ray HOLMES (Sutton, 2021-10-03)
I want to see all those who have been committing crimes against humanity be held to account.Nerida Wynne-Primus (Rowville, 2021-10-03)
I agree wholeheartedlyJoshua Halbig (Water View, 2021-10-03)
to vše musí přestat a mělo by dojít k trestnímu stíháníViktor Burkert (HRUŠOVANY NAD JEVIŠOVKOU, 2021-10-03)
What's currently happening in this country, and the world, is against the Nuremberg code.Carol Raines (Liskeard, 2021-10-03)
Chcem aby bola spravodlivosť, suhlasím s obsahom čo je podané na ústavný sud.Pravda musí zvíťaziť a ľuďom otvoriť oči.
Gabriela Trubanová (Diviacká Nová Ves, 2021-10-03)
Chcem,aby boli všetci ktorí spôsobili Corona teror a majú na svedomí životy ludi boli spravodlivo potrestaní..Vakcina rozhodne nie je sloboda ...
Katarína Očenášová (Bratislava, 2021-10-03)
I do not consent to be "vaccinated" with an experimental gene altering drug - I do not consent to a tracking-app on my phone for this Covid-19 nonsense - And I do not take kindly that the media, the politicians etc. are segregating me from society for being naturally immune.Alwin Schilt (Groningen, 2021-10-03)
The criminal activities of government worldwide need to be stopped in its tracks.No person should have to accept any medical procedure against their will being coerced and threatened with their livelihoods.
It is demonic and the Blood of Jesus Christ is against all these institutions of enforcement and I curse their works to the root.
Ilse Maree (Hermanus, 2021-10-03)
End this genocide. End this war crime. Bring those responsible to justice. Thank youTimothy Thornton (Chiang Mai, 2021-10-03)
An extraordinary, unprecedented assault on human basic freedoms by institutional, medical, scientific and media bodies with what appears to be a systemised process of supporting major corporations especially large pharmaceutical companies to shut down small businesses, control human movement and behaviour by using fear of death due to a so called pandemic, which it appears was derived not from nature, but from irresponsible and dangerous tinkering with the human genome in gain of function research! A modern day Holocaust involving not millions of souls but hundreds of millions of souls using untested emergency enabled “ vaccines”.Watch the money! Thank God for integral, caring committed scientists and doctors who have put everything on the line in fulfilling their Hippocratic Oath rather than The Hypocritical Oath!
TERENCE RAVENSCROFT (Cape Town, 2021-10-03)
We should have a right to chose what we put into our bodies.Dervilla Griffin (Cork, 2021-10-03)
I am Human and want to stay Human, and believe That Evil is here to try to take that awaysigning this in Hopes that The Hague will do the right thing and stop the Evil ones God Help Us All.
Dennis Pare (Lowell, 2021-10-03)
Podporujem aktivity smerujúce k potrestaniu zločinov v mene vírusového ochorenia na politické zneužívanie moci.Oľga Vlašičová (Bratislava, 2021-10-03)
Because these ruling elites need ti be made accountableStephen Hall (St. Leonards, 2021-10-03)
What is happening in the world needs stopping, the governments have gone rogueEmma Greevy (Rotherham, 2021-10-03)
I have believed from the very announcement of this "pandemic" that this virus was and continues to be a bio-weapon designed with funding from my very own tax dollars to be used against myself, my family and my fellow citizens of the world. Dr. Anthony Fauci directed the creation of said virus based on the information obtained from multiple document sources. There are multiple employees and associates of Dr. Fauci that assisted in the creation and release of this virus.The creation of a vaccination from a bio weaponized virus is an even worse crime in my opinion! Furthermore for the president of the United States of America, Joseph Biden to mandate these vaccinations upon myself, my husband and my family, is a violation of my God given rights. My knowledge of the risk to my husband and sons at higher risk for mycarditis leads me to believe the mandate is an attempt to murder my family. It is evident as of October 2020, that our administrations FDA, CDC, Office of the President were aware of the life threatening risks prior to releasing the vaccines onto the general public; these offices should be held accountable for their actions.
Sarah McCandlish (Newark, 2021-10-03)
I believe something sinister is happening and don't like experimental crapStephen Murdoch (Dublin, 2021-10-03)
I'm signing because it is clear as day to me that crimes against humanity have been committed and are being ramped up at an alarming rate. Please investigate.Lisa Michael (Jacksonville, 2021-10-03)
This is now a crime against humanity! The truth is supresed and more and more people are hurt. This has to stop!Tupi Roma (Toronto, 2021-10-03)
The individual’s responsible for creating the “pandemic” have murdered tens of thousands of humans and I want them arrested and held accountable for there crimes against humanity under the Nuremberg codes.Steven J Anderson (Pendleton, 2021-10-03)
I eant to support this aktivity against humanityKamil Lucansky (KOSICE, 2021-10-03)
Pretoze Slovensko trpi, svet trpi, nase deti trpia!Richard Papuga (Haniska okr. KOSICE, 2021-10-03)
I am signing because I am against forced vaccinations and want everyone that is complicit in these crimes against humanity to be held accountable.David Camp (Tallahassee, 2021-10-03)
Stotoznujem sa s obsahom peticieJozef Kerek (Bardejov, 2021-10-03)
Podpisujem saMária Gottliebová (Tisovec, 2021-10-03)