Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Accountability for these crimes need to happen

Angela Adkins (mansfield, 2021-10-03)


People responsible for death and dismantling of logic should be called out. Those creating and spreading death and disinformation are exempt from these lethal injections.

Jennifer Smith (Madisonville, 2021-10-03)


Its genocide simple as that there guilty of crimes against humanity

Nick Woodhead (SHIPLEY, 2021-10-03)


I'm signing because I wish to stop the genocide and enforced injection with the experimental mRNA 'vaccine.'

Patricia Gibson (Vancouver, 2021-10-03)


Australian prime minister, state premiers, public health officials have all committed crimes against all Australians and must be held accountable. We are no longer a free country, do not have rights to provide a living or rights to our own body.
Our suicide rates has tripled, not to mention patients in hospitals denied life saving treatments that have been used for well over 50 years ie: ivermectin.

Monica Seixas (Sydney, 2021-10-03)


breaching article 6 human rights 10 and comon law , and also want hague taken to court for not acting on its own laws due to tgus petion even exsisting

grwg ralph (taunton, 2021-10-03)


I am signing this petition because the people responsible for ruining the world and mass genocide need to be held accountable now. This is our time in history to stand up and make a stand and to fight for our family friends naboùrs ect enough is enough God is in control.

Zephrine Willett (Hamilton, 2021-10-03)


I wish to see justice served by the rule of law.

Steve Rampton (Barrow-in-Furness, 2021-10-03)


as a physician

Andreas Hammering (Teufen, 2021-10-03)


Vláda Slovenskej republiky nezvláda pandémiu. Lekári chorých neliečia už na začiatku. Pandémia Covid rozložila celú slovenskú spoločnosť. Vo svojich rozhodnutiach porušuje vláda ľudské práva, pandémiu zneužíva na svoje vlastné ciele.

Miroslava Virágová (Vištuk, 2021-10-03)


I don´t want to live in a world, which lacks law, humanity and common sense. God bless all the brave women and men, who standed up for defence of our rights and freedom.

Zdenek Barinka (Strani, 2021-10-03)


Im signing becouse I totally refuse this covid tyrany impoused on healthy people

Stanislav Škapa (Frýdek Místek, 2021-10-03)


Joan E Koester

Joan Koester (Saint Peters, 2021-10-03)


For freedom.

William Recollet (Hamilton, 2021-10-03)


Our body our choice. No one has the right to coerce us into participating in human experimentation.

Lara Cameron (Bristol, 2021-10-03)


I live in the most locked down city in the world and this madness has to stop for the well being of civilisation. I support this petition as it is just 1 step towards bringing the tyrant governments to justice and bringing peace back to our world.

Marisa Walters (Melbourne, 2021-10-03)


podpisujem pretoze sa obavam o buducnost v tomto chorom systeme a spolocnosti

Mária Benčová (Hodruša Hámre, 2021-10-03)


Violation of the Informed Consent Treaty

Paul Egan (Gawler, 2021-10-03)


As a Christian, it is a violation of my belief that man has the rule over my medical decisions and the decisions of my family. As a citizen of the United States, the Constitution and Bill of Rights are being violated. As a healthcare professional, I know informed consent is not being offered to patients in most cases. If citizens of the United States and the world don't rise up and stop this now, there will be no end to the human suffering brought on by the people in power.

Betty Pettus (SHERWOOD, 2021-10-03)


I'm signing because I believe that crimes against humanity are taking place, via experimental injections being called covid vaccines. I believe people including children, are being harmed and killed. I also believe that harm is being caused by mask wearing and lockdowns and the people inflicting these crimes are fully aware of the harm they are causing and they should be tried and prosecuted in the courts. This is a turning point in our lifetime and our children's futures depend on the perpetrators being stopped now

Jo Mcgrath (Beccles, 2021-10-03)


The pandemic is being used to usher in totalitarianism and the removal of human rights on a global scale as well as attempting to cause genocide to reduce world populations.

Paul Robinson (Perth, 2021-10-03)


Against human right

Meilyr James (Swansea, 2021-10-03)


Podpisujem ,pretože sú neustále porušované ľudské práva , Ústava zákony a táto situácia si vyžaduje rýchle riešenie

Miroslav Benča (Hodruša Hámre 119, 2021-10-03)


For freedom to live with out fear or harm for all souls.

