Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Pravda a spravodlivosť zvíťazia.
The truth and justice will win.

Marian Ročiak (Bratislava, 2021-10-05)


I'm very concern by the problem

Jean Daniel FOSSOUO SASSUM (Bafoussam, 2021-10-05)


These people and companies have forced Medical procedures upon people in direct violation of their Human Right of Bodily Integrity.

Owen Hooper (Orange, 2021-10-05)


It is criminal to use biological agents on the population of the world and then sell them a vaccine that does more harm.

Chris Kotze (Eendracht, 2021-10-05)


I believe that health is a value and everyone is responsible for their own health. No institution should have the right to enforce rules regarding the health of our children. No one should bully children into wearing masks and undergo tests to serve the interests of others. Nobody should sacrifice our children for the future.

Roman Křapka (Bečov u Mostu, 2021-10-05)


These crimes against humanity have to STOP.

deborah humphryson (gloucester, 2021-10-05)


I agree......

Dušan Kasan (Limbach, 2021-10-05)


Chci vrátit svou osobní svobodu a chci, aby viníci segregace ve státě byli souzeni a odsouzeni.

Ludmila Otřísalová (horní bojanovice, 2021-10-05)


Podpisujem preto že sa obávam zavádzaniu novej ideológie podobnej fašizmu, alebo komunizmu. Táto nová ideológia nepripúšťa, odsudzuje a v niektorých prípadoch aj trestá opačné názory. A to sa dialo a deje vo všetkých diktatúrach.

Daniel Parák (Abrahám, 2021-10-05)


This is the most disgusting act of demonic evil I never even thought was possible

Edward Zurek (Sydney, 2021-10-05)


I believe that the presented agenda with covid is false in its core. The totality is rising and we must stop it. In my country there are fake news about covid in hospitals spread by the government and official media.

Ján Mojžiš (Banská Bystrica, 2021-10-05)


I am signing because I support the human rights.

Ján Dudáš (Rozhanovce, 2021-10-05)


ako neočkovaná už mám dosť diskriminácie

Alica Krupeľáková (Košice, 2021-10-05)


Som proti násilnému očkovaniu detí experimentálnymi neoverenými tzv.vakcínami !

Mária Rozbrojová (Komárno, 2021-10-05)


I am signing because I was alive when the Nuremberg Codes were signed & I cannot bear
to watch my neighbours suffering death & maiming unnecessarily, while governments lie,
calling this experimental therapy " safe &
effective " ! Genocide was a crime then &
continues to be one today !
Act now, without fear or favour !

Robert Skappel (Daceyville / 2032, 2021-10-05)


Súhlasím s peticiou

Miroslav Sklenár (Červeník, 2021-10-05)


I am signing because I strongly disagree with the goverments action regarding the force of the unsafe (human trial) covid 19 vaccination!!

Heidi Harrison (Marlesford, 2021-10-05)



Mária Honíšková (Koplotovce, 2021-10-05)


I am disgusted at these crimes against humanity and want the perpetrators held fully accountable.

Stephen Humphreys (Mangerton, 2021-10-05)


Global corporatism and collusion of government is blatently disgarding accepted forms of democracy in a concerted desperate effort to transfer biotechnology into human beings without their full knowledge as quickly as possible. This is the 'act now, ask forgiveness later' approach of sociopaths wreaking havoc worldwide in systems, families, and general well-being of humanity! Scientists have looked what is in the vials and there are bioengineered chimeras as well as smart dust. Human beings have been conditioned through films and tv to believe that this kind of technology is not as advanced as it is and have cognitive dissonance when presented with the reality of what has already been developed and patented in the biotechnology industry incuding Dwave, smart dust, quantum wave genetics, chimera research, deepmind, and kindred technologies. Who will stop them? This has become a spiritual matter due to the pronouncements that 'humanity must evolve.' Some of us want to stay organic. We are asking YOU to help humanity NOW!! It is a matter of life and death spiritually, emotionally and physically for all humanity to investigate and stop this tyrannical plan to poison and change humans without their full knowledge and consent. Please help!!

A.A. Tracy (West Saint Paul, 2021-10-05)


No me gustan los experimentos, ni las dictaduras

Sara Tomatti (La plata, 2021-10-05)


I believe covid 19 was a plandemic created for financial gain.

John Luis (Brampton, 2021-10-05)


This is a crime against us all.

jamie cronin (Gordon, 2021-10-05)


Crimes against humanity and must be stopped

Marina Arnold (Peterborough, 2021-10-05)


Podporujem preto, lebo súhlasím s predkladateľom petície.

