Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity
It is of utmost importance that governments and powerful corporations can be held to account. Expert opinions are being censored and suppressed. As a citizen, it is now very difficult to know what information is correct, and what information is not correct. Our rights to form our own opinions, based on factual information is hugely important. It is clear from the politicisation of this issue, that we need an independed court that retains integrity in its purpose, to review and investigate the evidence put to it. Please, I implore you, as a concerned citizen, to accept this request to investigate, and to ensure impartial scrutinity of the information provided. Our democracy, can the life of our loved ones, depend on it.Gertrud KEAZOR (London, 2021-10-05)
There is no informed consent with these experimental shots, and everyone coursing people into taking them is just as guilty as those administering it.James Kubli (Springfield, 2021-10-05)
Our rights are being infringed upon and this overreach of government is creating a divide amongst friends and families, as well as small businesses being squashed. How has this gone as far as it already has? If it doesn't stop here, where will it stop?Tess Hannah (Maple Ridge, 2021-10-05)
Forced vaccinations are a crime against humanity.Pat fahy (Melbourne, 2021-10-05)
I support this investigation into criminality committed by governments and global authoritiesUrvashi Singh (Durban, 2021-10-05)
I believe a person should have the freedom to choose what medications, & or vaccines are put into their bodies. These vaccines should not be forced. The flu has been around forever, and has killed millions, but we always had the CHOICE to take it or not. America is about freedom; remember home of the free. They’re trying to steal our right to choose. They have stolen our freedom in so many ways already.Coleen Wrobel (New Rochelle, 2021-10-05)
For the future of my children.Michael Quigley (Sydney, 2021-10-05)
Crimes against humanity...Juan Ortiz (San Juan, 2021-10-05)
This is medical tyrannyMelinda Czuleger (Rolling Hills, 2021-10-05)
Covid looks to be a manufactured disease and that planned fro a long time ( fauci dossier and s much more). It s was contrived so we get gene therapies that are dangerous and also for very Orwellian control to come aboutthomas mitchell (Goonellabah, 2021-10-05)
I do not agree with any restrictions and vaccine passports. I don't agree with the mandatory vaccine because there isn't any long term data showing its safety. I dont feel the risk of injury from the vaccine outweighs getting covid for my family including children. I believe this is inciting violence/hate and dividing pple along with completely disconnecting all humans from eachother.tamara sanford (Anola, 2021-10-05)
I believe in what you are doing to stop this genocide.Michael Aronoff (Salt Spring Island, 2021-10-05)
I have learned some history and see the worst parts happening all over again. The lies, corruption, coercion, discrimination, censoring free speech, forced medical procedures that are mandatory and forced (if you wanna eat and have basic security). $$ is flowing to the worst people in the world by the Trillions, leveraged away from innocent taxpayers around the world. Gov officials paid off, Media spewing propaganda, Churches and pastors being attacked (but not many other religions but Christian) and on and on! Uttar Pradesh state curing covid with Ivermectin? HCQ plants were destroyed the moment it came out that it worked! We're not all docile and stupid "worthless eaters" like the adversaries we face think! There's like 20 treatments available and the profilactic regime I use has worked great for my hospital frontline job. Canada was corrupt before, now it is a totalitarian regime like most countries now. Thank youErik Dogniez (Prince albert, 2021-10-05)
I believe in the Fleming Method!Anya Burnham (Laguna Hills, 2021-10-05)
These people are global murderers sanctioned by the UNand WHO.Mike Anticich (Christchurch, 2021-10-05)
Jeanine Ireland (Plano, 2021-10-05)
I am hoping this includes the poison injections that are being mandated and the health and lives it is responsible for. Bill Gates, Fauci and others need to go to jail and their crimes need to be exposed.Tiffany Trone (Kearns, 2021-10-05)
I am signing because I believe in the U.S. Constitution and freedom. Myself and my children deserve health choice and religious freedom. No person or country should be able to force inject you or take away your right to work and pursue happiness. We must stand together for our future.Sarah Klaeser-Fernandez (Manassas, 2021-10-05)
They need to be identified and prosecuted as traitors.Sandra López (Vega Baja, 2021-10-05)
The rule of law MUST be upheld so justice is satisfied in these crimes against humanity. Mandating medical procedures of drugs without informed consent is against the law and an attack on human rights. People should and must be held accountable for their actions.Daniel Schuh (Battle Ground, 2021-10-05)
I am a law professor and alternative medicine physician. My expertise comprehends biological immunity, statistics, international law, U.S. constitutional law, and criminal law.I understand the legal and medical considerations that expose the flagrant humanity-threatening criminality of pharmaceuticals firms’, governments’, non-government-organizations’, and business entities’ forcing or attempting to force individuals to submit to Covid vaccines.
