Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity
I am signing because of good purpose of this activity.Michal Pogáč (Brno, 2021-10-04)
The UK government is in breach of its own citizens human rights.They are breach of the Nuremberg Code,
They are aware of the huge amounts of deaths and adverse reactions due to the vaccines. Despite that knowledge they are continuing to lie, bully, coercing and use all means to get more people to accept the vaccine
The vaccine is experimental, and everyone who receives this experimental vaccine should be made fully aware that is experimental and be told of the possible side affects and his to report any issues. It is very clear this is not happening, again showing that the UK government is complicit with every death that occurs from the vaccine roll out.
This is murder and the UK government should stand trial,
Colin Csmpbell (Truro, 2021-10-04)
My family's freedom is under threat, along with billions of othersPaul Jackson (Hong Kong, 2021-10-04)
I believe they are guilty of crimes against humanityMichelle Gayton (Blackpool, 2021-10-04)
These are crimes against humanity, the vaccines are killing people I know, and we have to do something about it.Dennis Lempar (Boerne, 2021-10-04)
Hang them all, including the media.Michael Carreras (Bay Saint Louis, 2021-10-04)
I am signing because I stand for truth and am a witness to the truth of crimes against humanity committed. I will honor my God and as a world citizen have the courage to stand for what is right and with my participation contribute to justice being served.Jan Tervydis (Edwardsville, 2021-10-04)
Across the world people are being forced to take experimental injections to live normal lives. Long term effects are unknown.This has been instigated by Governments/people in control of countries. Against Nuremberg code.Joan Wright (Preston, 2021-10-04)
I'm signing because people in government and healthcare, entrusted to protect and defend patients and citizen's rights to Informed Consent without coercion, are:1. Lying about safe and effective treatments for Covid 19 infections.
2. Mandating and coercing infants, children and pregnant women to be experimental subjects and vaccinated with phony EUA authority.
3. Ignoring the death rates from Covid 19 Vaccine injections that are higher than all vaccinations in the history of our country.
4. The Covid 19 spike protein is a gain of funtion product illegally supported with tax payer money in violation of US laws against Bioweaponry.
5. I want accountability and justice for all the needless deaths related to Covid 19 and related vaccines.
6. We need a domestic as well as international investigation and prosecution of the "Pandemic" conspirators responsible for planning, initiating, conducting, propaganda, manufacturing, racketeering, as well as, any and all crimes against humanity.
Robert Sampson (San Diego, 2021-10-04)
There must be justice and accountability for the massive fraud and criminality that has taken place in the world over the past two years.Claude Abrams (Sidlesham, 2021-10-04)
I don't agree with covid agenda taking out our human rights. The evil behind it must be destroyed. Thank you for helping us. God bliss youMonika Krčmová (Sivice, 2021-10-04)
Nesouhlasím s opatřeními , které mají a měli následky na úmrtí osob. Připravovaná opatření naplňují znaky fašizmu a totalitních režimů.Jiří Obořil (Třešť, 2021-10-04)
These people must be punished by death so that something like this can never happen again.George Sigalas (Ibiza, 2021-10-04)
Mám už akurát dosť tejto psychobandy, ktorá nám tu šliape po zákonoch a ústave!Ladislav Suchan (Nesvady, 2021-10-04)
L’injection prétendument vaccinale d’une substance générique expérimentale est un crime contre l’humanité.Les volontaires n’ont pas eu une information claire et honnête et l’obligation ou la pression subie sur ceux qui refusent est un scandale insupportable
Delaby Bernadette (Ciney, 2021-10-04)
Charges need to brought on the people supressing heavily studied existing low cost early treatment for respiratory viruses including government agencies, pharmacists & doctors. Crimes against humanity charges need to also include hospitals for saying 'wait it out' and using ventilators & remdesivir in place of early treatment.Laura Giles (Texas, 2021-10-04)
Free willJan KOBIDA (Aettenschwil, 2021-10-04)
i know , what is going onVáclav Hlůže (Byšice, 2021-10-04)
súhlasímEva Vajdová (Beluša, 2021-10-04)
Si stanno perpetuando crimini contro l'umanità, discriminazioni , emarginazione sociale.Basta !!! Deve finire tutto , ora !
sandra rodeghiero (bassano del grappa, 2021-10-04)
I'm signing because I believe in justice.Jakub Klement (Smolenice, 2021-10-04)
I'm signing because I've seen the evil that those who perpetrate the crimes have done. The media, the medicos, the so called justice system, the politicians and their fake elections such as justine trudeau, and all their satanist-masonic-cult workers. We need the truth, not their lies.Maria Pavic (Windsor, 2021-10-04)
Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.Christopher Wardle (BELPER, 2021-10-04)
Spero che possano pagare gli artefici di tutto questo abominioGiuseppina Bernardi (Terracina Lt, 2021-10-04)
Because they worship satanG K (Sydney, 2021-10-04)
This has to stop and those responsible taken out of powerNigel Payne (Hereford, 2021-10-04)
I want to live freeMariana Velčovská (Zlín, 2021-10-04)
I am signing this petition as an American, as a Patriot, as a concerned Citizen not only of the United States but as a citizen of the World. I want to show my children, future prosperity, relatives and friends that I chose to be on the Right Side of History. There needs to be Accountability and Punishment for Every Single Individual involved in any way with these Crimes Against Humanity. They all need to be made Examples of. Just like in the Nuremberg Trials. I Pray they Receive the Justice they all Deserve and that this Entire Process(Trials) are Fully and Completely Televised and Streamed online for the Entire World to see. WE ARE ALL VICTIMS AND HAVE ALL SUFFERED AT THE HANDS OF THESES PERPETRATORS/CRIMINALS AT EVERY LEVEL. LET JUSTICE BE DONE AND LET FREEDOM RING.Signed,
Patriot Michael S Hoisington
Michael Hoisington (Port Orchard, 2021-10-04)
the director of universisity klagenfurt closes out students, who are not vaccinated.i am against diffamation and closing out healthy people of the society , to force them for unproved vaccines. this is a crime against humanity
waltraud isimekhai (klagenfurt, 2021-10-04)
Porušovanie ľudských práv a zločiny proti ľudskosti nesmú zostať nepotrestané.Róbert Dianiška (Lovčica-Trubín, 2021-10-04)
Free the world of mask, mandatory vaccination, and open the borders.Everyone has the right to choose what goes into their bodies
Sherilyn Carter (Melbourne, 2021-10-04)
Jiný názor než očkování, respiratory , léky není přípustný a je cíleně likvidovan..v demokratickém státě nepřípustné!!!Tomas Škvařil (Moravské Budějovice, 2021-10-04)
Andrea RojkováAndrea Rojková (Považská Bystrica, 2021-10-04)