Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity
It’s time for this madness to Stop! Criminals Must be brought to Justice!Denise Russell (Alabaster, 2021-10-05)
THE TRUTH IS HOLY.Daniel Gabriš (Hlohovec, 2021-10-05)
We need justice! This has to stop!! Free the world of evil!!!Amanda Floyd (Soap lake, 2021-10-05)
This is true and happening. These people need held accountable for their crimes against humanity.Laura Hindle (Paisley, 2021-10-05)
The 'vaccines' have not undergone full scale trials, are a new technology (gene therapy), we are therefore the trial subjects (mostly unknowingly). The injections do not prevent infection or transmission of the virus (Leaky non sterile vaccines) and injected trial subjects become a factory for furthur immune eacaping variants.The injections have toxic elements, unidentifiable ingredients, and are causing massive amounts of deaths and adverse reactions.
The Roll-out planning authorities know this, the manufacturers know this, which then constitutes massive incompetence in safety terms or willfull intent.
A crime against humanity!!
Mark Leslie (Basel, 2021-10-05)
Evidence shows that Covid 19 was man made and patented which makes it a bio weapon and the injections that are being given all over the world without informed consent is killing many many people.Sharon ODonnell (Lawrenceville, 2021-10-05)
I´m sure, this is very an important document.Marian Pochaba (Bratislava, 2021-10-05)
Fuck the vaccination genocide!!!Vladimir Zotoff (Saratov, 2021-10-05)
The evidence to support these charges is incontestable, and these people must face what they have done, so this can never happen again.Barbara Shepherd (Surrey, 2021-10-05)
I believe this Covid 19 has been and is Criminal in nature and threatens those that don’t complyhelen britton (Ft Lauderdale, 2021-10-05)
Por los daños wue han generado las inoculaciones. Por no haber informado a las personas sobre estos riesgos. Por implementar este plan desestimando otras soluciones que se comprobaron efectivas contra el covid. Por considerar que esto es un plan genocida. Por complicidad de todos los gobiernos y medios de comunicación masivos. Porque me indigna que se consideren seres humanos. Y porque se tiene wue terminar con estos genocidas.Diana Wainstein (C.A.B.A., 2021-10-05)
Huge numbers of people around the world are being killed and injured by these novel "vaccines", with the approval of governments, when alternative and safe treatments for Covid-19 are being prevented from being used. Now our children are being affected.Jeremy Bowler (Skelmersdale, 2021-10-05)
If we do not stop it now, it will be to late!Hans Peter Haener (Pasay City, NCR, 2021-10-05)
The future of Humanity and natural, organic life is at stake - no delay in commencing the fullest investigation by the ICC can be permitted.Andrew Donovan (HATHERDEN ANDOVER, 2021-10-05)
I am worried about the scale of corruption and medical apartheid globally and and also the tyranny waving through our freedomDerek Blackett (Glasgow, 2021-10-05)
I want those committing crimes against humanity to be tried and punished if found guilty.Linda Burns (Surprise, 2021-10-05)
This medical crimw against humanity must be stopped.Long Vh (Singapore, 2021-10-05)
I am saddened by the level of absolute duplicity to coerce everyday people to acquiesce to an agenda that has everything to do with control and nothing to do with their health or best interests.Jon Toward (Gateshead, 2021-10-05)
The measures taken on a global scale since March 2020 against a virus under cover of a declared ‘pandemic’ need to be investigated also on a global scale, and those responsible for directing and enabling the measures need to be held to account.Alice Anderson (London, 2021-10-05)
I am signing this because I am sick of the governmental BS and the lies told to the people...Bill Gate himself announced that now people are being vaccinated, we should start to see a 10% drop in the world population!!! WTF who make him God! This is all wrong and NEEDS TO be stopped.. A PM in parliament spoke to the house regarding the yellow card system and the reported vaccinated deaths reported NOT the non vaccinated people that was first claimed. Have they stopped it....NO fell on deaf or death ears in the house while they try to roll out their poison to our children now.....Shameful.Steve Cassidy (Boughton Nr Faversham Kent, 2021-10-05)
those who have perpetrated this most horrific genocide on the peoples of the world must be held accountable and pay for their crimes....those who have suffered so egregiously must be recognised in their suffering... and where possible must be compensated... the world must make sure that such monstrous horror is never allowed to find breath againcarole herbert (coventry, 2021-10-05)
