Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity
There is no virus, there is no vaccine... only a potion, which will affect everyone's lives who have had it. The people in power everywhere need to be accountable for everything in this massive, worldwide scam, and justice must be done.Kev Tucker (Frome, 2021-10-05)
I am signing this petition against those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against HumanityChantal Attia (Paris, 2021-10-05)
I’m horrified by what is going on. I have had no faith in the NHS for quite a while, but I cannot believe that world leaders are enforcing mass genocide in the name of Health. Pure evil!Sarah Ashmore (Crawley, 2021-10-05)
I believe we're being incarcerated publicly and against our will. Our basic freedoms are being taken away and the quality of our lives hampered. The biggest sin mankind can commit is saying/doing nothing against evil .Randal Davis (R.Davis, 2021-10-05)
This Is A Criminal Act being Perpetrated on the worldMatthew Bale (Perth, 2021-10-05)
Quiero que se revele la verdad del COVID19Ramon Terriza (Almeria, 2021-10-05)
As a PhD, I've researched this exhaustively and fully believe giving these EUA vaccines without informed consent as to all the risks to be a violation of The Nuremberg Code and constitute crimes against humanity.Allison Fitzpatrick (Lauderdale Lakes, 2021-10-05)
Stop the inoculations!Puchy Grato (Ibiza, 2021-10-05)
Freedom is our rightChristine Mckay (Melbourne, 2021-10-05)
Ide o zdravie a doslova o životy! Niet dôvodu čakať!Aktualizácia 2022: Aj tí, ktorí strkali hlavy do piesku, tvárili sa, že nevidia, nekonali, keď konať mali, pôjdu na zodpovednosť.
Margaréta Príbojová (Levice, 2021-10-05)
My great-grandparents were murdered in concentration camps. My grandparents fled Europe and fought every day of their lives so that I could be here today.This is the least I can do to honor them and thank them for surviving to give me life.
I thank all those involved from the bottom of my heart for your courageous efforts to hold to account those that are committing genocide once again.
I love you very much and I know my ancestors are watching from above and feel the same way.
Thank you,
Tara Ezer
Tara Ezer (Hollywood, 2021-10-05)
its my body, my choice!Emma Earle (Philadelphia, 2021-10-05)
um genocidekent stadler (leduc, 2021-10-05)
after WW2 the nazi's came to the U.S. through operation Paperclip to begin anew their onslaught on the USA. It's high time to take these bastards down.mark foote (Burnside, 2021-10-05)
I'm signing this because of the crimes against humanity and the violation against the ConstitutionJoe Perez (Longmont, 2021-10-05)
I'm signing this because I'm fed up with the obvious misrepresentations, distortions and outright lies about Covid, and the pro-vaccine propaganda; I'm fed up with the censorship of doctors and scientists who question the official narrative; and, I suppose, I'm signing because I recently read The Nazi Doctors by Robert Jay Lifton, and I find the parallels so horrifying that it gives the promise "Never again" new life and meaning in my nightmares.Adam Crown (Ithaca, 2021-10-05)
I have grandchildren that I care aboutWilliam McClurg (Peoria, 2021-10-05)
I love freedom. There is no accountability for government's wrongdoing, and those hiding in the shadows playing God.Humanity matters.
Karol Pek (Acton, 2021-10-05)
Me posiciono en las files del bien contra el mal en esta guerra que han declarado a la humanidad.Dolores Collantes de Terán Alonso (Tortosa, 2021-10-05)
I'm signing this petition because this murderous assault on all Life needs to cease now.We, Human Beings, need to Unite in Love and Peace to return Abundance, Love, Peace, etc. back to our Planet.
Thank you.