The vaccines are worse than ineffective. They effect the opposite of infection-prevention. Already the vaccines have caused much serious health-harm and death — and ENABLED Covid infection and transmission. Vaccine mandates have impoverished and destroyed the liberty of millions.
The Covid-vaccine-crimes eclipse the “medical” experimentation crimes committed by Nazi criminals. The Covid-vaccine-crimes threaten possible genocide — surely obliteration of the personal liberty of many millions and an unprecedented advance of tyranny.
Leonard R. Jaffee (Beaverton, Oregon, 2021-10-05)
Considero que están cometiendo un genocidio con tratamientos genicos experimentales.Joel Valencia Hernández (CDMX, 2021-10-05)
Investigation is needed.Bob Degnen (Woodside, 2021-10-05)
What has happened worldwide , especially Australia where we have had the longest lockdowns,are crimes against humanity,all involved in the atrocities need to be held to account.Michelle Bradley-Smith (Heyfield, 2021-10-05)
We need to get this to court very soon.I fear for the world in 2022 if not.
John Kalin (Vancouver, 2021-10-05)
I consider all this of Covid 19 is just the beginning of the World Plan to make all humanity slaves. This was all a lié which has made thousands of People suffer all round the World and now they are continuing with the vaccination and the green pass. Again they are enslavering us.Ivonne Azarola (Montevideo, 2021-10-05)
There must be justice in the world and the guilty must be held accountable.Kimberley Voss (Taree, 2021-10-05)
We need to save our world from psychopaths.Wendy Bright (Lambton Shores, 2021-10-05)
The so-called Covid disease is NOT caused by a virus. This pandemic has been manufactured by those who profit from the vaccines.People going to the hospital for flu, pneumonia, or even panic attacks have been labeled as having “Covid” and placed on a deadly hospital protocol. The deaths caused by the pandemic are the result of the NIH-mandated hospital protocol which involves sedating patients with heavy synthetic opioids, inducing them into a coma in order to intubate their lungs and place them on ventilators. In addition to the ventilators, the patients are given a cocktail of toxic drugs and Remdesivir. Remdesevir is a chemical that damages the kidneys and the liver.
This hospital protocol has been the actual cause of deaths but falsely attributed to a virus. In addition to this being a mandatory protocol for the treatment of Covid, hospitals and doctors have been financially incentivized to use this procedure to treat anyone who is PRESUMED to have Covid.
The PCR test does NOT detect an infection; a PCR test only detects and amplifies genetic materials. PCR test can never detect the presence of the whole virus. The presence of Covid genetic material happens randomly in all populations. At the start of the pandemic, the CDC instructed doctors and hospitals to place all patients who are “ PRESUMED “ or assumed to have Covid on this NIH hospital protocol.
The NIH hospital protocol originates from the Director of NIAID (Allergy and Infectious Diseases department) of NIH. Through his role of a government official, and the billions of dollars of taxpayer money he receives every year, the Director of NIAID of the NIH has pushed, coerced, manipulated, feared, and pressured society into taking an injection that has myocarditis, blood clots, nerve damage, heart attacks, strokes, and death as side effects.
FDA was aware of these side effects (and many more), it nevertheless allowed authorization of these toxic injections. Synthetic genetic materials do not belong in the human body. We have already seen the dire consequences of injecting synthetic chemicals and genes into human bodies.
