Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity
These people need to be held accountableMick Howie (Glasgow, 2021-10-05)
This is pure tyranny when a known medicine like ivermectin works, we don't need an experiment jab when we already have medicine that kills it. This was all a plandemic to depopulate.Terry O'Genski (Cayley, 2021-10-05)
Nobody should get away with causing this much harm. The world is at its tipping point.Robert Simpson (Hamilton, 2021-10-05)
Ešte verím, že všetka spravodlivosť nevymrela...Miroslav Slosiar (Tvrdošín, 2021-10-05)
These people have acted against our human rights. This is world’s biggest illness and nobody have to stand this anymore! It have to stop right now!!Terhi Tehiranta (Tampere, 2021-10-05)
This the greatest atrocity to ever occur on this Planet. The people involved are the absolute worst that humanity has, one would argue they are not human as they obviously have no Soul and need to be brought to account for their crimes against humanity.CHRISTOPHER GOATCHER (Banbury, 2021-10-05)
I want to know the truth for myself and those I love. I want vulnerable people, especially children, to be protected and kept safe from harm. May we all live in peace and freedom, in a just and democratic society.Dr Sarah Goode (Coventry, 2021-10-05)
I'm signing because it is clear that covid policies have been created in order to benefit interested parties in spite of the evident harm they are inflicting on the people of the world.Nicholas Bamber (Bandar Seri Begawan, 2021-10-05)
This is an orchestrated attack on humainty in the name of science, yet science is being disregarded, manipulated to suit BigPharma's needs and purposes and ignored by government officials. The rush with which the powers that be are operating to impose medical decisions on adults and especially children, no matter their individual health status, wishes, choices or concernns is appalling and frankly untrustworthy. Being coerced and forced to take medication that could alter your life forever with no accountability on anyones part is a crime against humanity. Mengele would rejoice at what is going on in the world right now and would be proud of every single one of the people who stood by and let this go on.Ruxandra Balulescu (Brașov, 2021-10-05)
I'm singing because we need to find the truth and people want to be free again. Let the real science shins!!!Inmaculada Peñas Domingo (Humanes de Mohernando, 2021-10-05)
I cannot live in a world where politicians and unelected civil servants are unlawfully passing illegal laws to restrict our God given Human Rights and coercing us to engage in medical treatments i.e. mask wearing & experimental injections without informed consent for a suspected virus with a 99.9%+ survival rate, these are crimes against humanity on a global scale that must be stopped and the perpetrators held accountableJustin Lawlor (Dublin, 2021-10-05)
I agree with the charges after 5 months of research uncovering the truth!Martin Smith (Boltom, 2021-10-05)
It is time to end with fascism, fake pandemic and crimes against humanity. It is necessary to arrest all criminal government and lackeys of pharmaceutical companies. We are in front of the golden era and there's no place for those criminals.Peter Horňák (Michalovce, 2021-10-05)
Covid19 is based on medical and statistical fraud and driven by fear, coercion, propaganda, money and conflicts of interest with the vaccine industry.So, covid19 is neither a pandemic nor a public health emergency, making the response to covid19 not only the biggest crime against humanity but also crimes against creation itself!
Roshan Bhunnoo (Kent, 2021-10-05)
Za pravduMária Slosiarová (Tvrdošín, 2021-10-05)
Millions of Good People have lost their livelihoods due to mismanagement. People all over the world list sovereignty over their own medical treatment choices and that of their children.Jacqueline Quinn (Mesa, 2021-10-05)
Podpisujem v záujme skutočnosti upevnenie ludskych prav a slobôd a ochrane ľudských práv a slobôd a v záujme ochrany práva k slobodnému rozhodovania sa jednotlivca v spoločnosti .Potvrdzujem , že slobodne dávam informacie o svojej osobe a podpisujem túto petíciu .
Svojim podpisom splnomocňujem Richarda M. Fleminga, PhD., MD, JD na odovzdanie informácií, ktoré poskytnem v tomto formulári, osobám, ktoré majú v tejto záležitosti právomoc .