Irucka Embry (Nashville, 2021-10-05)
This has to stop, it is a crime against humanity to lock us down, take our freedoms, and force unsafe vaccines on us, all for a virus only marginally worse than an average flu that has an average age of death over 70.David Capes (Singapore, 2021-10-05)
Criminals should be prosecutedDmitri Stepanov (Bonnet Bay, 2021-10-05)
The freedoms we all enjoy today, are given to us from the brave men and women who fought to preserve those freedoms from tyranny. Many paid the ultimate price to protect those freedoms and rights. It is everyone's responsibility to continue the fight to preserve and protect our freedoms for future generations. We are presently faced with the threats of tyranny once again. It is our duty (my duty) to do all that is possible to defeat and punish those who commit crimes against humanity.Dalton Catchpaugh (Granby, 2021-10-05)
Mandating experimental drugs or operating systems cloaked as "vaccines" is illegal and unconstitutional. Any sane human will not be participating in this fraud.Angela Brown (Bell, 2021-10-05)
I expect laws to apply to all not just the low hanging fruit.Dean Diaz (Fox River Grove, 2021-10-06)
You are doing great work.Leslie Bahre (Canton, 2021-10-06)
The human race depends on it.stephen pownall (ibiza, 2021-10-06)
You think you are God, but He is in control of YOU, and you will not be happy to meet Him when you die.Jeff and Ann Klein (Savannah, 2021-10-06)
People all over the world are being manipulated, deceived and injured through biological warfare, a staged pandemic, and experimental vaccines which are now injuring and killing more people than the virus.Grace Young (Napa, 2021-10-06)
Es imprescindible procesar judicialmente a todos los cargos politicos de Spain, de todas las localidades, incluidas las pequenyas, por haber impuesto confinamientos, mascarilla obligatoria, cierres, prohibicion del derecho de reunion y asociacion, y otras muchas violaciones de los derechos humanos.Luis Rivas Alvarez (Granada, 2021-10-06)
I want responsible person to pay for destruction and death in our society.Katarzyna Siakasiya (Dublin 18, 2021-10-06)
These are crimes against humanity. It goes against the Nuremberg Code. Already, employees have been fired and in New York City, they are unable to receive E.I. - healthcare workers who worked for 18 months during covid, tossed onto the street. "Quarantine" camps are being funded in many countries. The unvaccinated are unable to socialize, shop in most places, travel, etc. I cannot believe government officials are pretending this is legal. It goes against international human rights. Vaccinated can spread the disease - how can this lie go on?Zoe Alexandra (Toronto, 2021-10-06)
I an not a guinea pig for drug companies that are exempt from being held accountable for their productsChris Cormier (Colorado Springs, 2021-10-06)
I’m signing because these so called vaccines are dangerous and in some cases deadly and in many cases injurious to people receiving them. Yes. Crimes against humanity. It is that definitely.Ruth Doerr (Stratford, 2021-10-06)
Justice must be served to those that know they are harming/killing people with this lethal jab!!!!Niki Woodfield (Wellington, 2021-10-06)
Our world has been turned upside down, where now good is evil and evil is good. People are losing their lives, mobility, livelihoods and children to this evil being perpetrated by our government. This must stop. In prayer and solidarity, Diane EasleyDiane Easley (Phoenix, 2021-10-06)
nobody should be forced to inject a vaccine or anything like that against their will, and they should not be excluded from the System either for that. Otherwise, a criminal act is being committedEzequiel Cacciatore (Buenos Aires, 2021-10-06)
It's become apparent that multiple govts are using their citizens as test subjects for a gene therapy shot that never passed animal trials. The only way to have it tested on humans was to create the narrative of a deadly virus. Furthermore, It is illegal to force people to use experimental medicine for a virus that has never been isolated.Ann Newman (Monroe, 2021-10-06)
The US govt and its allies have committed crimes against humanity by forcing people to take an experimental vaccine without proper informed consent. They have also created a pandemic when none exists just to test their gene therapy shots which have killed hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. Those responsible must be punished.John Alava (Harriman, 2021-10-06)
I want to see justice served.Brian Abt (Baltimore, 2021-10-06)
This is an outrage and needs to be stopped.Lisa Wilkinson (New Hope, 2021-10-06)
I work in healthcare, and I'm so tired of seeing Drs blindly follow the FDA, AMA, CDC etc. They need to wake up and if I can help by signing this, then I will!Julie Streeter (Goshen, 2021-10-06)
I'm signing because the perps should not be allowed to get away with the crimes on humanity... nor hop out of politics now & receive huge pensions ie NSW Australia Premier when she has committed crimes whilst misleading the public on Covid vaccinations.Barbara Naylee (Hervey Bay, 2021-10-06)
The data all suggest that many governments of the world are conspiring to harm their citizens with forced experimental vaccination programs. The motives for this harm are unclear, but the effects are documented. They must be held accountable and stopped.Joshua Hayes (Georgetown, IL, 2021-10-06)
I believe criminal behavior needs to be prosecuted.Rick Seidner (Vail, 2021-10-06)
I have lost enough, my 19 year career and soon home.I have lost friends and family. I will not be coerced any longer.
