Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity
We must stop the worst crime in known human history.Milan Sedliak (Banská Bystrica, 2021-10-03)
I am convinced that there is an intentional plan for a small number of people to make millions through the planned pandemic. There had just been way too much censorship of alternative cheaper medications and a silencing of anyone who challenges the narrative with critical thinking.Trevor Mann (Hayward Heath, 2021-10-03)
Because history (genocide) is repeating and the perpetrators will be no stopped, better sooner than laterStuart Green (London, 2021-10-03)
Som proti tomuto covid divadlu, v ktorom tieto klamstvá naďalej sprevádza veľký gigant strachu - média...som proti génovej terapii, proti porušovaniu ľudských práv i proti testovaniu a očkovaniu tak ako detí od 5r., tak aj dospelých... som proti noseniu rúšok i proti našej ťažko chorej a psychicky narušenej vláde... som proti rozdeľovanie ľudí na ockovanych a neočkovaných...Podpisujem túto petíciu preto, lebo verím, že PRAVDA a SLOBODA zvíťazia no hlavne preto, lebo verím, že medzinárodný trestný súd je posledná záchrana, ktorá konečným verdiktom môže napomôcť Slovákom k tomu, aby konečne začali žiť v právnom štáte, v ktorom znovu najdu to, o čo ich naša vláda obrala - zdravie, lásku, domov, bezpečie, sebavedomie, úctu, pravdu, rešpekt a životnú energiu.
Jana Mihaliková (Bardejov, 2021-10-03)
I'm signing because I am a loyal servant of the Almighty and sworn enemy of evil.Erik Kass (Bethesda, 2021-10-03)
I believe in this investigation and prosecution should follow!Lynn Davenport (Oakland, 2021-10-03)
This is tyranny what’s happening by the elites of the world and mass genocide.Darren Marsh (Stockton on tees, 2021-10-03)
I'm signing because I want people held accountable for their crimes against humanity.Blanche Scalise (Monroeville, 2021-10-03)
With early treatment, this pandemic would be over. Suppression of early treatment is immoral. There needs to be consequences for those responsible.Brian Rader (Friday Harbor, 2021-10-03)
There are serious implications here including death of millions and funding bioweapons in China.There are crimes against humanity implicated by The Hague. See also:
The Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 states:
"Whoever knowingly develops, produces, stockpiles, transfers, acquires, retains, or possesses any biological agent, toxin, or delivery system for use as a weapon, or knowingly assists a foreign state or any organization to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for life or any term of years, or both.”
Scientists are starting to distance themselves from Fauci and are starting to turn due to the seriousness of what consequences they may find themselves in by lying or taking part in all of this in any way.
Michael Dion (Pompano Beach, 2021-10-03)
I believe this is a Crime against Humanity and Human Rights violationSonja Fourie (Kempton Park, 2021-10-03)
I wish the New Zealand Government lead by Jacinda Ardern to be added to the list of those in crimes against humanity. I am Mother of the nations known as TeManawa and have kept records of their crimes as they committed them outDebra Potroz (Hamilton, 2021-10-03)
I am afraid of what their real intent is as to the so-called vaccine. I am afraid for my grandchildren, I'm afraid for our great Republic.Thomas Calkins (Whitehall, 2021-10-03)
It is necessaryDouglas Billado (Huntington, 2021-10-03)
Crimes are being committed against humanity. People are being denied their rights to informed consent and to make choices about their health (what to put in their bodies.)Lynn Lombardo (Layton, 2021-10-03)
I feel this is crimes against humanity and is pure evil!Maria Silveira (Mississauga, 2021-10-03)
This is of most urgency to be looked at and fairness and justice be brought to our society again!Elisabeth Fruehwirth (London, 2021-10-03)
Bad things are happening. Action is needed. Thank youLinda Časárová (Opatov na Moravě, 2021-10-03)
I'm singing because I think this is an outrageous violation of Doctor patient privacy and the reported injuries and deaths tremendous. When the H1N1 vaccine killed 25 people the whole vaccine initiative was stopped. More people have died of this pseudo vaccine than all other vaccines combined for the last three decades.Yes this should definitely be investigated and the appropriate people hung as was done originally a Nuremberg.
