Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity
Musí se s tím začít něco dělat.František Vrána (Nevojice, 2021-10-03)
The truth will always prevail, and when that time comes, there should be a class action Nuremberg trial, punishment should include death by hanging/firing squad. To deter anything like this ever happening again.Melissa Tinsley (Denbighshire, 2021-10-03)
Forced vaccination against our will, with threats, bullying, shaming, discriminating , loss of employment, forced isolation.Linda Lysiak (Melrose, MA, 2021-10-03)
The right thing to do.Robert E. Loudner (Nelsonville, 2021-10-03)
Crimes against humanityJames Whitehead (Winnipeg, 2021-10-03)
I'm signing this petition to stop the criminal activities of the WHO the CDC the FDA, the owners of Pfizer, Moderna and J&J.. We the people want to see them brought before a World Court for crimes against humanity.Cee Zee (Auckland, 2021-10-03)
Stop the lies and murders!Shelley Malazzo (Prosper, 2021-10-03)
Podpisujem, lebo súhlasím s podanym oznámenímJozef Majerský (Kuchyňa, 2021-10-03)
Those in power need to be brought to account.Timothy Knight (Workington, 2021-10-03)
Vyjadrujem súhlas s návrhomMária Brlitova (Nové mesto nad Váhom, 2021-10-03)
for the childrenVille Sarell (Loviisa, 2021-10-03)
Never again should we allow human beings to be used as animalsValerie Boas Starkey (Budd Lake, 2021-10-03)
EVERYONE IS LYING about everything in the official narrative. Even the elected government that is set to protect its citizens! AND - IT’S A KILLER VACCINE !Esta Kroon (Uppsala, 2021-10-03)
I’m signing because everything which is written in that document is true and crimes against the people are being committed in Slovakia.Ľubomír Janáč (Trnava, 2021-10-03)
These sociopathic eugenicists need to be brought to justice.Alan Grissett (Katy, 2021-10-03)
It is becoming clearer with every passing day that the overreach by those in power is less about protecting us than acquiring total control. Those who choose safety over freedom deserve neither.Kathy Friesen (Morden, Manitoba, 2021-10-03)
Genocide is being committed. Those responsible must face justice in this world and the next.Ravichandran R (Kuala Lumpur, 2021-10-03)
For freedom of a mankind!Adriana Gajdošová (Šaľa, 2021-10-03)
Im free, my family, my kids, we are free and we are healthy, and is enought for us lies and segregation.Rafal Romanowski (Sarisske Cierne, 2021-10-03)
I don't want this poison force on me or my family!Sheila Sulser (Mineola, 2021-10-03)
The covid publich health response, suppression of effective treatment, and mandated use of experimental vaccines constitutes genocide and constitutes a crime against humanity.Gavin Dersley Breeds (Cape Town, 2021-10-03)
The deceit and lies must end - those responsible must be held accountable in a court of lawjim collis (London, 2021-10-03)
Podpisujem, suhlasimAnna Oboňová (Hrubá Borša, 2021-10-03)
Sloboda a spravodlivosťDaniela VISZLAIOVÁ (Košice - Staré Mesto, 2021-10-03)
We are backwards in our government,and they lie and, hide the truth.Aldric Grandy (Brooklyn, 2021-10-03)
They have to tell the truth...Eric Desomer (Beaufays, 2021-10-03)
Enough is enough. We are not in democracy anymore. And the amount of people who died because of the covid 'vaccine', the people responsible for the worldwide genocide should be stopped and prosecuted and punished. They are criminals! And just because they are trillionaires or billionaires, it doesnt give them the right to kill or control human beings. This is a fight between good and evil. It is time for the public to be heard and protected from these psychopaths leaders!Please help us
Angelique Le Calvez (Norwich, 2021-10-03)
I’m signing because, given the amount and quality of information I’ve received with regard to this issue, I simply cannot do otherwise.Andrew Streeter (Amesbury, 2021-10-03)
We have rights that we have to protect. I don’t want to lose my rights and realize later how important they are. Freedom of choice has always been a reality and it needs to continue as so.Kari Oravkin (St. Catharines, 2021-10-03)
I'm signig this because this tyranny must end.Richard Enos (Mississauga, 2021-10-03)
People are being duped, told that a ‘vaccine’ is necessary when the Covid virus is more than 99% survivable.Eileen Bailey (Calgary, 2021-10-03)
Its important to investigateNathalie Lafontaine (Gatineau, 2021-10-03)
Ich möchte mich im Spiegel anschauen ohne mich übergeben zu müssenKatarina Grabmeier (Rain, 2021-10-03)
I'm signing because its morally right.Lisbeth Taylor (Liphook, 2021-10-03)
I'm tired of being an experiment to the government, not only are they forcing vaccines on people, but they are also directing radio waves of some sort at people while they sleep in their own homes. Spying on everything said and leaking to operatives to repeat to you to no end.Exactly what Hitler did, but on steroids.
