Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



It’s time for lies and corruption to stop.

Silviu Costin (Bristol, 2021-10-05)


I have been made aware of the possible criminality of the behavior of the names listed in the petition and agree an investigation is needed.

Joanne Dunn (Glendale, 2021-10-05)


Souhlasím s úplným vyšetření všech zločinů, které byly a jsou páchány na lidech a potrestáním zločinců.

Dana Varghová Hloušková (Hradec Králové, 2021-10-05)


I am fed up with this genocide

Thomas Buchi-Parr (Frome, 2021-10-05)


Loži Ladislav

Ladislav Lozi (Sala, 2021-10-05)


I am signing because I do not believe that the vaccines are tested, required or safe.
Even for adults who think they are making an informed choice. Leave the kids alone! They are not guinea pigs.

Margo Mckinlay (Edinburgh, 2021-10-05)


Va siendo hora que la justicia se pronuncie ante el horror que la especie humana esta padeciendo. Por favor pongan fin a esta locura.

Mario Cruz (Mata, 2021-10-05)


I’m signing because I support truth.

Elaine Butler (RODE, 2021-10-05)


The governments of the world have created a fake narrative to bully the population into taking a dangerous compound. One that has proven to be fatal to thousands. The results of deaths are being ignored by governments

Robert Reavley (Haltwhistle, 2021-10-05)


Podpisujem, pretože je potrebné čo najskôr zastaviť nielen testovaciu fázu vakcín proti ochoreniu Covid-19 na ľuďoch, ale aj šikanovanie a nátlak spojený s očkovaním a testovaním asymptomatických ľudí.

Mária Vidová (Bratislava, 2021-10-05)


Freedoms are inalienable an paramount.

James Thornton (Springfield, 2021-10-05)


my fundamental human rights and freedoms are being violated

Jaroslav Babík (Spišské Podhradie, 2021-10-05)


It has to stop!

Tom Amaning (Barcelona, 2021-10-05)


COVID-19 vaccines and mandates are a threat to human health and safety. Children must be protected.

Jason Buckley (Seattle, WA, 98119, 2021-10-05)


I'm signing because I believe my personal right to decide medical procedures for my body is being violated. As a federal contractor I am being un-willingly coerced into taking (what I believe to be) an un-safe mRNA or Viral-Vector Vaccine or loose a job I've held for thirty-two years.

Leslie Drake (Carpinteria, 2021-10-05)


Cause,that is very important!

Daniel Dávid (Bratislava, 2021-10-05)


The scumbags responsible for creating virus, imposing lockdowns, masks, experimental gene therapy injections, vaccine passports, deaths and suffering.

Oleg Zadnipryany (Vancouver, 2021-10-05)


I am disgusted by the abuses of power and the lack of guilt for the crimes committed.

John Harrison (Fleurines, 2021-10-05)


In support of the hours of work putting together the evidence and because I believe in what they are doing.

Ian Jarvis (Birmingham, 2021-10-05)


This crime against human beings must STOP.

Sharon Rojas (Boerne, 2021-10-05)


Podpisujem, pretože súhlasím s každým, kto túto genocídu zastaví

Katarína Holubová (Trakovice, 2021-10-05)


Crimes against humanity, lies and poison.

Camilla Petersson (Miami Beach, 2021-10-05)


Because this needs to stop

Lee McCourt (Lanark, 2021-10-05)


I want the truth to prevail

Marcial Pereira (Mirassol, 2021-10-05)


Podpisujem, lebo to čo sa deje na celom svete, ale hlavne na Slovensku je nemorálne a je to už potlačovanie ľudských práv. Chceme len normálne žiť a nie aby sme boli šikanovaný, ak sa nechceme dať testovať a očkovať. Neverím vakcíne ktorá bola rýchlená. Chceme normálne dýchať, bez nejakých handier, rúšok a respirátorov na dýchacích cestách. Ak by to bolo teraz už tak strašné, ak by asi ľudia odpadávali na uliciach. Zdravý ľudia sú testovaný a chorý musia sedieť doma bez liečby. Lekári nedodržujú Hippokratovú prísahu. Neboli ošetrený pacienti s inými diagnózami. Boli odložené operácie, vážnych diagnóz. To je už týranie ľudí. Je to proti prírodným pravidlám. Nenarodili sme sa s ničím na ústach ani na nose, ak by sme sa mali báť. Možno zomreli ľudia aj taký ktorý by zomreli si o niekoľko mesiacov neskôr. Teraz idú postaviť covid zomrelým pamätník, kto kedy postaví pamätník ľudom ktorí sa nedostali k rýchlej zdravotnej starostlivosti alebo operácii? Nedajme si brať práva, nedajme si očkovať detí a naše vnúčatá. Ten kto toto spôsobil, ale aj tí ktorí toto spôsobili a podporovali majú byť trestne stíhaný, lebo porušili práva ľudí a šíria strach, aby mohli ovládať ľudstvo.