Any entity that has created fear, pushed, and mandated these so-called vaccines has committed a crime against humanity, and anyone who has assisted these entities is complicit in their crimes.
Sha Tahmasebi (Los Angeles, 2021-10-05)
The rats need to be held to account and to pay for the deaths and misery caused by their liesEric Matthews (OLDHAM, 2021-10-05)
I am signing because I want my rights and freedoms restored as this covid rubbish is false.Gerry Baerken (Golden Square Victoria 3555, 2021-10-05)
FIRMO porque es un genocidio lo que están haciendo en contra de la humanidad y deben ser detenidos.José Carreras (Punta del Este, 2021-10-05)
These people need investigated and prosecuted because all of our human rights are being neglected and we must stop these crimes against humanity!!Travis Legate (Cedar Rapids, 2021-10-05)
In spanish :Están violentando, derechos a la humanidad, libertad
Forzando a la población a vacunarse, un ejemplo muy claro, la empresa para la cual laboro envió un memorándum diciendo :
Qué teníamos hasta el 15 de octubre para enviar pruebas de que estamos vacunados o si no nos despiden sin derecho (nos amenazan con quedarnos sin trabajo y sin el pago de vacaciones, aguinaldo y otros)
Eleiser David Barrantes Mendez (San José, 2021-10-05)
They are killing peoplePenny Harkey (Bethalto, 2021-10-05)
There has been a litany of lies re the whole Covid situation. The draconian & mandatory rules imposed on people, especially in Melbourne, & Victoria, Australia have been done so on false premises. At no time have the people been shown the medical evidence requiring such measures & at cost of losing their only employment, people are required/mandated to get an experimental jab or novel gene therapy. The virus is not novel; the supposed vaccine is!Heather Young (Beaconsfield, 2021-10-05)
I am opposed to government mandates that usurp my own body autonomy and free choice.Lynn Bensy (GREENSBORO, 2021-10-05)
Justice must be served. It is a crime to violent we the people ! Bio weapons are being release, my friends family members are dead because of this bioweapon.Val Garcia (Tucson, 2021-10-05)
I'm signing because of the shocking rates of death and life threatening injuries from these 'vaccinations'.Millions across the globe have been bullied into taking an experimental medical treatment that has never been tested on humans. Yet the vaccine companies are totally exempt from any liability for death or injuries.
The World Health Organisation and other major government health bodies such as the Centre for Disease Control have been exposed as receiving the majority of their funding from the pharmaceutical industry.
Politicians across the world are now being investigated for claims they accepted millions in bribes to push these 'vaccines' on their populations.
The long term implications of these experimental 'vaccines' may be mass death from Antibody Enhanced Dependency, widespread infertility and chronic ill health in all remaining participants.
Heart attacks up are 25% and teenage deaths are up 47% and deaths among teenage boys is up 63% in countries where the 'vaccine' has been aggressively pushed.
The 'vaccine' rollouts have coincided with sky-rocking rates of severe covid infections in every country. At this stage 80% of people dying from covid are those who were fully vaccinated.
This 'vaccine' rollout is the worst global disaster since World War II.
I not only support this legal action. I also support the reinstatement of the death penalty for all those found guilty.
