Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Signing because these needs looking into urgently. Too many corruptions going on here including the PCR test and the suppression of medicines that work against Covid19 including Ivermectin

Suzy Swift (Southend, 2021-10-06)


No new world order is necessary.. get rid of bankers and fiat currency and go back to bartering for goods ..... we lived that way for centuries.

Emmanuel Zoumas (Sydney, 2021-10-06)


Si vis pacem, para bellum!

Vlastimil Kováčik (Trenčín, 2021-10-06)


I believe and have read the proof myself.

Kimberly Sirico-Hamel (Holbrook, 2021-10-06)


I live in Melbourne the longest lock down city in the world. The lies and blackmail by the premier Daniel Andreas to force vaccination is unacceptable. My husband had to get vaccinated or lose his job. Thanks to the communist criminal Daniel Andrews and CHO Brett Sutton.

Alison Roode (Melbourne, 2021-10-06)


chcem aby konecne skoncilo toto divadlo a aby politici boli brani na zodpovednost a isli sediet,lebo to co sa tu deje by sa mi ani vo sne nesnivalo ze take nieco je vobec mozne

patrik repko (spisska nova ves, 2021-10-06)


I do not believe in the jab and refuse to get it. I don't like the idea of using human lives as guinea pigs. It's costing people their lives.

Kathi Derrow (Leo, 2021-10-06)


It’s about time all of these criminals were brought to justice and it should not stop with just these countries as this is a world wide problem

Richard Milnes (Malaga, 2021-10-06)


There is so much greed and corruption involved, I am so glad there are brave people taking legal action against it. Signing a petition is easy compared to fighting as actively as Dr. Fleming, Reiner Fuellmich, and many others.

Sherrill Hooke (Klamath Falls, OR, 2021-10-06)


Covid 19 vaccine make me and mine family trouble,loose of mine lover and loose of freedom

Patipat Sirikitjarak (Nonthaburi, 2021-10-06)


I’m signing this because it is totally against the Nuremberg Code to force this lethal injection on anyone let alone innocent children. It is crime

Jill Britten (Albox, 2021-10-06)


Súhlasím s petíciou vo všetkých bodoch

Pavel Jakubčín (Zvolen, 2021-10-06)


Because they want to steal everything about our lives!!

Ionescu Cosmin (Fetești-Gara, 2021-10-06)


I’m signing bc ghose that are in power (Gov? & have reeled the benefits politically & financially need yo pay for there crimes. They have segregated colour ages classes communities & family with fear propaganda about a virus. The majority of humans would survive & communities could continue with their lives if we developed a natural herd immunity to this virus. Opposite to the govt narrative of fear & chemicalgenetic experimentation through cohesion and mandates.

Joanne Barham-Byrne (Currumbin, 2021-10-06)


I agree

Charlotte Richter (Nyborg, 2021-10-06)


This Covid vaccine injection is a crime against humanity.

Melissa Ly (Calgary, 2021-10-06)


I believe in human rights Ánd justice.

Vladislav Bulak (Michalovce, 2021-10-06)


These Covid vaccines i.e. Pfizer, Moderna Jansen and AstraZeneca only have a provisional /emergency licence approved in Australia. Which means we do not know the immediate or long term side effects or contribution to death rates that individuals all around the world including Australia may experience from having these experimental drugs injected into their bodies. Our Doctors are no longer able to prescribe helpful medicines to treat the COVID19 disease which they feel may save a patients life. Our government has decreed what may be prescribed! They are not physicians but politicians. In Australia certain workers have been mandated to take “the jab” or lose their employment. We are no longer a democracy we have lost our human rights! My grandparents and parents are survivors of the 2nd world war. My mother grew up in a Nazi POW camp. What is happening around the world eerily reminds me of the stories I heard sitting on the knees of my grandparents of what it was like to lose all freedoms in the Soviet Union. How horrific the camps were in Germany when they were forced to leave the Ukraine. These were not fairytales but nightmares which have come back to life in what I thought was a “free country” and a democratic world. I am appalled at my government and all governments around the world who are conducting a massive human experiment on as many humans and children as possible. It is evil and against civil liberties and rights. The vaccines do not prevent contacting ot transmitting the SarsCov2 virus. They do not work! This has been well documented by our world scientific communities. We must stop the use of these vaccines immediately.

