Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I support myself financially. I have had previous allergic reactions and can't afford any medical errors which would disable me.

Delene Gillen (Colleyville, Texas, 2021-10-03)


I believe transparency and open honest communication is our only hope forward into a VERY UNCERTAIN future where extinction of the human species is at hand in our near future. Its imperative we have abilities to work together internationally and this MINOR EFFORT is a single step in a positive forward direction.

James DeThomasis James DeThomasis (Rensselaer NY, 2021-10-03)


You have subjugated the world to the most horrific medical experiment in human history. The attack of the corona virus and the ambush of the vaccines.

Anders Rendtorff Klitgaard (Charlottenlund, 2021-10-03)


I am signing because i want this madness to stop, and those responsible held to account.
If you haven't already, please contact Reiner Fuellmich, who is a german lawyer and has started a few cases in Europe and the US. You can find him on

I am from the Faroe Islands, and everyone here seems to be in some sort of a trance, but one doctor has tried to speak out, and he got jailed without any charge filed against him. This says a lot about the current situation, and i just pray this madness will stop before too many are injected.

I lost my job in early 2021 because i refused to get injected, so i had to adapt to these sircumstances, and now i am motivated to get these crimes out to the public.

Please let me know if you need any help or assistance with anything really

Thank you for what you do, and may God be with you

Magnus H. Matras

Magnus Helgason Matras (Vestmanna, 2021-10-03)


I am signing because I learn from the past.

Slavomir Lichvar (Vysna Hutka, 2021-10-03)


I am desperate to save lives!

Susan Hoffman (Oreland, 2021-10-03)


If not NOW when
There are many of us! But the doors are closing, on many fronts.

Susan Thomas (Lewisburg, 2021-10-03)


Zaslouží si spravedlivé a tvrdé tresty,jaké Svět ještě neviděl!

Zdenek Kubica (Ostrava, 2021-10-03)


Podporujem správnu vec! Držím palce!!!

Jozef Ondruška (Handlová, 2021-10-03)


I want to see the end of medical, pharmaceutical, and governmental tyranny.

Sandra Merrion (Danville, 2021-10-03)


Criminals should be prosecuted immediately

Susan Haywood (Azle, 2021-10-03)


I sing for freedom, human rights and fight for my rights, my family against psychpats.

Erich Götz (Čečejovce, 2021-10-03)


There needs to be accountability for this vaccine Holocaust

Douglas Burns (Calgary, 2021-10-03)


I want those who harmed humanity to be investigated and eradicated!

Rosalie Smith (ANNAPOLIS, 2021-10-03)


Nesúhlasím s porušovaním ľudských práv,zákonov,Ústavy SR,opatreniami.

Mária Oravcová (Poprad, 2021-10-03)


I am in agreement

Kay Horn (Cape Town, 2021-10-03)


I am gravely concerned for our world. So many people have been hurt or killed. My brother received the Pfizer shot and now has heart failure - was previously perfectly healthy. This has to stop.

Cynthia Kenner (Highlands Ranch, 2021-10-03)


It’s the right thing to do

Garrett De Blauw (Lyon, 2021-10-03)


Ad an ER nurse I am witnessing immunity failure and multiple organ damage, clotting abnormalities all associated with the Covid shots. These rushed “vaccines” are killing and injuring people! The EUA’s were only granted due to calculated banning and suppression of other safer and effective treatments. Discussion has been censored and the censorship is getting tighter. The virus is a bioweapon developed with knowledge and funding from US agencies... taxpayer dollars. Fauci has perjured himself before the Senate. All those involved in these crimes must be held to account fir what they have done.

Michael Hudson (Santa Cruz, 2021-10-03)


I believe the evidence supporting this case is very clear

Stefan Jensen (Closeburn, 2021-10-03)


this is High Crimes Against Humanity of the most egregious and debased caliber

Lisa McNorton (North Las Vegas, 2021-10-03)


It's right of all of us to fight against those fascist metods, which most governments figt agains their own peoples.

Peter Handlovský (Banská Bystrica, 2021-10-03)


I’m signing because I want every person and business involved in this massive deception who have knowingly pushed
these experimental untested jabs onto the trusting public, many of whom have been maimed, permanently damaged or have died, to be brought to trial. I want our government to stop this experiment NOW and to cease injecting our children immediately.

Jackie Catlin (London, 2021-10-03)


Ethics violations inevitably lead to crimes against humanity. Perpetrators must be held accountable regardless of their intent. God created mankind. Mankind created society. Society created governments. Therefore, mankind is accountable to God and governments are accountable to those men, women, and children they are called upon to faithfully represent for their wellbeing and the preservation of humanity.

Stephen Haynes (Modesto, 2021-10-03)


The Covid vaccines have caused a lot of side effects and deaths. Yet some of my basic rights have been taken away because I'm not vaccinated here in Canada. And the vaccines don't stop you from getting Covid or from spreading it. The mainstream media is propaganda and the censorship is out of control.