Frank McLean (Thunder Bay, 2021-10-03)
I am against being forced to take the Covid shot in order to live my life freely. I believe there is something terribly wrong with this so called vaccineJamie Mitchell (Sedro Woolley, 2021-10-03)
I'm signing because history is in the process of repeating itself and I want the perpetrators held accountable.Andrew Owings (Gothenburg, 2021-10-03)
Sloboda prejavu a myslenia je právom každého .Milan Sabo (Trenčín, 2021-10-03)
The introduction of this bioweapon is evil, the vaccine push and mandates are evil, the companies who profit from this widespread injury and death are evil, and our politicians who are using this event to gain more power and control over their citizens are evil. ALL need to be prosecuted to ensure the future safety and freedom of the peoples of the world.Tammy James (Arroyo Grande, 2021-10-03)
This is 1933 all over again, only this time its thousands of times worse due to the democide happening in multiple countries at the same time. People are dieing from Graphene Oxide poisoning and the injections with their toxic contents are being injected into every man, woman, child and baby. Please do your job before the madness of a few, obliterates the human race off the face of the planet. We are out of time as a species to debate this issue. The evidence is now overwhelming for anyone who bothers to look for it. History will judge you for not taking action.Jonathan Striem (Londonderry, 2021-10-03)
It is important.L Mola (South Holland, 2021-10-03)
I believe in personal sovereignty and medical freedom to choose or decline any medical intervention based on fully informed consent. The coercion being used by government, media scientists and medical doctors to push an agenda and uphold the fallacy of a global pandemic and force/mandate via deception an experimental intervention upon the human race is nothing short of evil.Melissa Khan (Kingston upon Thames, 2021-10-03)
This worldwide "Covid19 Terror" has to stop. We, the people, want to live in a peacefull and free world with RESPECT for everything on earth that 's alive!G. Eliveld (Drenthe, 2021-10-03)
Protože je to odebírání lidské svobody a práv.Silvie Kumiegova (Sandy, 2021-10-03)
I completely and totally agree that these laws have been violated by these experimental injections.lynn dilleychew (Carbondale, 2021-10-03)
Som proti očkovaniu lebo nikto nevie k čomu to povedie a nikto nevie ake vedlajšie a neskore účinky z toho vzniknu. A som zasadne proti očkovaniu deti!Lukáš Dacej (Medzilaborce, 2021-10-03)
I want those responsible for coercing people into taking harmful experimental gene therapy under the guise of vaccination for Covid 19 to be held accountable for their actionsMichael Clulee (Otaki, 2021-10-03)
Podpisujem lebo už mám plné zuby týchto fašistických metód.Jozef Tomčík (Nová Dubnica, 2021-10-03)
Nuremberg code has been broken, crimes against humanity. Public enquiry and prosecution required immediatelyVictoria Sadler (London, 2021-10-03)
PodpisujemMarian Tkáč (H. Štubňa, 2021-10-03)
To bring justice to the scientists who have created this gain of function virus. To bring justice to those who are behind the scientists who have created this gain of function virus. To bring justice to the governments who have not listened well to independent expert advice and created a lot of hurt and harm through the mostly unnecessary imposed draconian measures. To bring justice to the ones who really pull the strings behind the scenes (shadow government) to achieve total power and control for the third time now.Antonius Laurijssen (Ottawa, 2021-10-03)
My whole family has been coreced and manipulated into taking this so called EUA vaxxine that never went through trials obligated by the science community.Tyler Davis (Sequim, 2021-10-03)
This was a pandemic of fear, faulty testing, the manipulation of data, the censorship of information, disinformation from corrupt government and global public health agencies all funded by big pharmaceuticals, the dismissal of natural immunity, the changing of definitions both of vaccine and herd immunity, not recognizing the VAERS site and the blocking of safe and effective repurposed therapeutics by same public health agencies listed above, hospitals incentivized by covid and pharmacies and finally the experimental gene therapy shots that we have been first incentivized than coerced and finally threatened to take with NO informed consent and no full disclosure of ingredients….. and I could go on……. the lives that were lost and ruined, businesses shuttered so much damage and destruction by this corrupt and compromised elected and unelected people Our freedoms have been eroded all for a virus that has a 99.9% recovery rate in the healthy…… I could go on……Melissa Burge (Louisville, 2021-10-03)
Its terribLe that system in this days can freely***** with us and out freedoms, maybe alone i dont have power but together we are stronger than diamond cutterVladimír gallo (brno, 2021-10-03)
Už mám tohoto plne zubyMária Kohutova (VYSOKÁ NAD UHOM129, 2021-10-03)
Of the gross breach of our human rights to have a say over what experimental medication gets injected into our bodiesZoe Thomas (Fort Lauderdale, 2021-10-03)
Enough of the cover ups!Enough of the lies!