Terri Schleibs (Melbourne, 2021-10-03)


I am signing because for the human rights violations being done to to my city by corrupt politicians and pharmaceutical companies , the WHO and the WEF.

I do not consent to the experimental vaccines being forced into peoples bodies by mandates and the threat of no freedom to travel and work .

I want to see all who have bought into the agenda that is u lawful to our commonwealth constitutional laws and human rights held accountable as to the Nuremberg codes and criminal penalties .

Cameron Ashley (Melbourne, 2021-10-03)


Protože je nepřípustné zrušení všech občanských práv pod záminkou ochrany před virem, jehož smrtnost je v promilech, za účelem vnucení pochybného rychloočkování neprověřeným experimentálním přípravkem, způsobem, vakcinační centra, omezujícím zpětnou vazbu hlášení nežádoucích účinků.

Antonín Růžička (Brno, 2021-10-03)


I'm signing this petition, because is true.

Tomáš Stacho (Pata, 2021-10-03)


I’m signing because this is massive, we all know and governments are doing nothing but genocide

Emma Ryder (Wareham, 2021-10-03)


I'm signing for the future of the human rights of all now and in the future.

Angela Hedges (Melbourne, 2021-10-03)


Podpisujem preto, aby sa v predmetnej veci bolo urýchlene rozhodnuté

Stanislav Krištoff (Banská Štiavnica, 2021-10-03)


The truth must come out and every single low life parasite worldwide that's involved in this dispicable atrocity against human kind needs to be punished

Stephen F (Cairns, 2021-10-03)


this fiasco is a trial on human beings, I hope every last one of them get their comeuppance and are held accountable for their actions, these people are corrupt.

Avril Lafferty (Airdrie, 2021-10-03)


I have researched and reflected on this plan for over 18 months. And it requires such necessary actions to save humanity from global tyranny.

Jason Powers (West Lafayette, 2021-10-03)


There must be accountability.



Petîciu podpisujem, pretože takêto porušovanie základných ľudských práv a slobôd, Ústavy SR musî byť zastavené, odsúdenê. Verîm, že tí kt. toto všetko páchajú budù za svoje zločiny proti ľudskosti stîhanî a potrestanî.

Danka Chlebáková (Stará Ľubovňa, 2021-10-03)


Mám svedomie.

Štefan Jakubišin (Jaklovce, 2021-10-03)


I’m opposed to being part of a human trial and experimental vaccine.

Phillippa Neilson (Cape Town, 2021-10-03)


I condemn restrictions against humanity.

Marek Choma (Spišská Nová Ves, 2021-10-03)


I do not trust the pharmacy!

Wil Vermeulen-Bax (Westervoort, 2021-10-03)


No economic power should have the option to kill.

Gabriel Cárdenas (Bogotá DC, 2021-10-03)


There must be accountability

Em Peds (Bury, 2021-10-03)


i want these crimes to end!

ilona endischova (laval, 2021-10-03)


Its a clear violation of our rights, they are using people like rats these need to stop!!

Christian Velez (Sabana Grande, 2021-10-03)


I truly believe this is criminal activity and the people should make their own choices and be allowed freedom as per constitution and the intentions of our forefathers of the United States of America.

Lisa Reinhart (Milford, 2021-10-03)


Every human being should have the universal right of informed consent.

To not be coerced, wether that include loosing their job or be subjugated to a under class of society and placed into a group of the unvaccinated, whereby they are cast out of the daily freedoms normal people enjoy.

This cannot be allowed to happen and IS happening.

I urge the ICC to look into the valid concerns of all involved and deliver justice, without political motivation of bias.

I served in Afghanistan when I was 19 years old. Never did I think I would witness such division and oppression in my home nation.

This MUST be exposed!!!

Charon Ransome (Ellesmere, 2021-10-03)


Our government and once trusted establishments through the lens of the media propaganda are essentially giving citizens false information and manipulating these systems to threaten and forcibly inject people against their will with an experimental medical procedure that is killing people worldwide and causing irreversible adverse reactions in the millions.

Tyler Meadows (Newmarket, 2021-10-03)

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