Natalie Vernon (Wellington, 2021-10-06)


Amit csinálnak, az tudatos népirtás, egy profitérdekelt emberkísérlet,amibe úgy kényszerítik bele az embereket, hogy alkotmányos és emberi alapjogaiktól fosztják meg őket "ösztönzésként",azzal hogy az oltásért cserébe visszakaphatják jogaikat ,és úgy, hogy ezek az emberek nincsenek informálva arról, hogy egy kísérletben vesznek részt,ami nem arról szól, hogy megállíthassák a "járványt"! Ez egy tudatos népirtási program,mert az elindítói tisztában vannak vele, hogy koronavírusok ellen nem lehet tartós immunitást adó oltást létrehozni, ellenben van hatékony gyógyszeres kezelés a betegeknek,de ezt letagadják, eltitkolják,vagy nem engedélyeznek olyan hatóanyagokat,amik hatékonyak lehetnének a vírusfertőzések ellen ! Az emberek életéért a felelősséget vállalni kell mindenkinek, aki ebben részt vett!

Csaba Károlyné Gurabi (Miskolc, 2021-10-06)


The continued disregard for human lives and rights must not and cannot be ignored.

Edwin Phinney Jr (Corsicana, 2021-10-06)


Obvious crime against humanity is happening worldwide.

Jan Holubec (Tawau, 2021-10-06)


This is crime against humanity to force us to be jabbed, wear masks and forced into cruel lockdowns. This is criminal. They stripped us of loved ones, humanity, freedom and democracy. I say STOP IT. They have no say over my body only God has that right and He does not even force me into inhumanity coercion but gives me a choice to choose.

Esther Rabie (Vereeniging, 2021-10-06)


Those responsible need to be tried and hung

Sean Murray (Edmonton, 2021-10-06)


Súhlasím plne s peticiou

Adriana RANDOVÁ (Žilina, 2021-10-06)


These lunatic criminals must be held to account for the harm's they have inflicted on humanity

Deborah Short (Wirksworth, 2021-10-06)


Their actions are criminal and people are dying unnecessarily.

Peter Huge (Carmarthen, 2021-10-06)


My case is also part of this.

Martin Sládeček (Nitra, 2021-10-06)


I believe in informed consent. The Covid 19 vaccines have injured and killed thousands while economical and effective cures are banned. The covid vaccine do not deserve EUA when cures are available! Mandating vaccines are Crimes Against Humanity.

Karol Hansen (Winchester, 2021-10-06)


This false pandemic is premeditated genocide.

Lisa Pritchard (Azle, 2021-10-06)


Debate about this whole pandemic needs to open up. Doctors and scientist around the world know that this virus can be treated but are being shut down for the sake of a vaccine that is neither safe or effective. The proof of that is happening now. Crimes against humanity are being committed and anyone against the narrative is shut down. It’s time the corrupt evil doers were prosecuted.

Janice Cooper (Gateshead, 2021-10-06)


I do not agree with experimenting on humanity, with a proven dangerous source of toxic substances some of which have never before used in 'vaccination', that has killed or maimed world wide, men, women and children.

Bernadette Pickering (Sandy, 2021-10-06)


It’s the right thing to do. It’s time the citizens of the world had justice over tyranny.

Sharne Warren (Bangalow, 2021-10-06)


Pravda zvítězí

Dagmar Příbrská (Hradec Králové, 2021-10-06)


To regain control of our human rights and freedoms!

David Curley (Glasgow, 2021-10-06)


This anti human experimental vaccination, that harms massa's populatiin health needs to be stopped.

Danica Šimková (Nitra, 2021-10-06)


I don't accept the information which has been circulated worldwide relating to the 'pandemic'. Nor do I accept information "PEDDLED" relating to the 'vaccine'. I'm disgusted and disappointed at the level of psychological fear and BULLYING from governments worldwide. This whole issue MUST be investigated.

Patricia Sullivan (Ringwood, 2021-10-06)


I do not believe this.

Igor Miklovič (Skalica, 2021-10-06)

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