Enough of these deadly vaccines!
You politicians should all be sent to prison!
You Doctor s should all be sent to prison!
Susan Childs (Hope Island, 2021-10-03)
People are dying by the hundreds of thousands and the health departments do not care and are continuing in a nonsense way..., for a purpose undisclosed. Oh my gosh, and the injuries.., they are everywhere. And the fake data created and manipulated. More of same.Thomas McQuiggan (Cuba, 2021-10-03)
FREEWORLDNEWS.TVMario Galella (NY, 2021-10-03)
No one should be coerced to take a medical intervention as a prerequisite to enable them to take part in society, especially as there is certified evidence that such procedures are at considerable risk to the recipient.Richard Edwards (Ormskirk, 2021-10-03)
The Covid 19 Vaccine being manufactured by Moderna Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson should never have been granted an Emergency Use Authorization, as other treatments that have proven successful have been proven effective. The people responsible for this including Anthony Fauci are using are causing injuries well documented anthrax Mandatory vaccination of US Citizens by call of Joe Biden the So called President of the United States is a Violation of the Nuremberg Treaty against Forced Vaccination without informed consent on an Experimental Vaccine that should have never been issued an Emergency Use Authorization issued by the US Food & Drug Administration and endorsed by the CDCThe continued Use and mandated use of these ineffective and harmful vaccines is a violation of the Nuremberg Treaty and an act of treason by those elected and appointed officials mandating the use of these Covid -19 vaccines a direct violation of the Constitution of the United States of America.
Richard Czar (Scottsdale, 2021-10-03)
I'm signing because our government including president acts unethically and against humanity.,ignores the constitution and laws. This has to stop ASAP!Alena Kratka (Bánovce nad Bebravou, 2021-10-03)
I'm signing this petition because the widespread use of coercion and threats to impose dangerous and ineffective covid shots on people violates informed consent and is a crime against humanity.Wayne Hunter (West Plains, 2021-10-03)
This is the most important issue I have ever experienced in my 27 years of life.warren mancini (beaumont, 2021-10-03)
Such a man have to be supportedAt least this way
Pavel Ihring (Svaty Jur, 2021-10-03)
I want those responsible for withholding the truth to be held accountable.Joseph Lee (Ewa Beach, 2021-10-03)
Neustále dochádza k porušovaniu ľudských práv, ústavy v Slovenskej republikeĽubomír Mokrý (prievidza, 2021-10-03)
The mandates related to covid by elected officials are not applicable to living persons created by God. Yet these mandates are being enforced by government and destroying people's lives. The injections themselves seem to cause more health issues than they prevent yet they are being pushed by government through employers as well. We, the people, should have a right to decline these injections and live life with our God given rights.Alfonso Acosta (Chino, 2021-10-03)
I loveBarbora Filipová (Prague, 2021-10-03)
The people perpetrating the genocide of the human population with Sars Cov 2 mRNA vaccines must be bought to criminal justice.Gary Bradbury (Birmingham, 2021-10-03)
Chcem aby sa urýchlil právny proces proti ľudskosti.Jana Želinská (Bardejov, 2021-10-03)