Ľudovít Halač (Dolné Vestenice, 2021-10-05)


Bol na mne spachany trestny cin natlaku, pocas nudzoveho stavu!

Marek Fľak (Košice, 2021-10-05)


Som presvedčený že človek podľa zákonov vesmíru alebo ak chcete boha ma žiť na planete zem ako slobodna vedomá ľudská bytosť a nie ako otrok slúžiaci malej skupine ľudí ktory si myslia že im na zemi patri všetko od nerastného bohatstva až po život človeka a že ony su vyvoleny aby vládli a rozhodovali o evolúcii a ďalšieho smerovania zeme ako celku.

Tibor Lapos (Torysa, 2021-10-05)


I believe in justice in this world

Marcela Koščová (Michalovce, 2021-10-05)


stop this madness and judge the corrupt people

Deseau Sylvain (Viala du Tarn, 2021-10-05)


I m signing this petition because it is about time that the Health Tyranny which was unleashed on the world since March 2020 must end now. The agenda was clearly never about a public health issue. We are witnessing the gradual descent into a TOTALITARIAN world. It is not a world that will be worth living in. Maybe that is the goal ? The so-called vaccine agenda is nothing more than a tool to gain the control over a world population where the majority are suffering from Mass Psychosis induced by Governments and mainstream media. It is about time that the lawmakers aend guardians of the world stood up to be counted and start the required actions to bring thsi nightmare to an end. The ICC has a duty to act and needs to take decisive action NOW before it is too late.

Pete Jones (Woking, 2021-10-05)


We live in a world controlled by demonic forces, where evil, immoral thugs enslave the gullible and uniformed goons protect the globo, pedovore elite psychopaths, their bought political hos, lying presstitutes and whited sepulchers some imagine to be their spiritual leaders and not the devils they so obviously are. Stop the covaid$ genocide and execute the responsible. Nuremberg 2 must happen and happen soon.

Tony Dillon (Berlin, 2021-10-05)


This crime against humanity has to be stopped!

Birgit Bellmann (Saarbrücken, 2021-10-05)


People who have been complicit need to be brought to justice for some of the worst violations of Rights.

Lindy Barker (St Albans, 2021-10-05)


I am appalled at the corruption of the people who should be keeping us aafe

Kate Smiley (Rockdale, 2021-10-05)



Azizan Asna (sungai petani, 2021-10-05)


World should be a better place NOT WORSE!!!!!!! We want to keep the rest of our already limited FREEDOM!

katerina Rosi (prague, 2021-10-05)


I'm signing because the atrocities and tyranny that is being mommitted against the citizens of Australia and the world needs to stop and stop Now.
Our FREEDOM is not a Privilege it's our RIGHT...!!!

Mark Shal (Newcastle, 2021-10-05)


For real freedom and truth.

Peter Zachar (Čierna Lehota, 2021-10-05)


I’ve spent a lot of time in military service and to not stand up for freedom is unthinkable.

Nathan Newport (Kansas City, 2021-10-05)


It’s have to stop this tyranny

Suzie Guillemette (Montréal, 2021-10-05)


I'am signing by this.

Adela Vrablecova (Velke Levare, 2021-10-05)


I'm signing because of my kids and all the kids around the world.

Vesna Brčerević (Kladovo, 2021-10-05)


Podpisujem, pretože zločiny proti ľudskosti je potrebné čo najskôr zastaviť, aby sa obyvateľstvo nášho štátu nedostalo do trvalého otroctva triedy kapitalistov.

Dušan Hirjak (Snina, 2021-10-05)


Im signing because of the lack of transparency and the one sided reporting in the media and the fact that there are alternative medicine to treat this flu but we are hearded like sheep into a fear campain to make all submit to a vaccine that dosent protect you. It is a crime against all humanity and it must be exposed and those responsible must face justice.

Peter Atchison (Nhulunbuy, 2021-10-05)


Because evil needs to be eradicated

Brian Connor (Glasgow, 2021-10-05)


I'm signing this because of the atrocities commited to UK citizens by UK goverments through media, mind control and an experiment vaccine that has and is causing catastrophic illness and death.

Clive Riley (Barry, 2021-10-05)


Accountability for power greedy extremists

Tahnee Lee (Melbourne, 2021-10-05)


Por justicia y para que salgan la luz la verdad y haya un altavoz a otras opiniones científicas que son censuradas sin argumentos científicos.

Honorio Lanchas (Urun, 2021-10-05)

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