Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



It’s my civil right!

margaret lovrich (Midlothian, 2021-10-04)


Chráňme seba a naše deti !

Jana Celbová (Kežmarok, 2021-10-04)


For the freedom of humanity.



Because they are hurting humanity

Russ Onody (Waldwick, 2021-10-04)


The Covid vaccines from all pharmaceutical companies must be stopped. Mandates must be stopped and all involved in crimes against humanity must be brought to Justice!!

Michael Ross (Pasadena, 2021-10-04)


Však viete.

Patrik Kvasňák (Bartošova Lehôtka, 2021-10-04)


I want to live ...

Libor Pončík (Huslenky, 2021-10-04)


súhlasím s petíciou

Edita Vávrová (Bratislava, 2021-10-04)


I choose freedom over government control of my body and forced medical procedures.

Sean Logan (V4P1T3, 2021-10-04)


I'm signing this petition because, as a natural health practitioner of almost twenty years, it breaks my heart to see so many people across the world suffer needlessly at the hands of individuals with very evil intent. As a devout Catholic I feel called to do what I can to stand for what is right. I strive to use my intellect, expertise, and my God given talents to serve Him and those who suffer. Signing this petition is in alignment with my heart and mind.

Carolyn Berghuis, MA, CTN, ND, MS

Carolyn Berghuis (Carmel, 2021-10-04)


The COVID-19 response in many parts of the world has been nothing short of a crime against humanity. Withholding early treatment from COVID-19 patients has killed millions. Lockdowns have destroyed lives and livelihoods. Now people around the world are being forcibly coerced, including with threats of job loss and access to society, to inject experimental vaccines that don't stop transmission and have atrocious and highly censored safety data. Mass uptake of these leaky vaccines may even drive viral mutation, possibly producing more dangerous, vaccine-resistant variants. With so many formerly Democratic countries making the same authoritarian pronouncements, I can only conclude that there is concerted criminal agenda that must be stopped immediately for all our sakes.

Juanita Dahlin (Herndon, 2021-10-04)


The criminals pushing these experimental injections on us citizens need to be held accountable for what they're doing to us.

Robert Campanella (St. Catharines, 2021-10-04)


Sick of tyranny and want to see justice for these absolute despots and their manufactured 'virus'.

Lee Church (Brighouse, 2021-10-04)


Those who are responsible Need to be held accountable!

Marcie Peters (Carlsbad, 2021-10-04)


I strongly believe covid19 has been a ploy to break down society & civilisation. To destroy peoples freedom & bodily autonomy, it is damaging families, friendships, communities and severly effecting the majoritys mental health. The people in charge are criminals and must be stopped.

Lauren Woolcott (YEOVIL, 2021-10-04)


My family has been personally injured by this virus and the Covid 19 vaccine. One member has permanent injury 3 days after vaccination, Pfizer.

Jacqueline Riley (Richmond, 2021-10-04)


I'm am signing this petition for personal autonomy. I have a right to be informed to what is in the vaccine. The tyranny of forced vaccination must be prosecuted to the fullest extent.

Susan T Donaldson (Plano, 2021-10-04)


I like true.

rastislav slezacek (oslo, 2021-10-04)


Forced vaccination is wrong.

Susan Bryan (Kermen, 2021-10-04)


Please please do something about this insanity.

David Gallagher (Swindon, 2021-10-04)



Renata kudelova (Topolcany, 2021-10-04)


I know it is a scamdemic and the freedom of the people is being stolen away by greedy and corrupt ministers and the cabal

Andrew Cunningham (Hull, 2021-10-04)


Freedom of movement has been restricted. Freedom of speech. Pressurised and our bodies forced to inject a synthetic pathogen that potentially kills and maimes life. Children masked prohibited to breath fresh air in schools. Governments creating divided societies based on digital passports. Again restricting freedom of movement, freedom of the right to private family life. Freedom of every human right affected by the U.K. and Irish governments. Forced to vaccinate in order to travel which is a god given right to roam this earth as free and human right. The right to travel without any harm or punishment. Where is the laws of this world that are in place to stop government corporations to apply all thesel restrictions on our human rights and without any real evidence of providing a covid virus. No one can prove there is a virus none whatsoever. Mortality rates have not changed within this faked pandemic and before this faked pandemic. No mortality rates have skyrocketed one bit!

Michelle Morelli (Hillsborough, 2021-10-04)


I've had enough!

Tomasz Grzybowski (Bangor, 2021-10-04)


Pravda musí zvíťaziť

Monika Gondová (Mýtna, 2021-10-04)


Covid Is lie, vaccine Are killed people , stop it

Petr Dokoupil (Říkovice 12, 2021-10-04)


the people responsible for making and administering these vaccines are murderers

Scott Foy (New Lenox, 2021-10-04)


Justice for all people . There are two laws in this country ," Corporate Law and Common Law , which the so called government seem to forget.

Jean Anighoro (Isle of Wight, 2021-10-04)


Justice for humanity against these vicious lunatics.

Kim Solonika (Veneta, 2021-10-04)


This unbridled criminality must be checked now, or the future of mankind is lost. Too long have we accepted this level of corruption, that is the reason its now as bad as it is. Time for reckoning.

