Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I am signing because my government is illegally mandating that I be injected without my informed consent and I request accountability for these illegal mandates.

Lisa Wagner (Box Elder, 2021-10-04)


I am signing this because each person have the right ti live, work, etc, without fears. And whem anybody did something wrong to another person, there must be some consequences for him/her.

Janka Pučalíková (Rudinská, 2021-10-04)


Human rights are being violated

Annemieke Braamhorst (Huizen, 2021-10-04)


Humanity must survive !

Michael Javick (Johnstown, 2021-10-04)


Faucci and all involved in creating the Gain of Function Covid 19 Virus need to be Arrested and Hung

Lynn Rock (Butler, 2021-10-04)


I had vaccine hepatitis also the nurse just give me 2 shot at that time on Sept 2011 in United States America and Now, I can not do sport anymore many my joint in the body pintch my nerve. I got almost near of death several times. I had autoimmune now since i check on 2019. For the covid vaccine many people of friends sick and die for had the vaccine. All those bad people have to brought to the justice. Enough is enough. God bless us all. Amen.🙏🙏

Teddy Lingga (North Jakarta, 2021-10-04)


This false information and cover up from the government and media, not to mention bullying, has taken its toll on my mental health.

No discussion allowed ! Just shocking abuse !

Mary Gordon (Leamington spa, 2021-10-04)


These foul crimes against humanity must be prosecuted

Darren Mather (Duncan, 2021-10-04)


Corinne Keast

Corinne Keast (Hamilton, 2021-10-04)


People are being killed by toxic medicines and biological weapons unleashed on citizens by government health agencies and biotech companies and labs. They must be held accountable for this intentional attack on human lives.

Lamarre Notargiacomo (Vero Beach, 2021-10-04)


The people who are forcing this bio-weapon "vaccine" by mandates without informed consent and hiding and putting forth misleading information thereby preventing true informed consent must be held accountable

Eliot Lewis (Bryn Mawr, 2021-10-04)


Forced lockdowns, vaccine mandates and suppression of early treatments are crimes against humanity. Not only did they attack individual freedom but they also censored and suppressed treatments that could of saved hundreds of thousands of lives if not millions.

Chris Eid (Melbourne, 2021-10-04)


I believe our God given freedoms are being taken for something that is killing us and they know it is killing us.

Jennifer Ortiz (Gardnerville, 2021-10-04)


Because enough is enough !!!

Brigita Zadravec (Pragersko, 2021-10-04)


We wanna see justice finally!

Petr Konecny (Blansko, 2021-10-04)


Crimes against humanity is exactly what these Non vaccine injections are against worldwide populations that still believe their governments will protect them. Instead these are not vaccines. Killed all animals. Inject code. Change DNA. create courts, strokes. Miscarriages, bells-palsy. Heart attacks and more.

Jeanine Kincheloe (Vandalia, 2021-10-04)


The time is past due and seems this is the only way out. The only other way is with sticks and stones.

Rick Dempsey (Sault Ste Marie, 2021-10-04)


It is against international law and the law of human rights to be forced or coerced into have anything put into your body that is without your full knowledge and consent. And this us what is being perpetrated against free people. It must be vigorously prosecuted so as to never be allowed ever again for the same reasons it was first decided after the Nazi era.

Martin Browne (Belmont, Sutton, 2021-10-04)


Crimes against humanity!

Eva Blaskova (London, 2021-10-04)


My mother lost her job over this

Ronin Bradford (332 Bradley Ave, 2021-10-04)


I,m signing this petition because the poison jab is meant for depopulation and the initial virus scare was one big SCAMDEMIC. It wasn't done by the deep state with good intentions. but the global elitists FOLLOW THE MONEY and want to destroy the rest of humanity! The globalists are descendants of SATAN!

Janie Schetgen (Belleville, 2021-10-04)


I’am signing because I am convinced that vaccines against Covid 19 are dangerous to humans and Covid 19 restrictions are not based on the truth and a pandemic is created artificially.

Stefan Medvecky (Gbelany, 2021-10-04)


My family has been directly impacted by this Bioweapon, that is called a vaccine. My lively hood will be impacted shortly by mandated vaccine, which I will refuse to take

Peter Haseloh (Kindersley, 2021-10-04)


I am a witness of Crimes Against Humanity by the withholding of highly successful treatments of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Vitamin C and Zinc from out patient and hospital care. I am also a witness of serious injury and death caused by inappropriate and coerced vaccinations promoted by our governments and the legacy medias.

In addition I am a witness of never ending and inappropriate mandates by our Canadian government, and others around the world, causing small businesses to go out of business and causing serious long term mental harm.

I am a witness of incessant propaganda from legacy media and government furthering these, above mentioned alleged crimes, to drive the populace into fear and submission where they cannot then think for themselves and seemingly purposely creating divisions among the people, especially now between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Governments are rewriting history and suppressing the knowledge that natural immunity is the king of all immnunity.

Andrew Hurko (Toronto, 2021-10-04)


this madness has to stop!

andrew burnett (dunfermline, 2021-10-04)


I believe that huge crimes have been committed by numerous world leaders, health professionals, law enforcement and absolutely corrupt corporations. Ethical and moral conduct need to be restored to this world.

Donal Dennehy (Cork, 2021-10-04)


I am signing this petition for humanity. People have not been able to fathom that a genocidal conspiracy could be true. Some have known for decades and tried to warn people, but to no avail. Hopefully, since we are in the midst of millions dying, people will notice and fight back.