I would like to see the criminals of this COVID-19 Bio Weapon brought to justice.John Hampton (Irving, 2021-10-05)
I am signing this petition because I am appalled that the medical community does not seem to be able to make a decision about what is the best for their patient without external pressure from the government. I believe this vaccine offers me little protection against Covid 19 and risk of side effects of the vaccine outweighs the potential benefit in my instance.Shane Earle (Walker, 2021-10-05)
Stop covidplane.Miroslav Korman (Rabca, 2021-10-05)
It must be stopped and those responsible brought to justice.Kirk Beres (New Smyrna Beach, 2021-10-05)
....this is the most important matter to fight since ever.Carmen Reisinger (Hersberg, 2021-10-05)
I am concerned about the erosion of our civil rights and the government intrusion into our personal lives.Donald Prifti (Philadelphia, 2021-10-05)
I have the right to not take an experimental vaccineTerry Perkins (Rockwall, 2021-10-05)
For the future of Humana raceLukáš Londák (Myjava, 2021-10-05)
Evil can never go unpunished!Gary lopez (ST PETERSBURG, 2021-10-05)
This evil has to stopped and these people need to pay for what they have done.Pauline Lancaster (Workington, 2021-10-05)
I am signing this petition because I cherish my freedom and life in general and we should not have been suppressed and numbed by criminals in the name of tyranny.Therefore I’ll support anything in order of bringing justice and people who are accountable for this situation must be investigated.Anna Toporova (Winsford, 2021-10-05)
Crimes against HumanityLukas Kiener MD (Küssnacht am Rigi, 2021-10-05)
I am signing due to the science not matching the mandates and the withheld information regarding the vaccines ingredients as well as the adverse event and death data reports.Eric Penney (Chattanooga, 2021-10-05)
I am in disbelief about what the governments all around the world are doing to their own people 😢Paula Binnington (Harrogate, 2021-10-05)
SúhlasímJán Jurčo (Chorvátsky Grob, 2021-10-05)
We cannot stand on the blindside any longer.Anthony Whites (Cape Town, 2021-10-05)
I’m signing this because my medical freedom is being stripped of myself and my kids. Children cannot speak up and it’s important for parents to understand the push behind these vaccines. Covid is not being spread through our children and the vaccine has shown side effects from the adults who have gotten the shot. There has not been enough testing for children to receive it and it’s experimental. The government and media has blatantly lied about the Covid 19 numbers and continues to call this a pandemic which it is not. There needs to be some push back and some advocating for the people who are choosing not to receive the shit instead of being forced and if we don’t comply we loose our jobs and now have to somehow homeschool our children. This plandemic has gotten out of control and we demand some type of normalcy and for the people who are instigating these ridiculous mandates to be held accountable for what they are really trying to do.Bristol Prieto (Irvine, 2021-10-05)
The leaders of this crime against humanity should be brought to justice - Nuremberg style.Doug Clark (Hubert, 2021-10-05)
massive failure of humanityMilan Lukáč (Nitra, 2021-10-05)
TomkováJaroslava TOMKOVÁ (České Budějovice, 2021-10-05)
What is going on right now regarding mandatory vaccines and censorship in crazy. I fully support this effort to hold to account, those responsible for this carnage.Jerolyn dolan (San francisco, 2021-10-05)
I feel my human rights are under attack and I feel my life is in mortal danger due to the language used by leaders around the worldJoseph Page (Medina, 2021-10-05)
Known facts in the light of the applicable international law surelly warrant the criminal prosecution of all who attempt to institute the illegally coerced mandatory vaccinations against the "covid-19" and in any case against all those who have already done so including all those aiding and abetting it to the full applicable extent of the art. 25 and including all persons exempt from immunities by the art. 27 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court for at very least the crimes under its art. 7/1/f, particularly as extended under the second clause of the art. 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.Jan Zeman (Prague, 2021-10-05)
