Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity
This has to stop now before more people including children are hurt. All of the evidence is there. Please help us!Suzanne Cooper (Wallaceburg, 2021-10-03)
Souhlasím s touto peticíKarla Markesova (Jesenice u Prahy, 2021-10-03)
I am signing because what is happening right now around the world has to stop.Kamila Zapletalová (Ostrava, 2021-10-03)
I'm signing it because I can't support human segregation to vaccinated vs. non-vaccinated! That's just one, but not small reason why I agree with this petition. I hope people come to their senses and make good decisions.Silvia Harwood (Edmonton, 2021-10-03)
I am horrified by the inhumane actions being taken globally to coerce people into taking an uneccessary injection.Catherine Eade (Brighton, 2021-10-03)
I completely agree with the wording of this Petition.Lubomír Nečas, dipl. um., MBA (Boskovice, 2021-10-03)
I want to see justice done to the perpetrators of crimes against humanity with respect to this Covid 19 vaccination program.Jeff Rubi (Tehachapi, 2021-10-03)
Kazdy ma pravo zit ako to citiKatarina Galikova (Dudnica n/V, 2021-10-03)
People need to be accountable for their actions. I believe early treatments for Covid have been ignored, and worse, blocked by regulatory agencies. I believe many lives could have been saved if physicians had been able to practice medicine and people would have been treated for Covid early in their illnesses. I also believe people’s adverse events from the Covid vaccines have been ignored and censored.Jacqueline Saggers (Royston, 2021-10-03)
The criminals needs to be arrestedHristo Kostadinov (London, 2021-10-03)
I care about my fellow man.Debra Mixon (Colorado Springs, 2021-10-03)
The so called vaccines are bio weapons, designed to kill not heal.Ridley Hutchinson (Weaverville, 2021-10-03)
Mandating vaccines that are experimental and imposing rule of law like Nazi Germany. Law is over written by public health orders (non pandemic rates to imply).Jack Hamman (Port Hedland, 2021-10-03)
I know there are crimes against humanity on many levels throughout the covid 19 pandemicEdith Behr (Pottstoy, 2021-10-03)
All the governments take a fascist agenda but pretend as a democrat . They terrorise us using threats (lost of jobs or segregation ,etc)We have to change it! We must change it!
Branislav Timkovic (GLENVIEW, 2021-10-03)
It is your duty to investigate and enforce the laws you are responsible for. If you stand by mute you are as liable as the ones breaking the law and stand complicit in your shameful dereliction.Damon Faulkner (Delta, 2021-10-03)
... this Crime Against Humanity threatens the viability of human life on the planet & by extension ALL LIFE on the planet.Kathleen Hill (Sydenham, 2021-10-03)
I am disgraced over what is happening to people. I cannot understand why this is continuingMariëtte Laas (Polokwane, 2021-10-03)
This is wrong on so many levels! This so called shot should NEVER be forced on anyone!! Give us our choices back! We want to be able to decide which treatments are best for us & our families!!Jennifer Cross (Kissimmee, 2021-10-03)
I agreeArthur Singer (Crossville, 2021-10-03)
Trudeau should be charged for commiting crimes on humanity with his genetics experiments.Michel D'Astous (Calgary, 2021-10-03)
IT is right thing to doJan Mašek (Moravany, 2021-10-03)
I am an engineer with 38 years experience. I have followed all of this Covid bio-warfare attack with both the virus and vaccine since the start. Law professor Francis Boyle who wrote the 1989 US bio-warfare law exposed this as a bio-weapon and bio-warfare attack in February of 2020. All data and evidence I have seen since then corroborates Francis Boyle's conclusion. I choose to stand against this criminal behavior for those I love and all other innocent people.Steven Hoskins (Hamilton, 2021-10-03)
I want the truth to surface and those who are complicit to face the consequences.Justin Downes (Cape Town, 2021-10-03)
This is a crime !!!Amy Lichon (Fort Collins, Colorado, 2021-10-03)
This is the most heinous crime in the history of the world. Those responsible must be punished, for the salvation of the human race.Grier Ellis (Callahan, 2021-10-03)
This medical tyranny must be STOPPED!Donn Shackelfurd (Summerville, 2021-10-03)
Spravodlivosť predsa musí existovaťAnna Bérešová (Vranov nad Topľou, 2021-10-03)
The people and groups who caused this need to immediately be held accountable for the horrific crimes they've committed.Jason Maxwell (Sherwood Park, 2021-10-03)
I agree with Dr Fleming. We are experiencing a crime against humanity that must be stopped, and the cirminals held accountable.Sam Eggertsen (Port Orchard, WA, 2021-10-03)
This whole scheme has been a fraud, the actions of those behind these actions are guilty of violating the Nuremburg treaty.William Soldwisch (Lombard, 2021-10-03)