Gary Quick (Plymouth, 2021-10-04)



Zajac Jaroslav (Stará Ľubovňa, 2021-10-04)


I believe there are physicians, researchers and those in government positions who have colluded, purposefully, to harm the general public

Valerie Lillie (Tracy, 2021-10-04)


For God and for the Nation!

Dusan Koniar (Bytca, 2021-10-04)


Podpisujem túto petíciu preto, aby sa už konečne zastavili zločiny na ľuďoch a aby konečne skončila táto psychická tyrania v obrovských rozmeroch. Verím že tí ktorí toto všetko spôsobili budú riadne vyšetrovaní a patrične potrestaní.

Katarina Kapalkova (Turcianske Teplice, 2021-10-04)


Justice must be served. These horrific historically unprecedented crimes against humanity must stop now.

Thomas Macnab (Luna, 2021-10-04)


I agree with Dr. Fleming that covid-19 is a bio-weapon and officials are hiding facts and alternative treatments from an unsuspecting populace.

Dennis Worth (Bloomington, 2021-10-04)


1. Since injected with 2 doses of Pfizer vaccines I’ve been injured, suffering severe bleeding for more than 7 months!! + Worsening of my hypothyroidism + cardiac arrhythmia + hypertension + heart palpitations, all appearing within 2/3 days from vaccination & all gone unreported by doctors to the official vaccines injuries authorities, regardless to my pleadings to report them.
2. Citizens of Israel (including children as young as 12 years old) were NOT informed that we were experimented on + now that we found out, the government won’t let us leave the experiments and stop from taking part in them unless we face some serious draconian consequences (loss of jobs, education, transportation ect).
3. Mandatory vaccination is a crime against humanity & in direct violation of the Nuremberg code (& other ethical codes like the Helsinki code). In Israel we’re now subjected against our will to vaccines experiments, a medical intervention, under the threat that refusal to comply will lead to loss of our rights, our innate freedoms & equality.
4. These fascistic practices of mandatory vaccinations seem to be spreading around the world, risking the most basic rights & freedoms of all humanity.
5. All those responsible for these terrible crimes against humanity must be brought to justice! Anthony Fauci, tedros Adhanom, CCP leaders including xi jinping and Albert Bourla among others.
6. I believe it is within your duty and your powers to help bring justice to the poor souls of the world who’ve lost their lives, were injured, were subjected to fear mongering and were conned and played like guinea pigs instead of human beings.
7. Thank you.

Michaela Nadler (Tel Aviv, 2021-10-04)


I'm signing because this has been very obvious to me from the very beginning. Nothing more than a depopulation agenda they have been promoting for years and been applauded for, now they claim they are here to save you.
The same people who made the virus make the vaccine why do i want either? I don't want or need any of it I only want to see them all hang publicly to ensure this never happens again. They have been warned by many they are in violation of international law and they continue anyways. Justice should be swift and far reaching in this case. All lying media, politicians, "health officials" and talking heads who took money to push this agenda must hang asap.

Kris Kulchisky (Spruce Grove, 2021-10-04)


It has been obvious for more than 18 months that we have not been being told the truth. Now the truth about the gain of function research funded by the CDC through Wuhan labs in China.

John Allender (San Jose, 2021-10-04)


I am signing because I can understand that all COVID-19 measures are based on the unproven and not standardized Drosten PCR Test based on his creation of SARS COV2 on a computer at the Charite University of Berlin, Germany.

Gregor Beck (Rouleau, 2021-10-04)


I find the murder of innocent people when they could have been treated with existing medications to be a terrible crime against humanity.

SHAME ON anthony fauci! SHAME ON bill gates! SHAME ON joe biden for forcing untested "vaccines" on humanity! SHAME ON THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT! may their names be forever stained by this murder!

Joseph Alexander (Syracuse, 2021-10-04)


Som za urychlene odsudenie covid teroristov

Tomáš Rapaič (Soblahov, 2021-10-04)


I'm signing because I believe every person has sovereignty over their own body and must be free to choose whether to accept or reject ANY intervention.

Chris Wessels (Wamberal, 2021-10-04)


The humanity and human rights cannot be supressed.

Alena Kolarikova (Trenčín, 2021-10-04)


I agree with Dr. Fleming.

Jan Ruis (Rijswijk, 2021-10-04)


Crimes against health and personal freedoms should by governments are wrong and should not be hidden behind false means

Paul Newman (Cheltenham, 2021-10-04)


I am signing this because these perpertrators need to be held accountable for there crimes againts humanity. Its time for justice to prevail.

BRIDGETTE CASSADY (Carlsbad, 2021-10-04)


I would like my voice to be added to those who want to know the truth and shout it from the house tops!

Juliana Books (Hellertown, 2021-10-04)


I have lost my freedom to live a normal life because I refuse to accept a novel experimental injection which does not meet the criteria for a vaccine, for an illness which does not statistically qualify as a pandemic.

Irene Moreau (Thouarsais Bouildroux, 2021-10-04)

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