Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I do not speak English... It is not possible to live freely in Slovakia.

Ľubica Bystrická (Liptovský Hrádok, 2021-10-06)


Im opposed to medical tyranny and communism.
People who commit crimes against humanity need to be held accountable

Steven skinner (Pepperell, 2021-10-06)


I am in agreement with the positions of Dr. Fleming in regards to the crimes being perpetrated against mankind in pursuit of the Great Reset/global Communism.

Shelley Sample (Amarillo, 2021-10-06)


I'm signing because freedom is the right way.

Brigitte FRANCHINI (Montpellier, 2021-10-06)


l'histoire se répète
la folie de certains hommes comme une contagions qui piétine le vivant.
les hommes naissent libre!

nugues lise (la roche, 2021-10-06)


Vaccines have caused more harm than good, skyrocketing autoimmune diseases, autism, etc vastly overshadows the small decrease in transmissible diseases since vaccines were invented.

Anthony Maresco (Poughkeepsie, 2021-10-06)


Forcing people direct or indirect to get vaccinated with this experimantal substance is a violation of human rights. Vaccination protects the vaccinated, and noeone else. It should never be mandatory for travel or to visit public places. Since vaccinated people can still transmit and /or get infected, the whole concept to send those that refuse it into appartheid cant be justified by any legal means.

I fully support Dr.Flemming, Vera Sharav and the others in this legal case.

Dietmar Schaible (Tübingen, 2021-10-06)


Because what is going on is a crime against humanity!!

Danae Collins (Phillipsburg, 2021-10-06)


I have followed the discussions of Dr Richard Fleming, Dr Reiner Fuellmich, Dr David Martin and many others concerning the colossal fraud committed in the name of Covid and would like to see it dealt with by a tribunal of international standing. Grahame Booker PhD

Grahame Booker (Stratford N5A 4N2 On. Canada, 2021-10-06)


Because I Believe In This Cause.

Georgett Smith (Bethlehem, 2021-10-06)


We the people must stand united against these atrocities. Please prosecute these criminals and stop their crimes against humanity.

Barbara Howe (Kalama, 2021-10-06)


I am not believing in Communism and fascism

Alwyn Carstens (Pretoria, 2021-10-06)


This is so wrong on so many levels.

Christine Campbell (Helston, 2021-10-06)


Za slobodu a pravdu sa musím vždy postavit

Adrian Kovac (Rimavská Sobota, 2021-10-06)


le pouvoir à prit le dessus sur les miliards ... crimes contre l'humanité.

samir boufedji (Paris, 2021-10-06)


I don’t believe the government should have any say as to whether our children get the covid vaccine. There is insufficient testing and overwhelming evidence of serious complications.

Maureen Greenwood (Manchester, 2021-10-06)


É fundamental que esses governos que tomaram as medidas autoritárias e anticientíficas e que favorecem a grupos econômicos e políticos, sejam responsabilizados por seus atos.
A sociedade que preza pela liberdade deve prevalecer sobre o autoritarismo e o despotismo que se anunciam.

Eduardo Laterza (São Paulo, 2021-10-06)


Přeji si čestné a důstojné chování k lidem všech skupin - jednota, rovnost a bratrství, čest, láska, pokora a hrdost.

Jaroslav Jiruška (Rychnov nad Kněžnou, 2021-10-06)


I stand for informed consent, freedom of religion, and bodily autonomy. I and many others like me are being coerced into taking a medical injection against our will. Furthermore, the crimes against humanity are being committed by the multiple health authorities who suppress cheap and effective treatments while promoting dangerous and untested mutagenic injections.

Mykhaylo Golovnya (La Mesa, 2021-10-06)


I want to stand up against Nazi Germany 2.0

Jennifer Hanselil (Jacksonville, 2021-10-06)


it's not a vaccine and it needs to stop

Dominika Szlosarek (Berlin, 2021-10-06)


I am signing this petition because Crimes against Humanity have been committed, en mass.

Susan Frisbie (Grass Valley, 2021-10-06)


These people should be held accountable for the harm they have done to the world. It is pure evil and should not be allowed to go unpunished.

Judy Montgomery (Simpsonville, 2021-10-06)


Pour que les persécutions et discriminations liées au covid prennent fin le plus rapidement possible.

Thiriet Luc (PASSAVANT LA ROCHERE, 2021-10-06)


I'm signing because I'm horrified by such lies

ALAIN BRU (TOULOUSE, 2021-10-06)


The number of people who have been harmed by the vaccines is the most shameful in the history of medicine. The vaccination program must be stopped immediately.

Karyse Day (Swindon, 2021-10-06)


I feel this vaccine mandate violates the constitution & our right to freedom of choice. I belive whole heartedly that these people in charge of this have committed crimes against humanity.