Scott Smith (Bethlehem, 2021-10-03)
this segregation and discrimination of unvaccinated is become unbearable. Some weaker individuals can suffer mental problems because of this. Divission and hatred is growing in society.Andrea Lee (Soblahov/Trencin, 2021-10-03)
I do not want to live under tyrannical regime and give up my God given rights to live a free life. I also especially will not become someone else'sexperiment.
Robert Goldman (Westhampton Beach, 2021-10-03)
Zločiny sa trestájuRichard Bajmoczy (Bratislava, 2021-10-03)
Plne podporujem, stop covidfašizmu a genocíde!!!Juraj Krč-Turba (Stará Turá, 2021-10-03)
I'm signing petition because I feel discriminated l, not been able to use freely certain services as I am not vaccinated. Me and my kids we have to were mask that affects are ability to breath freely and affect negatively our health.Marcela Abecassis (Sokolnice, 2021-10-03)
I'm tired of being an experiment to the government.Charlotte Smith (Bethlehem, 2021-10-03)
I'm signing because I support the truth and demand for the end of this mass murder.Amina L (Singapore, 2021-10-03)
The very survival of human species as we know it depends on how this will be resolved - the largest rogue experiment on people ever.Libor Míček (Brno - Lesná, 2021-10-03)
I’m signing because i believe there has been a crime committed against humanity with the entire covid issue!Angie Law (Lehi, 2021-10-03)
I am a health care worker and know the crimes against humanityAmanda Patterson (Evansville, 2021-10-03)
I'm angry that people are being lied to about COVID and its treatments. They are being allowed to die when treatments exist. And now they are being forced to take unproven vaccines in many cases.Erica Warren (Olive Branch, 2021-10-03)
Stop genocide!Lucia Krč-Turbová (Stará Turá, 2021-10-03)
Im signing because those responsible for the creation and release of the covid-19 bioweapon should be held accountable!Paulo Pagliari (New Ulm, 2021-10-03)
I already have a Rare Autoimmune disorder that’s bad relapsing polychrondritis . I don’t believe in trying to force the Vaccines on the public.Vincent Staub (Manahawkin, 2021-10-03)
I know for a Fact this Is a bioweapon from man=fauci . From HIV scare he did to this Hoax . Criminals at the head of W.H.O. and the UN ( how did they get these positions ? )=ALL luciferian antichrist popes jesuits freemasons roman cult babylon elites 🕸️ club . I pray we get a Godly judge and not one of the above judge's . If this goes to the supreme court, we're lost because ALL but 3 Are roman catholic beguiled unresearched brainwashed biblically illiterate puppets !Linda Oden (Sacramento, 2021-10-03)
I am singing because it is really not good to live and works with that masks. Also many resrictions which are really not neccesary.Peter Dubjel (Liptovský Ján, 2021-10-03)
I am signing because this was not supposed to happen again, humans were not supposed to be experimented on again. We are going down a dangerous road that the Jews in nazi Germany experienced. This will completely destroy trust in the medical and pharmaceutical fields. It has to endJessica Simpson (Bowmanville, 2021-10-03)
liveIgor Hantuch (Bratislava, 2021-10-03)
Lebo to tak citim a nesuhlasim s tym co sa dejeNicol Gašpáreková (Trenčianska Teplá, 2021-10-03)
America needs it...Stanley Hatcher (Inverness, 2021-10-03)
my father od dead after vacinaMartin Škára (Trenčín, 2021-10-03)
I support the investigation and prosecution of all involved in subjecting humanity to bioweapons and conditions that have caused unnecessary death and suffering. Not only is it a violation of the Nuremberg Code, it shows: 1) Purposeful intent to harm by hiding and ignoring viable and effective early treatments of SARS-CoV-2 . 2) An illegal emergency status authorization issued for SARS-CoV-2 vaccines when effective early treatment is already available. 3) Purposeful intent to harm by ignoring natural immunity, population immunity, and historical vaccination protocol usage.Tamara Strasser (Sacramento, 2021-10-03)
I agreeDominik Vacek (Teplice, 2021-10-03)