Ty Queen (Windsor, 2021-10-03)


Because my wife was coursed into getting these shots. Now works at a hospital that is mandating the shots.

Daniel Jensen (Ludington, 2021-10-03)


I am signing this because humans should have the right to choose per previous agreements and treaties.

Robb de Vournai (Belmont, 2021-10-03)


There needs to be accountability for these crimes!

Lazzaro Calis (Boca Raton, 2021-10-03)


Podpisujem túto petíciu, aby už niekto konečne ukončil toto šialenstvo a boli potrestaní všetci iniciátori a vykonávatelia týchto zločinov proti ľudskosti.

Jozef Sutoris (Košice, 2021-10-03)


I'm signing because through my investigation it's clear to me that the dangerous injections are soft weapons used against humanity that have already killed many thousands of people that I know of and damaged millions more. Humanity was purposely deceived about them which means nobody had informed consent which is a Nuremberg code crime against humanity. The long-term deaths & damage is going to be a lot worse as many good doctors have warned us about. The dangerous clot shots are soft weapons for a world war being used to poison and enslave humanity. Nuremberg ROPE justice needs to get ALL the enemies of humanity behind it all starting with Bill Gates, Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau, every Government involved, all the criminal conspiring mainstream media sources involves, Big Pharma companies like Pfizer, Moderna, big tech like Facebook, Google, Youtube, Twitter, all the private bankers, all the other criminal conspiring corporations involved, all the corrupt Hostpitals paid off, etc..
Do not delay. Humanity has no time to waste. Kids are being injected with the soft weapons next and it needs to be stopped now.

Corey Haller (Kamloops, 2021-10-03)





If this were simply a natural origin pandemic, we would:
Know how and where it started.
Know how to treat it early on.
Have OTC access to HCQ and IVM.
Know what is in the COVID Shots.
Be informed about the side-effects of the COVID Shots.
Know the true COVID numbers and COVID Shot numbers.
Be able to publicly talk about the pros and cons of different treatments without being shut down.
Not need Vaccine Passports.
Not have to decide between a job or a COVID Shot.

Basically, if this wasn't the greatest Crime Against Humanity, we would have transparency...

Therefore, those guilty of this crime have to be held accountable...or else, it will be repeated.

Kathy Cronin (Bourne, 2021-10-03)


Podpisujem, pretože táto fašistická COVID-diktatúra núti ľudí vrátane detí do očkovania skúšobnou vakcínou pre núdzové použitie, no za následky po očkovaní neručí nikto.
Ďalej nastupuje segregácia očkovaných a neočkovaných.
Obmedzuje sa prístup k zdravotnej starostlivosti na ktorú má človek právo z Ústavy SR. A je toho oveľa viac , ako sa pošliapavajú ľudské práva.
Preto podpisujem, aby táto Covidová genocída skončila !, aby Covidoví zločinci dostali zaslúžené tresty.

Miroslav Berník (Šurany, Na brehu 14, 2021-10-03)


They need to be brought down from their ivory towers and made to pay for their atrocities and corruption against the people.

Kelly Walsh (Barrie, 2021-10-03)


I am also waiting to hear back from the ICC for the case I sent them from the UK.

Garrie Steels (Kingston Upon Hull, 2021-10-03)


I'm signing the petition because I'm not happy with the situation in whole Europe.

Katarina Repkova (Aylesbury, 2021-10-03)


because this criminals destroyed many human lives

Michal Crkon (limerick, 2021-10-03)


Ivan Oboňa

Ivan Oboňa (Hrubá Borša, 2021-10-03)


Margie S Chism

Margie Chism (Chesterfield, 2021-10-03)


I believe that the British government and media have deliberately used deceit and coercion to force the British public into having a so called vaccine, which is still only authorised to be adminstered under emergency use aminstration. The yellow carding system is woefully under reported and now with their winter 'Plan B' they are proposing to segregate society further by introducing vaccine passports. There is absolutely no scientific evidence that taking this vaccine stops you from contracting C19 nor does it stop you from transmitting it. This is a deliberate constraint on a non vaccinated persons freedom of bodily autoniny and freedom of movement. Never before have we had a vaccine in which most of the population has been forced or coerced into taking it.
I am neither for or against vaccination. However, I do believe that a person must be allowed the freedom to exercise their right to choose, this is has not been the case in the UK, with many British citizens ridiculed, excluded and vilified for exercising their freedom of choice.

Linda Gardner (London, 2021-10-03)


Podpisujem, lebo som presvedčená o správnosti postupu pani Pirošíkovej, pána Weissa a ďalších žalobcov.

Sylvia Maliariková (Prievidza, 2021-10-03)


I'm signing because I believe the pandemic was engineered, by elites and so called deep state to bring about drastic change in our world and to give themselves lasting and powerful control, as well as more wealth.

Stephen Dunning (Jakin, 2021-10-03)


These people need to be held accountable. Uttar Pradesh has proven what happens when its health above profit and control!

Elizabeth Shelby (Kissimmee, 2021-10-03)

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