United we stand for our God given FreedomsTheresa Beecroft (Denmark, 2021-10-05)
I'm signing because,as Dr Zelenko and several others have stated, we are living right now through a worldwide programme of genocide, of de-population. We who are awake to what is happening, need to hold to account those who are instigating this programme, and let them know they will,one day, be answerable to the truth and be exposed for their evil doings.Martin Phillips (Bristol, 2021-10-05)
A nivel mundial no se ha realizado una acción concreta para parar las medidas fascistas y violatorias de los Derechos Humanos más elementales de la Humanidad. Una dictadura Sanitaria mundial donde descaradamente se está dañando la vida, la salud, la economía, la libertad, etc. Y donde los Organismos Internacionales de Derechos Humanos callan y no toman acciones, es inconcebible.Eudes Valverde Chinchilla (San jose, 2021-10-05)
They all need to be brought to justice for the crimes against humanityLynette Booth (Bolton, 2021-10-05)
Signing this petition as the harms being done across all sections of the population are increasing, not improving after 18 months of societal restrictions and experimental 'vaccines'. Deaths are going UP not down. Members of the public cannot stand by and watch this unfold without recourse to the justice system. Does this system serve the people or Big Pharma and Big Tech?Catie Ather (Manchester, 2021-10-05)
Poznám ľudí, ktorí po očkovaní majú trvalé následky a ŠÚKL ich odmietol zverejniť, kvôli zlej reklame na vakcináciu a tiež mi zomrel sused hneď po prvej dávke od spoločnosti Pfizer. Ďalej odmietam aby sa ľudia delili na dve skupiny (očkovaný,neočkovaný). PS: Niektory lekári odmietajú ošetriť pacientov, keď niesú očkovaný alebo OTP, čo malo za následok úmrtie malého 5 ročného chlapca. Týmto cirkusom sa šliape po ústave SR.Martin Novotný (Spišský hrušov, 2021-10-05)
People need to be held accountable for their actions. This farce has gone on long enoughMike Kingston (Carlisle, 2021-10-05)
Freedom is not free but must be vigilantly fought for.Eileen Toplansky (Union, 2021-10-05)
This will be final battle of the humanity against slavery.Yashar Shabestari (Spikkestad, 2021-10-05)
Súhlasím s uvedným podaním na Medzinárodný trestný súd.Mária Hlavatá (Bratislava, 2021-10-05)
People should always question what they are being told to believe as fact, especially when the facts are continuously changing. Moving the goalposts is a tactic used by individuals who reside within a false meritocracy in order to manufacture relevance so that they retain their current position or escalate further up the hierarchical structure within their false meritocracy as opposed to adhering to a hierarchy of competence. We question things and have open discussions in order to promote cooperation of the competent, and limit stultification from holding onto poor pratices and adherence to bad information.David Minski (Warren, 2021-10-05)
I strongly believe an investigation needs to take place into the mandate push for these vaccines and why they are being enforced despite our human right to choose what we have injected into our bodies. Why our inalienable rights are revoked through loss of freedom to travel and work for not complying to the corrupt governments demands to get this vaccine.Rebecca Meddings (Bournemouth, 2021-10-05)
I've had enough of these criminally insane CEO's or Criminal Enterprise Operators profiteers getting away with global mass murders and intentional genocides from their dangerous and out of control criminal practices. Millions are dying and suffering, this has to STOP NOW!Robert Csiki (Laval, 2021-10-05)
Estoy firmando porque se han cometido crímenes de lesa humanidad y quiero que se investigueRicardo Daniel Tommasi (Villa Carlos Paz, 2021-10-05)
It’s outrages that people taking these vaccines without being properly informed and these governments don’t even bother to consider other options how to stop this. So need to be held responsible for ignorance and held fully accountable for genocide they committing .Vaiva Balakaite (Leiston, 2021-10-05)
Creo que en nombre de la llamada pandemia se han cometido delitos contra la humanidad, se han usado métodos de restricción de libertades ilegales, han habido castigos colectivos a poblaciones enteras (formosa - Argentina por ejemplo) y se ha violado reiteradamente el código de Núremberg en todos los países.El origen del virus debe ser esclarecido y todas las acciones de los gobiernos juzgadas para que aquellos que obraron por fuera de la ley paguen por sus crímenes.
Rubens Machado (Chuy, 2021-10-05)