Michelle Speer (Country Club, 2021-10-06)


podporujem Petíciu na Medzinárodný trestný súd v Haagu

Ľubomír Slaninka (Láb, 2021-10-06)


This is a crime against humanity. The virus is nothing more than a flu and we are all losing our rights and protections under the constitution and Nuremberg Code.

Ling Lamb (Niagara Falls, 2021-10-06)


The violators of the Nuremburg Code must be held accountable. The parasites using this "pandemic" to profit off human suffering must be held accountable for their crimes against humanity. The longer the farce continues, the more real the specter of ever-encroaching genocide will become.

Chris Nothstein (Raleigh, 2021-10-06)


I am a physician , a family doctor and Emergency doctor, I believe there is an ongoing plot and genocide against my patients and all humanity.

Mourad Seghir (Tangier, 2021-10-06)


J'ai l'espoir que le TPI rende une justice plus impartiale et objective
que notre Conseil Constitutionnel et le Conseil d'État qui ont contrevenu à la DUDH et au Code de Nuremberg.

Jean-Paul SIBBILLE (Giberville, 2021-10-06)


The politicians need to be all removed and tried for treason, as well as Bill Gates, and Soros

Rory Beatty (CAMP VERDE, 2021-10-06)


Podpisujem pretože to tak musí byť!!!

Roman Magyari (Nitra, 2021-10-06)


I am signing because we must come together to stop this insanity

Cindy Springer (Port Alberni, 2021-10-06)


I'm signing because it's too late for freedom and democracy.

Branislav Novotka (Lehota pod Vtáčnikom, 2021-10-06)


Pro humanity, the truth must prevail!

Eric Tomme (Denderleeuw, 2021-10-06)


It is necessary to know the deep truth behind this called "pandemia"

Salvador Perdomo (Las Palmas de GC, 2021-10-06)


The covid fiasco is an appalling travesty of justice, and it needs to be stopped immediately.

Mikaya Heart (Pahoa, 2021-10-06)


Estoy firmado porque, quiero que se investige a los gobiernos de todo el mundo. Que ellos son complices del mayor genocidio de la historia que se esta cometiendo con la pandemia coronavirus19. Ojalá pronto veamos la luz.

Isabel Alba Melero (Mijas costa, 2021-10-06)


I’m signing because I believe we (all world peoples) are threatened by this war (my perspective- this is WW3). Our nations and values are all being threatened by the elites. They want us taking this “vaccine” (which it is not). Bless everyone who stands against this tyranny. The one and only God is my Lord!



Nous vivons depuis début 2020 dans un chaos bien organisé car bâtis à coup de terreur, de dissimulation, de censure, de manipulations, de mensonges, de désinformations, de toutes sortes et ce au niveau international, au détriment de la santé générale de toute la population, Et de la destruction de toute l'économie. avec toutes ses conséquences désastreuses Avec une perte des droits fondamentaux, des restrictions de libertés, des discriminations, des manques de prises en charge médicale ayant entraînées un nombre élevé de décès, le tout sans aucune justification valable. Pour finir par subir sous la contrainte des injections expérimentales inefficaces, parfois mortelles, très dangereuses pour la santé, et tout ceci dans le but impossible d'éradiquer un virus respiratoire qui ne tue presque personne à l'exception des personnes très malades, très âgées et ayant des facteurs de comorbidite. Il faut faire cesser immédiatement ce massacre et arrêter et juger sévèrement tous les responsables et coupables de tous ces actes criminels exercés à l'encontre des populations.

Martine Bauer (Illzach, 2021-10-06)


Human rights declaration states
Under arrivals 1 to 30 All human beings are born free and equal.
Everyone has the right to be recognized before lore.
Everyone has the free right to thought of conscience and religion.
Everyone has the right to peaceful assembly and association
INTERNATIONAL Human rights lores lays down obligations which states are bound to RESPECT by becoming parties to the international treaties
By Resolution 217a(111).

Shane Billington (Raetihi, 2021-10-06)


I am concerned about public health.

Donna Thomas (Letterston,HAVERFORDWEST, 2021-10-06)


I am signing this petition because I am a mother of a healthy, beautiful and free child and I will do anything and everything to maintain his freedom, health and bodily autonomy.

Samantha Arango (West Palm Beach, 2021-10-06)


I strongly believe this should happen

Paula Adams (Plano, 2021-10-06)


Many governments in my country are coercing an illegal injection Into citizens and violating their rights of consent for the injection. Many thousands of people are being killed and injured from the injection and the government threatens people if they don’t take the shot.

Michael Vert (Benton City, 2021-10-06)


I'm signing because laws are being broken resulting in loss of freedoms, maiming and death. The world will be lost if this does not stop.

K. Christensen (Baldwin Park, 2021-10-06)


This deliberate culling and maiming of humanity must be exposed and stopped now this is genocide and if we don't stop this now , more and more little children will die when exposed to these dangerous shots ( not a vaccine ) .

Joanne mellon (Glasgow, 2021-10-06)

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