Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity
The ICC was created to stop crimes against humanity and what's going on must be stopped. Covid jabs and Covid mandates like lockdowns and vax pass papers are criminal. This global covid operation violates our Constitution and international laws.Priscilla Judd (Lumby, 2021-10-04)
The people responsible for Sars-Cov-2 need to answer for their crimes against humanity.Theresa Sarjeant (Sydney, 2021-10-04)
Podepisuji proto aby byla celá záležitost co nejdříve vyšetřena a bylo zabráněno tlaku na očkování dětí nebo dokonce povinné vakcinaci všech.Jana Vondráčková (Český Brod, 2021-10-04)
This is the largest Crime against Humanity ever perpetrated.Janet Baillie (London, 2021-10-04)
I'm disgusted with the corruption and tyrannical behaviour of those in our government, emergency services, and healthcare professionals and all others involved in the crimes being committed against humanity! We the people are fully aware of what you are doing. You're repeatedly breaking the law and are committing mass genocide and should be prosecuted for your actions!Shereena Hamilton (Cambridgeshire, 2021-10-04)
Podpisujem !!!!Monika Michalekova (Lipany, 2021-10-04)
Podepisuji.Michal Janásek (Havířov, 2021-10-04)
I'm signing this because the COVID Jabs need to be stopped immediately and the persons who knew how unsafe and pushed or tried to mandate these COVID Jabs, should be convicted and sentenced accordinglyJeffrey King (Perth, 2021-10-04)
Truth must come out, justice must be servedMathias Bjerstaf (Onsala, 2021-10-04)
We are at warMichael Kusz (Richmond, 2021-10-04)
I agreed with it.Imrich Faguľa (Margecany, 2021-10-04)
During last 1,5 year we can see ruining of demokraci and laws. Our politicians left die a thousands of people in hospital without any pretreatment. Yes they heal peope in hospital but do nothing befor that time. After covid detection they let you without treatment till is too late and in hospital they cannot do much at that time. Its murdering in front of our eyes. Please do something fast because yesterday was too late. Vacination is not an answer. I belive in love and healthly mind...Roman Liptak (Trnava, 2021-10-04)
Pridávam sa k tejto petícii, pretože je nevyhnutné zastaviť túto zločineckú mašinériu, ktorá ruinuje celú spoločnosť a naše životy. Musia vidieť náš odpor.František Luknár (Ivanka pri Dunaji, 2021-10-04)
Chcem, aby na Slovensku platila Ústava SR, zákony, a boli dodržované ľudské práva.Teodor Horský (Nitra, 2021-10-04)
Podpisujem lebo súhlasím.Milan klimeš (Poprad-Veľká, 2021-10-04)
Som proti zverstvu páchaného na ľuďoch.Mária Špetlová (Čerhov, 2021-10-04)
This insane covid dictatorship must end. And better by means of law than by blood - I am afraid this is where it might lead as people are losing their jobs (lockdowns, vaccination as precondition to get new job or as a hidden reason to get fired), cannot provide to family and are under constant stress to comply to rules which miss basic logic and purpose. Unbalanced information about pandemic and vaccines in media, splitting people to vaccinated and not vaccinated and applying different level of freedom to each, polarisation of society by hating statements of politicians is new normal. Real stories of people - refused healthcare for child in fever because she was not tested, notice at job because man refused vaccination, deleted educational channel of doctor because he publicly pointed out to (medicaly) irrational decisions of government on covid related topics, sudden death of young healthy women or men after second dose of vaccine and millions cases with side effects... - are overlooked by those in power, are overlooked by mainstream, are overlooked by justice. Presenting negative result of unreliable test, green pass confirming vaccination by experimental liquid with way too many unknows, fact that one was covid positive less than 180 days ago - these are new IDs which everyone is obliged to present to whomever in order to access their premisses, mean of transportation, event, leisure activities, workplace, ambulance etc. One step from the Star of David and the rest we all know... I never understood how people could support nacism and its practises. Now I unfortunately do and am horrified. Therefore I give my hope to the court, professionality, independency and humanity of its judges to set boundaries to this insanity.I am not saying there is none covid, even thought we could discuss its origin. I am not saying we should not protect ourselves but it cannot be done in the way thay we slightly minimize risk of covid infection but increase risk of other diseases. I am not saying that prevention does not make sense, however the only published prevention is vaccination while in fact there is much more one can do but such education is (intentionally?) not in place at all. I am not saying that news should be covid free, however information must be transparent, balanced, statistics wilfully undistorted, equal space given to experts with different opinion alowing room for professional discussion, presenting pros and cons of proposed solutions instead of brainwashing, free from (hidden) attacks to one or other group. I am not saying that there should not be any restrictions but they must make sense, meet the purpose, keep principle of equality, be in line with laws and human rights and free from practices which in fact force individuals to go in direction desired by politicians. I am not saying that vaccination is in principle evil. Evil is to force people to accept vaccine which they do not trust from objective reasons - approved conditionally only, long term effectivity and safeness not yet proven as tests are still ongoing, based on method which has never been used on humans, applied massively without consulting health status of individual beforehand... Or as an alternative - test oneselve regularly on your own cost by doubtful tests to prove healthiness. And this is the ticket to freedom - to get transported, to shop, to eat, to get service, to travel, to WORK, to GET HEALTHCARE! Surrender or God be with you. Ticket to freedom even though everyone knows and publicly admits that negative test or being vaccinated does not mean that one is not infectious. Absurd. Once again - I am not denying covid existence, need for reaction, neither benefits of vaccination being it reliable one. I am denying to accept terror based on completely mindless arguments and am against practices which force people to accept against their will dictated way no matter the human rights, laws, international treaties, historical lessons, common sense and humanity. I am signing because I desire that all this ends and all those who managed and conciously suported it, despite of known facts, will be appropriately punished - not as an act of revenge, but in respect to those who suffered and died and for future generations to remember.