Ingrid Štefanová (Vranov nad Topľou, 2021-10-05)


Stop the genocide

Andy Foster (St helens, 2021-10-05)


For our rights and freedoms

shelly hachey (saint john, 2021-10-05)


I am signing this petition because it is the right thing to do. It is the only thing to do. I am shaken to the core at the heinous crimes against humanity that have been committed with the Virus bioweapon and so-called killer vaccine. I personally know people who have died and/or been debilitated from the vaccine. The economy is being destroyed and so many people are losing their jobs. This is pure evil.

Karen Rajan (Silver Spring, 2021-10-05)


It is the right thing to do for my children and grandchildren

Rose Russell (Oregon, 2021-10-05)


The world needs truth. People need to live free in their choice regards their health and the children of the world need protected against government pressure.

Julie owenson (Midlothian, 2021-10-05)


Nesouhlasím s kovidfašismem, chci chránit naše děti.

Ester Návratová (Nový Jičín, 2021-10-05)


#CrimesAgainstHumanity must be stopped.

Jaclyn Ward (Cork, 2021-10-05)


Justice for crime against humanity

Maria Sili (Chicopee, 2021-10-05)


The people who have enabled this evil on humanity need to be held accountable. We need to stand up for our human rights or we won’t have any very soon.

Trish Gonzalez (Newcastle, 2021-10-05)


Iam signing because I believe it. That's all.

Martin Weis (Prievidza, 2021-10-05)


I’m signing this petition for the good of mankind. The truth must be revealed and shared for a peaceful movement towards a better, happier and healthy life x

M Kakouris (Malvern East, 2021-10-05)


I want a better life for my children and grandchildren.

Robert Hale (Easton, 2021-10-05)


I'm signing because any crime committed against my fellow man and myself should never be tolerated in a free and caring world. People are mostly caring, unless you are a psychopath and unfortunately there are many of these people making decisions and in positions of power.

Anna White (Sudbury, 2021-10-05)


Justice needs to be served.

Peter Dawson (Chorley, 2021-10-05)


Je ne veux pas me faire injecter ces "thérapies géniques" ! Je veux être libre, maître de mon corps !

Francine Constantinides (St Mitre les Remparts, 2021-10-05)


The dangers of the Covid-19 injections are being hidden and the ingredients kept secret. They are experimental using novel technology and people are being misinformed with regards to their safety. Informed consent is essential when being given medication, particularly experimental medication, and this is not possible with these injections. Tens of thousands of people have already died, millions injured, and over the years, given the poison nature of the jabs then many more will die.

Rebecca Farnham (New Holland, 2021-10-05)



Mario Ruc (Trnava, 2021-10-05)


I am a Retired Paramedic and I cannot stand by and say nothing while crimes against humanity are perpetrated. I implore you to take action immediately to save humanity and her children against this tyranny!

Jo Newell-Martell (Halifax, 2021-10-05)


All Life is Beautiful
No one group or individual has the right to exalt themselves to the point that they can destroy others with impunity.
It is now time for those in positions of power to enforce justice as prescribed in numerous international and national agreements to those who violate the sanctity of life. I pray that justice is served

John Petersen (Norwalk, 2021-10-05)


There needs to be accountability for these atrocities

Zarko Sarin (Shellharbour, 2021-10-05)


Nous devons tous nous battre pour la vérité.
Merci au Docteur Fleming et à ces milliers de médecins dans le monde, qui ont le courage de faire entendre la voix de la raison, de la sincérité, et de la bienveillance dans un océan de propagande et d'inhumanité.
Nous gagnerons car nous ne pouvons que gagner.

Marie LE BARS (Paris, 2021-10-05)


I feel that Corruption, Deception and crimes against humanity by governments to the people should be held to the highest punishment by Law and even the Death Penalty.

Shane O'Brien (London, 2021-10-05)


Because of my personal beliefs and history to not repeat its self.

Marisa Zatorsky (London, 2021-10-05)


chlebák vincent

Vincent Chlebák (Borský Svätý Jur, 2021-10-05)


Our governments are clearly violating the Nuremberg codes of Morality and Ethics concerning these masks and lock down measures when no gov. has ever proven they have isolated any covid-19 SARS-2 virus to enact these lock down measures on.

Joe Renaud (Edmonton, 2021-10-05)


I signing it because it is right and I am against any violent vaccination

Jozef Varga (Košice, 2021-10-05)


Because I know what I would have done had I lived in Germany in the 1930's.

J. Eric Brandt (Old Bethpage, 2021-10-05)


I refuse to be on the wrong side of history.

Kaleb Ortner (Jackson, 2021-10-05)


The destruction of human rights by governments via unproven claims of pandemic has destroyed my life and is slowly smothering children around the world. I was fired because I refused to take a mandated vaccine in violation of common law and my sovereign right to protect my body and honor my faith. I do not consent to a reset that diminishes humanity and dooms children.

Carol Lewis (Dobbs Ferry, 2021-10-05)

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