Delia Scales (BRIGHTON, 2021-10-05)
I support believe the COVID-19 virus is engineered to create a pandemic and effective and cheap treatments have been suppressed in order to create a vaccine mandate upon the whole world.Aaron Thoroman (Antonito, CO, 2021-10-05)
I want my kids and my grandkids and so on, to have the freedoms that I did growing up. We need to SAVE ANERICA!Kali Hardman (Herriman, 2021-10-05)
Its something i strongly support and believe in 100%Janet Casey (Henley on Thames, 2021-10-05)
Iam extremely concerned about forcing these experimental drugs that they call vaccines on people who are at low risk from the virus. I am appalled that they are vaccinating children who are at more risk from the vaccines.I am concerened because informed consent is not possible, that the codes of ethics are being broken. Early treatment with safe effective drugs is not allowed in many places, while being extremely successful in others. Many people have died and are still dying from denial of early treatment. I could go onDinah Franklin (Nanaimo, 2021-10-05)
i desire the originators ofthe covid virus and vaccines
be brought to justice
Tom Brown (Simi Valley, 2021-10-05)
The mentioned subjects are truly comitting a crime against humanity and they have to be stopped.Corina Thelen (Herzogenrath, 2021-10-05)
I am signing this petition because the government has committed crimes against humanity by falsely declaring a state of emergency over a common flu season and for mandating deadly vaccines when govt knows they kill.Rosaria Kezic (Perth, 2021-10-05)
I am signing this petition because the government officials, medical leaders, hospital administrators, and doctors that perpetuated this scam plandemic are guilty of murder for their dangerous vaccine and for the deadly treatments with murderous protocols and drugs that they used which further added to thousands of deaths, and the did it all for money knowing all along they were killing people for profit.Gene Robinson (Dallas, 2021-10-05)
Crimes against humanity are being committed, it needs to stop & accountability/justice served.Silver Quinn (PG, 2021-10-05)
We’ve been lied to about the safety of these vaccines, they are being pushed on us unlawfully.We know there are safe options out there and the vaccines clearly don’t work nor are they safe
Morgan Hamp (Auckland, 2021-10-05)
Justice is due.Kim GRANT (Cardwell, 2021-10-05)
Because i truly care for the health, liberty and freedom of choice for my fellow humans, especially my two toddler sons.Yanrick Dupras (Riverside-albert, 2021-10-05)
I have researched about Covid and the Covid "Vaccines" ever since this crisis began. I am convinced that all involved with these evil actions have committed horrible Crimes Against Humanity, and I think that the evil that they have done, and are still doing, must be stopped immediately to save as many as possible. I believe that what they have done must be thoroughly exposed and taught now and to future generations, and that the guilty must be held accountable so as to hopefully prevent such from ever happening yet againMary Robinson (Salem, 2021-10-05)
I support the rights I was born with.Theresa Freestone (MARKET RASEN, 2021-10-05)
These criminals need to face justice and very quickly before more lives are lostColin Lister (Narre Warren South, 2021-10-05)
I agreeAK Roy (Saint John New Brunswick, 2021-10-05)
It is proven that crimes against humanity are happening and the people responsible should be tried in a court of law and held responsible!Cheryl Uphill (Port Moody, 2021-10-05)
Freedom from tyranny!Ana W (St Albans, 2021-10-05)
The violations of human rights treaties and crimes against humanity.Zachariah Witham (Las Vegas, 2021-10-05)
Covid vaccines are a scam. Its all an agenda. Nit the benefit of MankindAlexander Lewis (Warrington, 2021-10-05)
The tyranny has to stop. The jabs are maiming and killing too many people and those complicit in crimes against humanity need to be arrested and punishedCoreen Lecocq (Richmond Hill, 2021-10-05)
Freedom of choice is my constitutional right and I have the right to excercise it.Talanie van Huyssteen (Cape Town, 2021-10-05)
I’m signing this petition because through the whole time of pandemic there is a constant abuse of human rights from the governments, politicians and mainstream media and misleading information are given to people which create fear and panic and allow the above mentioned entities to manipulate people in mass which in turns leads to collapsing economies, health cares and segregation. In the near future we will see more poverty and suffering of many people on this planet because of this.Ing. Andrea Groholova (Kežmarok, 2021-10-05)
Criminal misuse of medical procedures.John Scales (BURPENGARY, 2021-10-05)
This has to stop and we need to get our fundamental human rights back.Malin Spencer (Alicante, 2021-10-05)
for justice, transparency and an end to tyranny and evil secret cabalsJeffrey Harding (Perth, 2021-10-05)
We must never give up freedom of choiceAlan Almond (Perth, 2021-10-05)
I’m signing the petition because I love this world and I love my family !Marta Chytchian (Toronto, 2021-10-05)
As God is my witness, let justice be done.Ruby Merrick (Nottingham, 2021-10-05)