Petra Cigerova (Láb, 2021-10-04)
I stand against Crimes against Humanity.S Kent (Carlisle, 2021-10-04)
We cannot allow these crimes against humanity to happen again! Please make haste and stop this from happening!Linda Davidson (Tewantin, 2021-10-04)
Governments do not have the freedom or authority to dictate to those they SERVE.Michael Gilbert (Bradford, 2021-10-04)
Because I believe that this vaccine is a total usless and poisen for our lifeGiancarlo Marafioti (Johannesburg, 2021-10-04)
I am signing because this is the most tyrannical overtake of humans. We are in this together, all countries, all peoples united!Georgia Sutton (Ridgefield, 2021-10-04)
I wish to end these crimes and have people responsible brought to justiceBruce Cranch (Victoria, 2021-10-04)
This worldwid, government sanctioned genocide must be put to an immediate halt! PLEASE ACT NOW -- people are being killed or gravely injured with each passing day.Cynthia Salatino (Roma, 2021-10-04)
I am pro choice. This is my body.Rika Tome (Pretoria, 2021-10-04)
I want to support a very important document.Darina Pochabova (Bratislava, 2021-10-04)
Our human rights are at stake....Cameron Robertson (Cairns, 2021-10-04)
I feel we are being coerced into doing something against our willJenni van Nierop (Sandhurst, 2021-10-04)
I'm signig because I believe the truth and liberty is for everyone.Ladislav Mokossényi (Nové Zámky, 2021-10-04)
Podepisuji, protože SOUHLASÍM s vyšetřováníma stíháním osob odpovědných za ZLOČINY proti
lidskosti a žádám urychlení tohoto procesu!
Marie Božková (Prostějov 6, 2021-10-04)
Firmo la petizione perché penso che debba esser fatta giustizia! La costituzione italiana va rispettata ed è giusto punire chi fin'ora ha calpestato i diritti fondamentali dell'uomoFrancesco Cassone (Ancona, 2021-10-04)
Because there’s so much evidence which shows that the whole covid response was unnecessary and illegal. Act now!Jonathan Bracken (Liverpool, 2021-10-04)
I'm signing because my country & the country of China are letting themselves blame their people for government officials & private corporations disseminating pathogens & toxic treatments to punish the people of the world, instead of being held accountable for their own crimes.Bret Erwin (Germantown, 2021-10-04)
I’m signing this to give people courage and the right to freedom and rise up against tyrannyMarco Covelli (Woking, 2021-10-04)
I am born free, Won't cave under pressure. The New World Order propaganda can fly straight hellmelody Dewinnaar (Cape Town, 2021-10-04)
Od roku 2020 sú sústavne porušované zákony a na obyvateľoch sú vynucované veci, ktoré sú v rozpore s medzinárodnými právami a zákonmi.Miriam Mečiarova (Prievidza, 2021-10-04)
I believe governments are responsible for murder by government policy. The jabs are more dangerous than the virus. There is much safer & more effective treatments available.Angie Collins (Blackpool, 2021-10-04)
I feel powerless otherwise to stop this crime against humanity, and was moved by your presentation on Info Wars. Thank you for giving me a little hope and clarity on the issues.Andrew Greenroyd (Halifax, 2021-10-04)
I like the truthZbyszko Wysocki (Luton, 2021-10-04)
I consider these crimes againts Humanity as inexcusable.Veronika Porubská (Ličartovce, 2021-10-04)
What is going on right now is just horrific!!!Veronika Kujat (Kiel, 2021-10-04)
I want to rightsMonika Soukupová (Praha 9, 2021-10-04)
If we don't fight this we will never be Human as we know it again.Riannon Bruce (Narrandera, 2021-10-04)
Those using coercion and threats to inflict medical battery or loss of livelihood to millions of healthy people must be brought to justice.Leanne Leatherbarrow (Southport, 2021-10-04)
This needs to stop for our children's futureRuth Best (London, 2021-10-04)