I am signing because I am against medical tyranny. I AM for individual autonomy, the constitution of the United States and freedom!Virginia Eggertsen (Port Orchard, 2021-10-03)
Chcem zastaviť nezákonné konanie vlády SR v súvislosti s "pandémiou Covid-19" - nosenie rúšok, dodržiavanie odstupov a čoraz viac povinné očkovanie, ktorému absolútne neverím.Ladislav Sloviak (Šenkvice, 2021-10-03)
This pandemic has been used to illegally take away freedoms, deny therapeudic medications, and force a MRNA unapproved vaccines with devastating results on the world.Donna Acker (Mullica Hill, 2021-10-03)
Because Fauci, Gates, Daszak, Birx and Wuhan Lab need to be held accountable to answer for producing a bioweapon chimera Sars-COV2 virus and subsequent worldwide fear campaign. PHARMA vax monies should be tracked to these various individuals. Pharma Vax companies need to answer for the EUA gene modification campaign and FDA needs to be dissolved for incompetence and malfescience along with CDC for promoting a death inducing ICU protocol and all of the above criminally prosecuted to maximum extent for crimes against humanity AND GOD.Sujit Varghese (Bradentom, 2021-10-03)
Grave crimes have been committed against God and humanity.Margaret Chant (Atherstone, 2021-10-03)
Decido no vacunarnos en un experimento que puede, de acuerdo a resultados ya revelados, ocasionar daños a mi cuerpo en un corto, mediano o largo plazo. Adicional, en la manera cruel y obligatoria que el gobierno lo está haciendo.Jennifer Rodriguez (Lares, 2021-10-03)
"My body, my choice" seems to be more important to those who wish to REMOVE RNA which differs from their own, but no longer applies to those who wish to prevent RNA (not their own) from being injected into them without proper consent. This injection violates the Nuremberg Code as well as several other treaties. Humanity is NOT to be the genetic playground of those who think themselves to be gods!Darlene Ridilla (Clearwater, 2021-10-03)
I know the truth and knowing the truth will set you fee!William Fink (Waverly, 2021-10-03)
Let doctors treat patients as they and patient decide.Bill Moriarty (Reno, 2021-10-03)
One size medicine doesn’t fit all. How can they be this stupid to give a blanket medicine to all. Total invasion of my body .Simran Sharma (Dublin, 2021-10-03)
Souhlasím s peticí!!Petr Benesch (Nový Jičín, 2021-10-03)
This is the most important issue of the day. This must be brought to the attention of the people of the world.Christy Brazil (Conway, 2021-10-03)
I have signed because my four daughters were forced by employers and a university to take the vaccine without informed consent. All involved should be held accountable.Gregory Vidos (Little Rock, 2021-10-03)
The pandemic And the so called vaccines have deliberately been spread and provided as a means to kerb the freedom of world citizens and even gagging them leaving them without social interactionJan Brand (SPRINGS, 2021-10-03)
I am signing this because I have done a lot of research on the SARS(COV)2 bioweapon, and these Gene Therapy injected bioweapons, and the Johnson and Johnson bioweapon. I believe many global elites, world wide government officials, governmental health care leaders, and doctors are perpetrating CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and need to be held to account.Jeremy Kent (Longview, 2021-10-03)
These crimes against humanity must be stoppedSharon Bailey (Tumwater, 2021-10-03)
The USA is a Republic! Not a democracy; a socialist nation, nor is it a communist nation. FREEDOM OF CHOICEBrandie Browning (Henderson, 2021-10-03)
I want the truth to come out and I want all complicit and all who played a part, that led to the deaths and injuries from my fellow human beings, from this bio weapon… to be brought to Justice!Lynn Sandifer (Hammond, La, 2021-10-03)
I'm signing this petition to allow and to move the investigation and eventually prosecute people responsible for the "covid-19 pandemic" which is in fact a conspiracy plan involving numerous influential individuals (e.g. Bill Gates), authorities, establishments, corporations/companies, etc., conspired together or otherwise consenting to be a part of or to be bribe of.(Supported by the evidence given by the author of this petition and among other external sources)
Which led to global issues and individual damages centered around the following but not limited to: economy,
individual freedom, individual rights to gain income due to restrictions, individual rights to access necessary services (e.g. medical, food) due to restrictions (e.g. vaccine passport), societies' overall physical/mental health and social stability.
Carl Nemo (Metro Manila, 2021-10-03)
What these people have done is worse than Hitler or anybody else. They need to be STOPPED IMMEDIATELY! Trials take years and years! In the mean time stop them?? If possible? Hitler managed to kill the Jews. These people are killing the world!Karin Grobler (Pretoria, 2021-10-03)