Alexander Sury (Bratislava, 2021-10-05)
I believe this is genocide.Scott Queen (Overland Park, 2021-10-05)
Podepisuji, protože zločiny proti lidskosti jsou v dnešní době nepřijatelné !!!Václav Žáček (Moravská Třebová, 2021-10-05)
This crime has continued to allow the injury and death of the worlds citizens. This will go down as the worst crime in history, far beyond what Hitler or Stalin did. Those responsible need to be held accountable.Geraldine Price (Courtenay, 2021-10-05)
The accused are committing genocide.Adrian Ford (Grays, 2021-10-05)
Because everything about Covid and the handling of it is wrong. Children’s development social and emotional affected badly by this lockdowns. Cancer patients been missed. Discriminating Covid passports that have no purpose only to control people as Covid vaccines don’t stop you getting Covid or passing it on. How many deaths and serious side effects is enough that are been caused by this vaccines. All Covid vaccines are still in experimental stages so why are people been threatened with losing their jobs home and denied medical care if they don’t take them. Why are governments going against doctors and vaccines experts and giving this to childrenHelen Tyrrell (Dublin, 2021-10-05)
I agree it is a conspiracy against mankindFarouk Abdool khader (Durban, 2021-10-05)
This madness must end and the truth must be revealed.Chris Galbraith (Bangor, 2021-10-05)
Crimes on humanity have to stop now!Debra Caesar (Tucson, 2021-10-05)
Because it's time to put the end to this madness and make the ones responsible for this to face the consequences.Lenka Sjoblom (Sodertalje, 2021-10-05)
I'm signing this petition,as crimes are being committed against law abiding people.The results being our human rights have and are being taken from us without our consent and we are suffering.Danny Stevens (GLASGOW, 2021-10-05)
I believe that the indiscriminate pushing of these dangerous, experimental so-called vaccines to adults and children, where in almost all cases their very limited, alleged benefits bear no relationship to the known and unknown risks they pose, is a crime against humanity and must stop.Margaret Anne Murgatroyd (Leeds, 2021-10-05)
Someone has to pay for farce and human sufferingMaria Kewley (Liverpool, 2021-10-05)
The coordinated medical tyranny of powerful individuals, corporations, and governments needs to stopJeffrey Wildeman (Calgary, 2021-10-05)
I have a family member who died 3 days after the vaccine due to blood clottingMichael Syder (Cleveland, 2021-10-05)
Supporting good cause to prevent anybody from acting against the law without facing the consequences with collateral damage.Marian Kuban (Brno, 2021-10-05)
STOP KILLING PEOPLE !!!!Mary Ann Gonzales (Carrollton, 2021-10-05)
The people responsible for creating this Covid non-event of an epidemic supported by the factual evidence of simple # of cases per population; for continuance of the inoculation which is Not a vaccine but rather a provable bio-weapon, for all malfeasance by any and all medically responsible persons need to be held responsible.Frances Barnes (Deepwater, 2021-10-05)
JusticeIrene Kondostanos (Wingham, 2021-10-05)
The vaccine killsSelena Littlefair (Whanganui, 2021-10-05)
We are killing people with covid vaccines and on top of that causing life-long ailments.Katina Avrilionis (Santa Rosa Beach, 2021-10-05)
ALL of the controls, restrictions and now forced vaccinations we are being forced to live under, match both the 7 stages of Brainwashing/Torture AND the 10 stages of Genocide! This has to STOP. NOW! God is watching.Andrew Foster (Sheffield, 2021-10-05)
I am 100% with you. What is happening is criminalCatherine Keane./ (Borehamwood, 2021-10-05)
Súhlasím, že vírus SARS-CoV-2 a experimentálne vakcíny sú úmyselne vytvorené biologické zbraneLadislav Bohunický (Trnava, 2021-10-05)
Ésto hay que pararlo YA!!!PATRICIA MUÑOZ (ALCOY, 2021-10-05)
I want to support freedom.Tomas Kalco (Fiľakovo, 2021-10-05)
I'm signing because those responsible need to be held accountable.Sonya Wolfe (Albuquerque, 2021-10-05)
Hold leadership accountable.Eric Prewitt (Arnold, 2021-10-05)
People are dying, and injured people are getting no helpKaren Mcgarr (MUSSELBURGH, 2021-10-05)
These criminals should be brought to justiceJenny Hicks (Stratford upon Avon, 2021-10-05)
The truth must be told, those guilty punishedGillian Jackson (Ratoath, 2021-10-05)
I'm signing because ACTION must be taken regarding the seriousness of the situation.Deann Nelson (Jamestown, 2021-10-05)
What the governments are doing with this fake Pandemic and poisonous vaccines is an atrocity beyond imagination. They are killing millions in an attempt to bring in the New World order and depopulate the Earth. All who participated need to be held accountable.Pam Giesler (Cabot, 2021-10-05)
This has gone on too long.Kevin La-Rose (Toronto, 2021-10-05)
Not since the 2nd world war has the world witnessed such a coordinated assault by well placed criminals on humanity. They need to answer for their crimes.Mehran Sharmini (London, 2021-10-05)
I'm signing because I believe that talking the covid shot causes me to take part of the trial of a "vaccine" which I do not want to be apart of, as it can cause a number very serious side efects, and interferes with one's own immune system. I also could not make an "infromed choice" because only the posative information has been provided and all information critical of the vaccine is suppressed, which is unethecial.Shirley Hirst (Newhaven, 2021-10-05)
People are dying. CHILDREN are dying. Because of the vaccines fir Covid. There are other safe treatments that have been wrongly discredited. The agenda is horrifying. Nazi Holocaust springs to mind. This MUST be stopped fir humanities sake. PLEASE save the sovereign humans of this beautiful planet. Do the right thing.Helen Egan Watling (Norwich, 2021-10-05)
It's is the right thing to bring justice into this atrocity of withholding sound medical treatment from anyone.Susan Carter (Springfield, 2021-10-05)
I'm signing because there is ample evidence compiled by medical and scientific experts to prove that current Covid "health measures" such as experimental gene therapy "vaccines" are killing and injuring more people than have died from Covid-19. This clearly qualifies as a Crime Against Humanity.Arthur Joyce (New Denver, 2021-10-05)
ChildrenWayne Smith (Wanganui, 2021-10-05)