Tracy Vandendriessche (Calgary, 2021-10-06)
I have acquired (recovered from Covid) immunity and am being discriminated against. So are many friends and family members.david riley (Surrey, 2021-10-06)
These criminals need to be seen to be held accountable globally for their crimes against humanity!Crown NoName (Rockingham, 2021-10-06)
I believe that it’s justifiable to prosecute the people responsible for the crimes that have been committed against all mankind.Daniel Costanzo (Milwaukie, 2021-10-06)
The SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus was a man-made biological weapon - AND released onto the world. The so-called, 'vaccines' are the subsequent resulting MASS EXPERIMENT on humanity as a BEST case scenario. But even potentially, a PLANNED 'excuse' to depopulate the global population of humanity, via the route of 'vaccines' - as expressed by William Gates himself.Daniel Margules (Richland, 2021-10-06)
After having Covid and recovered from a government “Gain of function” research- THe US is making it mandatory for me to keep my job to get a shot—using corrosion and publicly isolating, blocking my right to life.Mike Cook (Vancouver, 2021-10-06)
I am supporting this petition because these unprecedented crimes against humanity must be investigated and stopped by the International Criminal Court to the UN, and the individuals responsible held accountable!Gisela Kolb (ALICE SPRINGS, 2021-10-06)
Nuremberg II Trials Must Be Created And This Time Made Legal And Fully Legally Binding Law, And Enforced In Order To Prosecute Every 1 Of These Evil Soulless, Empathy-Less Psychopaths Sociopaths And Sycopaths / Sycophants Behind This Evil COVIDIOT-1984 Death Cult Realm-Wide Human Being Depopulation $camdemic, And Every 1 Of Their Mindless Barely Human And Non-Human Goose Stepping Violent Thuggish-Terrorist Followers, And Put Them Away Forever, Or To The Gallows And Guillotines They Go . . .Thorough Justice Must Be Dealt Out To All Behind This Evilness, And To Their Monster Followers For Every Human Being Who's Already Died, aka Been Murdered, aka Been Genocided By The Deadly Death Jabs, And All To Go The Same Route Soon . . . ;-0
This Is Why The Nuremberg Codes Must Be Redone, And New Codes Created And Implemented, This Time Fully Legally Binding Laws In Every Nation With Actual Real And Karmic Teeth . . .
Way Too Many Evil Soulless, Psychopathic Mass Murdering Demented Nasty Nutzy Nazis Got Scot Free Away From Justice And From The Firing Squads And Hangman's Nooses 76 Years Ago Like ᛋᛋ War Criminal Wernher Von Braun, And His Fellow Evil Genius Fascist Rocket Scientists Who Were Illegally Criminally Taken Here Via Illegal-Criminal Operation Paperclip After WWII, Wherein They Were Installed Into The Fledging CIA, And Then Into NAZI-NASA And Everywhere Else In High Places In This Government, And Now We Are Seeing Their Evil 7 Long Decades Planning And Plotting Handywork, And Their Evil Spawn Of Evil Children's Handywork Which Must Be Stopped Cold And Hard This Time . . . ;-(
James Evans (Clovis CA., 93612, 2021-10-06)
I'm signing because I want the people responsible for the current state of forced lockdowns, masking and experimental vaccines to be held responsible and prosecuted.Rahman Hyder (Bogor, 2021-10-06)
My body my choice!Kathleen Drummond-Hay (Toronto, 2021-10-06)
There is evidence based treatment and prevention of Covid-19 such as Iveemectin that is both safe and effective. Therefore we do not need to force the so called Covid vaccines onto people. They are neither safe nor effective. Financial investment in the vaccine program is an unacceptable reason to continue knowing the harm to people from both the vaccines aswell as withholding lifesaving treatment protocolsPriscilla Sharpe (O'Halloran Hill, 2021-10-06)
The world is turned upside down just because a few people decided it for rising a destructive power. Humanity is in danger. We all need help now and demand ethical justice against that prevarication.VALERIE, Simone, Andrée DUCOUSSO (VENDEUVRE-SUR-BARSE, 2021-10-06)
My spidey senses are tinglingSteven Baggs (Waratah, 2021-10-06)
No one deserves to be experimented on with drugs that are unnecessary.Lisa Lutrario (West Warwick, 2021-10-06)
Thies criminals have to face justice, and the people need to se justice been carried out. Otherwice we are all lostNina Holm Johansen (Balle, 2021-10-06)
Dr Fauci should be in prison along with his wife!Lynn Nicoletti (Tucson, 2021-10-06)
If we don't stop this runaway train, the younger generation is going to condemn us and I cannot live with that future. This scientific dogma that is being pushed all over the world needs to be cracked open with a bomb of common sense.Lauren Deery (edgewater, 2021-10-06)
I'm signing because the vaccine mandates are illegal, unethical, immoral, and contradictory to God's given natural immunity to such diseases. Nobody should be forced, coerced, pressured, intimidated, or strong-armed into taking a potentially life-altering "vaccine".David Ringley (Warner Robins, 2021-10-06)
Tyranny is here and must be stopped.Deborah Smith (Saint John, 2021-10-06)
I don't want people's freedom taken from them for not following the rulesHayley Barker (St Albans, 2021-10-06)