Daphne Dyer (Peculiar, 2021-10-04)


I am signing this petition to encourage the International Criminal Court (ICC) to take action against those who have committed Crimes Against Humanity.

Kenneth Lager (Norrköping, 2021-10-04)


Je nutné zastavit tyto praktiky.

Petr Svoboda (Železný Brod, 2021-10-04)


Nesúhlasim aby si niekto osoboval právo na vakcinaviu deyí experimentalnymi. látkami

Martin Benča (Voľa, 2021-10-04)


It’s our right to refuse medical treatment especially those who have not gone through the proper time frame and safety trials. There isn’t enough long term data . This is also not a preventative shot. You can still get and spread the virus. The virus has a high survival rate for us who are healthy and no cormobilities.

Kris Heuer-Lancaster (Macedon, 2021-10-04)


I want to live in the world where human rights and freedom of individuals are respected without any conditions for all human beings

Filip Baranik (Nitra, 2021-10-04)


Because tyranny - whether from above or from below - is always and everywhere oppressive and damaging to both the individual and society, and this current manifestation is causing hurt for the whole world.

Ilya Grushevskiy (Pavlovski Posad, 2021-10-04)


... peaple must be free.

Alena Fišerová (Stupava, 2021-10-04)


Podpisujem,pretoze je to pre dobru vec a dobro nas vsetkych a nakolko ja som introvert,tak pre mna je toto moznost ako aspon nejako pomoct alebo prispiet.

Ladislav Brüll (Zvolen, 2021-10-04)


Chcem spravodlivosť

Alena Váňová (Polomka, 2021-10-04)


I want to live and be free.Justice must be served.

Ian Petty (Fort Augustus, 2021-10-04)


Im fighting for our constitutional rights. Im fighting for the Nuremberg Code to be enforced. Im fighting for our right to choose!

Denise Gianinetti (Carbondale, 2021-10-04)


I'm interessted in solvetion this situation

Jana Jirasová (Teplice, 2021-10-04)


Liberté, égalité, fraternité

Ivana Fabryova (Blatna na Ostrove, 2021-10-04)


As a scientist I have researched many topics and deem the validly of this petition is essential

Melanie Bagatta (Marlboro, 2021-10-04)


This evil depopulation agenda by these expearamental injections have killed 2 distant family and one unborn grandchild so far. All had 2 kill shots. I have notified county commissioner's, EMS, TEXAS HHS, GOVERNOR ABBOTTS OFFICE, and BRENHAM TX pharmacies to discontinue these none informed consent expearamental injections. And stated they will be held accountable for crimes against humanity . God's knows and will be giving the final judgments.

LARRY Brooks (Brenham, 2021-10-04)


This is a crime against humanity.

David Noga (Coquitlam, 2021-10-04)


The vaccine is killing people.

Diane Ritchie (Vancouver, 2021-10-04)


Most important petition I have ever signed .

Guy St Hilaire (Ste Agathe, 2021-10-04)


Bodily autonomy is the first human right.

Kate Emm (Marshfield, 2021-10-04)


Informed consent being ignored and cohersion to undergo untested , unauthorized and unsafe gene therapy

Kevin Randall (Stonewall, 2021-10-04)


I believe this pandemic was well planned by seen and unseen forces. The amount of tyranny and Coercion that's been done is Unprecedented for this generation and any to come. There are very visible signs and events that have led humanity to this closed street. It needs to be thoroughly investigated for crime against humanity.

Mazhar Ahmed (Karachi, 2021-10-04)


Humanity deserves truth, justice and full accountability.

Eric McGrew (Anacortes, 2021-10-04)


I am signing this petition as I believe that the powers that are behind the destructive approach in response to this pandemic including people in power and those within regulatory bodies and global organizations should be brought to justice and take what they deserve for the destruction of livelihoods they caused.

Christopher Vidal (Baulkham Hills, NSW, 2021-10-04)


Please help us to find the truth and punish those who deserve punishment.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Petr

Petr Smutný (Jičín, 2021-10-04)


Podporujem vyšetrovanie a stíhanie osôb zodpovedných za zločiny proti ľudskosti

Jarmila Sliepkova (Sereď, 2021-10-04)


I am a free moral agent.

Thomas Newcomer (Mountain City, 2021-10-04)


this is wrong, my body my choice! no proof that this vaccine will do anything good for me or my family and i will NOT give this to my kids

chris carelli (laval, 2021-10-04)


It's fraud!

Martin Fiderický (Palkovice, 2021-10-04)


Chceme, aby bolo spravodlivosti učinené zadosť skôr, ako siahnu na naše deti

Jozef Mokry (Zvolen, 2021-10-04)


The crimes against humanity are beyond evil. The torture, rape, murder, the manufacturing cultivation of adrenachrome. They've also corrupted the media, the medical field, the pharmaceutical industry, the holding back of technologies such as free energy and every other industry in the world. By corrupting every aspect of our lives they've hindered the natural evolution of the human race. Thank you for your time considering my complaint against the people involved in crimes against humanity.

John savignac (redcliff, 2021-10-04)


What’s happening is genocide on the people of earth! All the TRUTH that’s there is are being ignored by politicians, the medical establishment and Drs and nurses!. It IS dangerous even deadly -this supposed vaccine! There’s millions worldwide who have died or been seriously maimed by the injection of this poisonous vaccine! The statistics are being manipulated or erased by all in power! Please help us stop them!

Brenda Christensen (Rick springs, 2021-10-04)

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