PODPRITE Simfonični Orkester in Big Band Radio Televizije Slovenija -Support the Slovene RTV Symphony Orchestra and RTV Big Band



I know one of the players in the orchestra.The world needs more music, not less.It is so important for the health and wellbeing everyone. Please do not stop the music

Alison Green (Glasgow, 2023-12-01)


I am signing because I believe that destroying culture in this way leads us to a grim future.

Lada Magdalenić Morpurgo (Zagreb, 2023-12-01)


I am signing because I believe that native Slovenian cietizens and the majority of foreigners, who decided to relocate to this beautiful country feel, how big and important the musical heritage of Slovenija. We should keep it with local professionals!

Daria Poliakova (Ljubljana, 2023-12-01)


- ker si ne predstavljam televizijske hiše brez orkestra
- ker si ne predstavljam filma brez glasbe
- ker si ne predstavljam avtorske oddaje brez zvočne podlage
- ker so abonmajski koncerti odigrani v polni dvorani poslušalcev
- ker si ne predstavljam življenja brez glasbe (na RTV Slovenija)

Andreja Zupanc (Ljubljana, 2023-12-01)


Kultura a ne samo novac

Aleksandar Cvetkovic (Belgrade, 2023-12-01)


Njihova ohranitev je pomembna!

Snežana Bošković (Ljubljana, 2023-12-01)


This orchestra is great, and need to be in Slovenia

Przemysław Kosielinski (Ogrodniczki, 2023-12-01)


I am a composer from Croatia, who loves what your RatV orchestra does, and as a director of Music Biennale Zagreb, as I feel this decision would make the whole area and indirectly us in Zagreb as well, less musical, less cultural, and it would be a great loss for the society at large.

Davor Vincze (Zagreb, 2023-12-01)


Podupirem kolege iz Slovenije

Lara Rimac (Zagreb, 2023-12-01)


Kultura je ogledalo društva.

Tomislav Meštrić (Novi Marof, 2023-12-01)


Je to nepogrešljivi del RTV Slovenija.

Barbara Leben (Trebnje, 2023-12-01)


Sem proti ukinjanju Simfoničnega orkestra in Big Banda

Jana Leben (Menges, 2023-12-01)


Zato, ker je ukinitev tako visoko kvalitetnih kulturnikov nedopustno!

Jasmina Vidrih (Cerknica, 2023-12-01)


We have to fight for music and culture every where in the World.

Alain Steffen (Rodemack, 2023-12-01)


I'am signing because I want to give a little helping hand with my signing to the musicians and members of the Simphony orchestra in Slovenia!

Katica Misheska (Turin, 2023-12-01)



Bernard Belina (Celje, 2023-12-01)


RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra is a great ensemble with musicians full of passion and commitment to music and excellence. They deserve full government support!

Ricardo Castro (Fribourg, 2023-12-01)


Becouse music saved my life

Gasper Puntar (Mohorje 6, 2023-12-01)


Podpisujem zato, ker z izgubo tako kvalitetne glasbene produkcije na rtv Slovenci izgubimo del svoje identitete.

Eva Ilec (Ptuj, 2023-12-01)


I’m signing because is unbelievable that this situation could be happen.

Pietro Barbosa (São Paulo, 2023-12-02)

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